Shho means viraz bobi breeding. Boby is breeding. Marvel at the same "Raise bobies" in the dictionaries

Breeding bobies Prost. Iron. 1. Messages empty, bezzmistovny rozmovi; see the balakanina from anything. - And I came to you for a reason, mother, - Olena Evstratyevna said, having lived in the Beloglinsky z tizden ... - So what was the reason? Speak directly, do not break the bobs(Mamin-Sibiryak. Dike Happiness). 2. Robiti is not good for everyone, fool around. “I’m afraid of you,” wrote Romanin, “then, mabut, at the same time you can be recognized in the zagin. Natisnit in Moscow and come ... Kedrin in Minsk, in management. To breed there, yak, boby "(Paustovsky. Unsettled youth). - Porіvnyuchi.: To pass it on with the beanie on the beans, in the singing rank. Little peasants appeared, as I know the charm, - wonderingly, bobs hooted in their caps, sipping a small board on the ground, - whoever wanted bobies bred them: Vikin їkh had three kupki, held out with his fingers і quietly, people; - What, moving, wanting - otrimaєsh(A. N. Tolstoy. Petro Pershy) Lit.: Mikhelson M. I. Russian Dumka and Mova ... - SPb., 1912 .-- T. 1. - P. 60.

Phraseological vocabulary of the Russian literary move. - M .: Astrel, AST... A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

Marvel at the same "Raise bobies" in the following dictionaries:

    raise bobies- say you fools, override your respect in others (Ushakov) Div ... Glossary of synonyms

    boby breeding- (Inosk.) Deceive the stories, like 'in the usual' fortune telling on the beans'; engaging in fools, dulishki to cheat. Por. Kudi wi? “And from me otut, according to the neighborhood, it is necessary to breed bobs; For tea, then I will sleep for you. " Ostrovsky. His dogs are scared ... ... Great explanatory phraseological dictionary of Mikhelson (original spelling)

    boby breeding- my separation of breeding, dummy mov, water in stupi tovkti, balabol, balabol, Tarabara, Pustozvonov, marnosliv'ya, idle talk, idle talk, rhetoric, basikati, tar bari breeding, basikati on viter, talk ... ... Glossary of synonyms

    bobies- s; pl. (Od. Bob, a; m.). 1. Odnorichna herbalist roslina of this. legumes, fodder culture. // Spread. Name the cultivars of kvassol. Bean beds. 2. Population of cich varieties of leaven; I will kill them. At the supper of the b. Solyanka with beans. 3. About l ... encyclopedic vocabulary

    boby breeding- BOB 1, a, M. Tlumachny vocabulary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny vocabulary of Ozhegov

    boby breeding- (nosk.) Deceive with vigados, like with a snake witchcraft on beans; be busy with fools, please swallow Por. Kudi wi? And the axis of me here, according to the direction, needs to be raised; until tea, then I'll wake you up. Ostrovsky. His dogs are afraid, a stranger ... ... The Great Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary of Mikhelson

    bobies- o / w; pl. (Od. Bob, a; m) Div. Tzh. bobove, boboc 1) a) Odnorichna herbalist roslina this. legumes, fodder culture. b) Ott.; rosm. Name the cultivars of kvassol. Bean beds. 2) Fruit cich sorts of leaven; scare them ... Glossary bagatokh viraziv

N. Yu. Shvedova, "Bob")

Get hung up on the beans abo sit on beans(Rosm.) - there is nothing to do with it, be deceived in ochіkuvannyah. (Tlumachny vocabulary (1935 - 1940), "Bob")

boby breeding(Rosm.) - take care of an empty balakanina, say silly [initial. about divination on beans]. (Tlumachny dictionary of Russian movi (1992), N. Yu. Shvedova, "Bob")

boby breeding(Rosem.) - say fools, zatrimuvati respect on drіbnitsі (initial. About the path, as passed on beans). (Tlumachny vocabulary (1935 - 1940), "Bob")

boby breeding(Іnosk.) - deceiving with a twist, like with a wicked witchcraft on beans; engaging in fools, please check (Great explanatory and phraseological vocabulary (1904))

