New items are available. On one side. Book novelties, as varto read tsyogo lita. Memoirs and biographies

If you are tormented by sleeplessness, for you simply do not know what to do in the evening before going to bed, then stop reading! Ale, be safe, even the deyaki of the book on the tsikavi, don't you remember, it’s the wounds!


Otzhe, a list of lustful books, such as "baked readers", as well as "books for books":

"Ponaikhali", Narine Abgaryan

A tragic comedy about a young and ambitious girl who, on the ear of the important 90s, has left her native small city republic and the capital city. And I won’t be surprised at once, but the skin priest, which the author calls “ponaihali”, has its own Moscow. I want to bash people in the millions, scurry about in the streets of people, but I will eliminate the possibility of getting closer to such people. The first actions from them protect, seize, flicker, add help, accept and just love. The author of the book tells about his small clap of the life of the priest, about how rich the native inhabitants of the great places will not be happy. And in the first and foremost feats, for the middle ones, you should be respected in emigration and accept a new place like this, and you will love it broadly. I todi Moscow is not uniformly reciprocal.

The Collector by John Fowles

This is the author's debut history, and the roof is practically frozen from her, and also a reference psychological thriller, which is like a burst of evidence. The plot is a whole lot of two people tied together. Vin is a collection of blizzards. You have empty souls, you can remember them with beauty. For the first time Ferdinand knows his wonderful sacrifice - the girl Miranda. Vona Nemov is designed to create something and enjoy freedom. And I wonder if I can give you everything if I can help her. I axis, Miranda becomes Ferdinand's Polonyanka. And if you can be found in the walls of the castle, you can find life, beauty, freedom and everything that is most beautiful, how can you be in a human soul?

The history is inspired by the subtle indications of sacrifice and recklessness and allowing reappraisal of the richness.

Forrest Gump, Winston Groom

The price of the history of a rosy little boy legendary books, Which formed the basis of the film of the same name. The plot can be called practically to the myth about that very "American world", to worry the minds of millions of young people who lived in the other half of the last century. But at the same hour, there is a gostra and a satirical parody of the suspicion of that hour, when you are not ready to accept people, who were seen from the main mass. Forrest Gump booted up, and thus became an object of ridicule. Ale tsey boy is the name of God. Winning, and yomu, those who can't see it and can't see it. Win special.

Amsterdam, Ian McEwen

The author of the book is one of the representatives of the "elite" contemporary British prose. I for Tvir, which has become a literary bestseller, won the Booker Prize. I went to the city and Viktor Golishev, who translated the work into Russian translation. Well, b, history is simple and even more relevant. Ale skіlki in new nuances, skіlki dumok, skіlki sumnіvіv! The main heroes are two friends. One of them is a successful editor of a popular newspaper. The other is a genial composer of happiness, who is busy with writing the "Symphony of a Thousand Years". And the stench of pleasing euthanasia, behind the minds of one, when one falls into the camp of forgetfulness and ceases to be mindful, how to rob, then one who amuses his life.

Amendment 22 by Joseph Heller

At the moment of the first book's appearance, it went through even more pivstolittya, tsei tvir, as and earlier to become legendary and one of the most popular, and many times included її in the list of short-lived novels.

There is no particular story about the US UPF survivors, which took part in the Other World Warriors. All the stench is consumed in absurd situations, stinking with deaf people and thoughtless actions, you yourself stay quietly. And everything is tied up as amended by amendment No. 22, as it is for the right not to be seen on the porch, but to speak, it is skinny, which does not bazha vikonuvati boyove zavdannya, wholly normal і to that priate before the service. But for the most part, in the whole history, it is possible to play not the style of an anti-war novel, but a bit of a globally and globally mockery of the current situation, of the suspension and of the current laws.

Zmova Bovduriv, John F. Kennedy Toole

The author of the whole book, who, to the word, has lived to see the Pulitzer Prize awarded for the price of his work, to find a literary hero who is not similar to the one described in the satirical literature. Ignacius J. Rile is a creative, creative and eccentric specialty. Win vvazhaє myself іntelektualom, napravdі є nazheroyu, marnotratom and ledar. A wine similar to the bitchy Don Quichot or Gargantua, who is angry with the suspension for the shortage of geometry and theology. Winning Thomas Akvinsky, who felt his own hopelessness against everything and everyone: representatives of the non-traditional sexual orientation, the overworld of the capital and the new bus. The first image of the tsіkaviy pavement, unanimous and, unfortunately, relevant, but you can put your skin in a new piece of yours.

"Monday to fix on Saturday", Brothers Strugatski

The book is a true masterpiece of Russian science fiction, as a connection to the utopia of the Radian hour, a unique artistic presentation of the world about the humility of a happy people, reading, creating, learning and guessing riddles.

The main heroes of the book are the scholars of the NІІCHAVO (Science and Prelude Institute of Charity). Smells are wizards and magicians, reference Persons. And the stench to get stuck in the powerless divine podiatry and appearances: by car for an hour, hatinky on chicken nizhkas, gin and by piece-by-piece twisting by people!

"Dvchina in Poizdі", Paula Hawkins

Qia book has become a spravzhnіm bestseller. Tse riddles and gleeful history of the girl Rachel, as from the electrician's wrist, spastered, as it їy be built, for ideal girlfriends. Vona gave him a name: Jason and Jess. It's a skinny day to bach the cottage of people and women and women, and they have everything: prosperity, happiness, wealth and love. Rachel's got it all, but not so long ago she got fucked up all over. Ale once, pid'yzhzhayuchi to the already well-known cottage, dear girl, it’s not right. Vaughn bang out loud, riddles and bursting out the evidence of the story. And Jess's squad is gone when the whole thing is perfect. І Rachel rozumіє, that she herself won’t be guilty of criticizing the householder and knowing the woman. Would you like to accept all the police? I, vzagal, why do you want to get involved in a foreign life? Tse to impose z'yasuvati chitacs.

"Book of Life: Vіvtorki z Morrie", Mіtch Elbom

In the last month of his life, the old professor of zoom zobiti of important views.

Win zrozumiv, but death is not the end. Tse ear. I, that means, die - those are the very ones who get to see something unheard of and new. It’s not scary at all, but it’s okay.

This knowledge, before entering the old world, was conveyed to everyone, who was entrusted with it in the remnants of earthly life. And what about it? Chi diznaєmosya mi tse?

The Process, Franz Kafka

The author is one of the most beloved, mysterious, read and popular writings of the past century. Youmu went into the distance to set the unique artist Vsesvit, in which everything is wrong, as in real life... Vaughn is sumptuous, sad and even absurd, ale neymovirna and bewitchingly beautiful. The heroes are constantly becoming participants of the wondrous ones, they smell the sense of life, and start rejecting them for a long time to torment their food. The novel "Process" is a whole lot of tvir, which allows the most clear-eyed and mysterious nature of Franz Kafka's work.

Lord of the Flies, William Golding

Qiu book can be called wondrous, scary and emotionally addictive.

For the plot, the boys come to the deserted island in the best traditions. The author told the readers a philosophical parable about those who were screaming in the world, and how you can become with people, who forgot about kindness, love and mercy. A dystopia with a symbolic pidtext, in which the peculiarities of the behavior of children can be heard, as they settled at the hour of war on a deserted island. How can you smell the stench of saving people or catch up with natural instincts?

"Rita Hayworth, Away From The Shawshank", Steven King

The plot of the book is the history of people, whose terrible dream immediately became a reality. Yogo, who is not wine at all, was thrown to the vyaznitsa, in the hot hell, in which wine I can spend the surplus of my life. The first thirsty mascot didn’t stick to any vibrations. Ale the head hero doesn’t know how to do it і put up with the time, which is meant to be a share. Win pishov for an awesome crock. If you can't win not only in the future, if you can sound to freedom and a new light, to see in new? Before the speech, the talk of the king of fair fantasy, Stephen King, served as the basis for the film of the same name, in which Morgan Fromen and Tim Robinson were angry.

They started to grow in England in 1960. Jennifer Sterling has come before you for a terrible car accident and wakefulness, but you can’t guess, whoever it’s got to be with her. Chi is not a memory of won and his own cholovik. Vona so і prodovzhuvala used to live in unpredictable, as though I didn’t know the leaves, addressed to їy and written by letter "B". Їх the author recognized Jennifer in love and in the conversation with the cholovik. The author allowed to transfer the reading to the XXI century. A young reporter Elle in the archives of the newspaper knows one of the sheets, written by the enigmatic "B". Won’t be encouraged, well, having taken up the research, you can guess the author’s room and receive a message, renew your reputation and help you return to a very special life.

"Lady in eyepieces with a towel in the car", Sebastian Zhaprizo

The main hero of the book is a blonde. Vona is beautiful, sentimental, shyra, brehliv, restless, vperta and bezgluzda. Tsya lady, yak nikoli did not bach the seas, I sit in the car and get ready in tekti from the police. At the same time, I repeat it constantly, it’s not divine.

Ale the axis will make you feel bad. The heroine is led more and more marvelously and steadily in a deaf situation. Vona vvazhaє, how in any kind of mission, to appear, їy can be naughty. If you come along, then you can become one with oneself and become ill because of the fact that the turbulence is so strong.