Viraz to finish the old. It was stagnant in the literature of the 19th century and earlier. At that hour, the villagers took bobi (for example, peas) as a supply of seven, for, for vipadok, if there is no need. It is tied with good safety by the powers of the bobs. If іnsha їzha ended, then boby got caught. Zvidsy i viraz - sit on bobies, which means the position for all the bastards.

put on

Taleb Nassim Nikolas (born 1960)

"Black swan. Sign of lack of transfer" (2012 r):

"Hiring a worker from a quick get hung up on beans: Yti youmu nikudi. "

"- ... And I will tell you that the first two sons-in-law offending themselves can be passed, and as soon as they fool them and the stench is now all with him, then even my brother, who was suffering from the child, the very overwhelmed deliberately perished overcoat on the beans.

Tobto yak tse, - like, - on beans?

Well, dear mother, the whole family was fooling.

Don't be fooled.

You don’t know what it means “ overcooked on the beans"? There is nothing to give Mary, - the axis and the whole is short.

Ah, the axis of the tse!

Well zychayno.

Zychaly zychayno! It’s possible, ale only I, - it seems, - I didn’t think, what do you think - cut off the worthy squad, if you want it without a dowry, - you shouldn’t be called “ get soggy on beans»."

"First time man grow on beans, Yak bi yomu your generals please for those who stink yogo, don’t shanuvali and not rowing peasant yogo! "

"Fool" (1885):

"Vidovbali and so vidminno say a lesson, dumb on roasted beans... The first rapt is the same as Oleksandr the Great Lyapne, the teacher has three hairs on the fox's head and the dibki stand up. "

"Susidi" (1885):

"Ale in the village they said about a new one, that he was smart, like the priest Semyon, and he was completely justified in his reputation. grow on beans miracles in sieve show "

"Dried VOBLA" (1884):

"Ah, Voblushka Yak ti, friendly boring on rosvodish beans! just bother you! "

0 The Russian people have a great history, for the yak we were told to protrude to the enemies. Over the course of an hour, among ordinary people, a great number of appeals and orders were formulated, which are victorious to navigate in our city hours. About one of them and on the basis of the on beans You can read the words of the phraseological unit. I recommend adding our highly intelligent resource site to your bookmarks, oskilki mi postoi vikladaєmo tsikavu іnfu. Follow our new publications, and immediately wrap up to us for a driver.
Persh nіzh prodovzhiti, I would like bi to please you to get acquainted with a couple of cyclical publications on the subject of krylate virazіv. For example, scho means Blohu pidkuvati, scho means Prodigal synonym; Зміст virazu Spіvati diffіrambi; like the intelligence of the bizmoktati from the finger і t. NS.
Otzhe, continuing, scho means on the beans?

Put on the beans- means to fool, to fool without that, to rozrahovuvali, to fool, etc.

Sinonim On beans: Get lost with empty hands; be overwhelmed by nothing.

It's a lot of fun, why bother bobies?

Camping virazu

Persha version... Deyakі prelіdniki s pіnoyu bіlya company to bring such a vomiting vinnik s vorozhіnnya on beans. For hours of Tsarist Russia, they were enchanting on the beans with the offensive rank. Lately, there were special plaques with letters, and on them, for small manipulations, those bobs were thrown. They were amazed at the grain of the grain. For example, if it appeared on the papyrtsi with the words "Happiness" or "prosperity", then all the blizzards are singing, well, their check is more beautiful than Maybut. However, if it was written on the table on the yak bulo "ailment" or "death", then everyone came in confusion, and they got ready to go. It’s crazy, the idea is to reach the figurative and the better, the better for everything; Shvidshe for everything, there is absolutely nothing to do with it.

friend version... As soon as the book "Russian phraseologicalisms" by the author Valeriya Mokinko is displayed, it is evident that the first time there is a little callous zmist. In Russia in the 19th century, people were starving, a lot and often, by the way, there was a total genocide, and there was no way to formulate a summarized aphorism - "on the beans". If the booth was empty, people switched to the stock that was not tucked away - bobies. Aje stench could take even more than three hours. To that, if they said "on the beans", it meant that there was nothing to be called, only ostogidli bobi. Guess, in the Russian language є similar virazi - "get lost without pants" or "get hung up on chlib and water".