The Schigol, Donna Tartt

The author wrote the book for about ten years, the ale won became a masterpiece of honor. They talk about those who have mystical strength and power, and can be a cardinal order of change and literally turn our life around, which is why it’s rapt.

The hero to the creation 13-year boy Theo Decker was like a miracle, having lost a living letter to a vibuhu, through which she was beaten by her mother. Daddy leaving yogo, and in his temptations, he doesn’t go by the acceptable semblances and absolutely alien huts. Win after spending time in Las Vegas and New York and getting angry. Ale yogo, with a single roar, yake, before the speech, little did not call him to bend, є a masterpiece of the Dutch old maister, stealing from the museum.

"Khmarny Atlas", Devid Mitchell

The book is similar to a folding mirror labyrinth, in which wondrous order it is overwhelmed, rewound and laid down one on one, it would be good to call it different and not to tie the history.

All in the work of the main heroes: a young composer, trading in soul and soul; notary of the XIX century; opened a journalist to the great company, yak pratsyu in Kalifornia in the 70s of the last century; servant-clone, scho pratsyuє in the day-to-day enterprise of the shvidky food; a bit of a small species and a simple goat herder, who is alive at the setting of civilization.

1984 by George Orwell

Tsei tvir can be brought to the genre of anti-utopia, in which suspension can be described, in a kind of panun dreadful totalitarian regime.

There is a lot of awful arrangement of wild and living minds in the kaydan of the suspended valleys.

Ozhinova Winter by Sarah Gio

The move was launched in 1933 in Sietli. Vera Rey is the one who wants his little blue before going to bed and goes to the next robot in the hotel. Vrantsi mother, the same one, wyouvlyak, all the place was covered with snow, and її was synonymous. At the note of the order from the booth of Vera to know the beloved little boy, a little more on behalf of some little slides. Znevirena mother is ready for anything to know her child.

Let the author transfer the reading to the current City. Reporter Claire Oldridge is writing an article about the snowstorm, which literally parallels the place. It’s obvious that there were 80 years of similarity to that. Having read the history of Vyri Rey, Claire rosum, she is intertwined with the talent of the house.

"Slipota", Jose Saramago

The inhabitants of the unchanged land and the unchangeable place are stuck with the wondrous epidemiya. All the stinks are quick to mend slapnuti. I vlada, who should be zupiniti tsyu nezumіlu ailments, virіshuyut introduce strict quarantine and resettle all ailments in the old lіkarnya, uklavshi pіd wartu.

The main heroes of the creation є having become infected with a lykar-oculist and pretending to be a slap of a cholovik. The stench will grow stronger, take the light bit by bit and know the order in every step of all chaos.

"Three apples fell into the sky", Narine Abgaryan

Qia book is the history of one small village, which is located here very high in the mountains.

The inhabitants of all three burkotuni, three divaki, and even more in the skin of them hovayuyutsya spirited belongings of the spirit.

There is a current, given and uncommon dystopia about the current suspension of living, which is programmed for genetic equilibrium. In the first place, the story of Dikun, who is the author of the presentation of Hamlet's success, is raised. Win over the surplus of people, alley people, distributed on the caste of suspicious living, do not want to be seen, because they simply cannot be overwhelmed.

If pererakhovuvati merit the respect of the book of the lucky authors, then it is impossible not to win the tvir "Social festoon" The Ark "by Eugen Vecel, Yake is stored in three parts.

Head hero fall z dahu, ale see to know. Having lived trochs in the XI century, he will come to the distant Maybut - in the XXXVI century in Moscow. The author of a lot of senseless tsikavikh attachments, taking into account psychology and sales, happy thoughts about life and drives, seriously think about rhetorical nutrition. The other books describe the life in America and the theory of one of the variants of the universal serpent. And in the third part, talk about the hero's fit on the planet, where the bili yangoli live.

Tse buli find books, like read it to a team, hto vvazhaє, do not like to read. Stink turn over your look and find out about the light.

P.S. And what books have you forgotten the most?

New Years Announcements about Shorter Books, which were published in 2015. Our beloved author never ceases to warm us up and present new masterpieces, but books are also read, as they had not been asked for before, or they simply had not been zealous. Now, we present to you, our dear readers - 15 beautiful books of 2015. Spodіvaєmosya, scho tsi books to expand your reading list 2015 rock.

"Bezbarvny Tskuru Tadzaki and yogo rock" - Kharuki Murakami

Kharukі Murakamі, one of the most famous authors in particular, presenting new book, Yaka immediately became popular among readers.