Tsikava information, in the Arkhangelsk dialect є similar to the word - " booba". In some way, you might find yourself in our hour. diamonds(Pea). Russia has a lot of rich talkers, and it seems like it should sound its own way everywhere. For example, in Perm or Vologda є otkazka - "lilah." From lilamy in quiet parts of uvazi vilitsi or the lower part of the denouncement. The sense is that this is how an empty mouth can be recognized.

It is obvious that our brothers are mens, and the Ukrainian and Bilorus themselves, vikoristovuyut all the new buzz, may well be on the road to him, which is inexpensive and affordable. It’s not marvelous, it’s not just that the words vikoristovyutsya some kind of phraseological unit. for example:

  • in іtalіytsіv - "not varto and boba";
  • for French - "give a bean for a pea";
  • for the English - "do not mother ni boba";
  • among the Serbs - "not varto and little boba";
  • at nimtsiv - "ni bobu";
  • among Czechs - "not mother ni boba".
Zvidsi varto zrobiti visnovok, the symbolism of the Russian culture is bagatonational. However, spokonvіchno Russian viraz є " get soggy on beans"The meaning of what we have taken on this year has been trochi vishche. For example, in our old-fashioned kazkas, legends and kazkahs, the words are often won over.

After reading a small article, you saw Get hung up on beans, meaning And now do not eat in halepa, if you see a tsykava phrase in the Internet or artist's creations.

Now tse means dribnitsy zamatisya, pobrehenki rozkazuvati, with direct bazhannyam pidlashtovuvatisya, dogzhayuchi spritnim, we are hospitable or in a cheerful word. "Інsh to walk before the hike, to breed bobs", as the order goes. Viraz tse is taken from the ancient not only to the old-fashioned, but in our days the way of fortune-telling, for what they threw bobs (or bred) and bewitched for clever signs, as if they kicked the cysts of a flat grain seed of a serpentine city pod. Has spared you happiness by having found hours. The mystery of intelligence was taken from the root of the mind in a maybutt bathing by science, transferring for an especially high fee not to the skin, but to the skin in the chambers. The pre-recorded maestros vypisuvali, for example, to Moskva from distant lands, like Persia, they heard some jokes in the deaf foxes and swampy nets, like our lake Karelia. They were honored by the highest rank to those who were vicious and known in the chakluns, according to the old-fashioned Moscow laws, they were enlightened by the fierce strata. For the old hours of the day, fortune-telling - the mystery of breeding someone else's bean with beans - was brought up by all sorts of rank-and-file people, ale the most common people. More often than not, they drove the fortune-tellers and the fortune-tellers for all the charms; In the same shkiryan bags they have bobs, herbs and thick incense. Beans divine to grow і vgadu; incense oberigє on vesіllahs of the names of dashing people, with canopies, they come and go. Along with bewitching beans, we wondered at the hands of people and internal ailments in the grown-ups and didn’t know and didn’t know Sheptii. Grass Bogorodskaya give drink to people like heart ailments without Sheptii; nor_chnuyu grass is given to horses. I lick a tooth ailment, I bunch, I vvvlyayut aches, and ore (shelter) to speak, thin.

Not one of these healers, in strict hours of cattle and cake, were sprinkled alive in the chesters with bags and filled them with herbs and beans popularly in Moscow in the swamps.

From "rozshukovyh information about Fedor Shcheglovitov and his spilnikov", from the archaeographic comic, it is evident, from the other, such as: Tsar Sophia diznalasya, as a bed-ward Gav. Ів. Golovkin took him to the Verkh, to the room of Tsar Peter Oleksiyovich, the Murza of Prince Dolotkozin and the Tatar of Kodoralei. The stench there bewitched from the book of fortune-telling and transferred it on the sheets, so that Tsar Peter will be alone in the kingdom. For the same prophecy, both of them were taken to the catwalk, rolled, and at the end they burned a fortune-telling book and leaves on their backs. Then it was born and the adulation: "I'm going to grow on the beans, but I won't put my finger on my own rose."

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BOBY ROZVODITIME Now tse means dribnitsy zamatisya, pobrenki rozkazuvati, with direct bazhannyam pidlashtovuvatisya, dogzhayuchi spritnim, we are hospitable or in a cheerful word. "Інshiy to walk before the hike, to breed bobs", yak take orders. Viraz tse taken from zzvychay not