The main hero is drunk in the metropolis. Vіn shche young and і enmity to the greatness of Tokio. Winnings and floods, and most of them - at a new є booths, where can you turn around at any moment. A new bully has a support in life, while one fine summer day, he does not know, but his son is staring. Yogo stronghold of friendship and harmony znik. Vin simply erased the face of the earth. The sound of the change in life of Tskuru and in advance on a new check is not easy and difficult.

Marina - Carlos Ruis Safon

Qia book is seen in the series "Pantry of forgotten books". Detective novel "Marina", written in 1997 roci. Mayzhe ten years the author fought for the vision of the book, the fragments in the light went without the use of counterfeit images, and the only way to navigate through the text. Ale, Tim is no less, the book has known its readers in the Rizny Vik.

The story goes back to the 70s of the last century in Barcelona. Spring is on the street. The main character is Oscar, who disappeared for a few days. For the whole hour, the family, friends, znayomi, vicladachi and police were whispering. De vin disappearing all that hour? At the price of food, Oscar simply said that the skin people have their own secret. For whom to start developing a divine history about the creation from the mysterious little girl Marina.

"Until the very kinchiks" - Chuck Palanik

Chuck Palanik will know the joy of his shanuwalniks in his name's history. The apocalyptic novel of the king of the counterculture grows up, and most of all, demonstrating hundreds of new possibilities for reaching a woman's satisfaction. On tsіy knizі, vіm, like and on all the books of the author varto vіkova mark 18+.

Pennі Harіgan is an extravagant secretary who, by sheer will, turned up the respect of the mega-billionaire Linus Maxwell.

Linus in vuzky kolakh vіdomy pіd prіdіk "Khlopchina dlya kіmaksu" and wіn still love the rich darlings of the lives of the ladies. I’ll ask for a Penny's supper and for the evening I’ll take it to the hotel room, I don’t give it to the hotel for a few days, I’ve never dreamed of it before. Everything would be wonderful, as Penny didn’t know it, she became a part of the experiment to develop a new line of sex games for ladies. Tsіgrashki will be on sale in the whole world, and women will be satisfied with their sexual consumerism. Pennі virіshu zupiniti Linus і don’t allow you to discard the light erotic panuvannya over usіma women.

"Una and Selinger" - Frederic Beigbeder

I know a book about vіkovy obmezhennyam 18+. The author himself typed the genre of the book as "faction": from the English "fact" ("fact") plus "fiction" ("vigad"). In 1940, young author Jerry Selinger created Unu O'Nil, a young playwright at home, in New York. Youmu 21 th of 15 rock. Love, addiction and idyll, as trivial for all the days, while on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese did not hate attacks, for which the United States entered the friend's war. Jerry will go to fight, and Una will try on the film by Charlie Chaplin.

Una become a squad of a home comic.

Selinger proishov vіynu. Having pushed his publications into the great light of literature and having written the main novel of his life "Above the break in life."

Ale, naytsikavishe, the book is not about tse. The author of a wonderful story about the creation of Uni and Jerry, which turned out to be a rogue for all life. About zustr_ch, yak viznachila life of cikh people.

“Third humanity. Voice of the Earth "- Bernard Werber

Bernard Werber continues his socially-fantastic cycle "Third People" with a new book "The Voice of the Earth".

The story of the book is based on the inevitable apocalypse. Leave all people to get ready until the third Holy Day, Gaia - Mother Earth to get to the bottom of people. Alle the people and the micro-people do not make a big deal of respect for the perseverance.

Ecologists do not speak from the name of the Earth. The stench can bachiti only the best possible. To be smart, to see the planet, the right-wingers of the midst of the middle class, to feed Mati herself, as you think about people and everything to see.

See the Mother of the Earth to help people know evolution, grow a majestic stribok in development. Aje bazhannya see, and the smut of life - the best motivation before the Evolution.

"Planet Water" - Boris Akunin

Zbirnik Boris Akunin I know of retellings and take revenge in my own great number of illustrations. Zbirnik to take revenge on three detectives.

"Planet Water" was written in 1903 with the title "technocratic detective".

Erast Fandorin kidak the shudder of the sunken galleon from the gold, to help the maniac, which is on one of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

The nostalgic detective "Sail of Samotniy" put on the light in 1906. Erast Petrovich rozslіduє driving his own colic cohana.

I’ll call the last detective in the library to wear "Where do we play?" і іdіotic. Fandorin rosslidu looting the trip. Slid, which is drawn to the revolutionaries themselves.

"Castle in the Skla" - Jannett Walls

Tse autobiographical novel, de writing rozpovіdaє about his past.

Jannette spoke about her difficult dignity in a rich homeland, de-practiced by the greats and the greats of the shocking and hard-working methods of the children. The author has lost a lot of rock in her past, as long as the knowledge has not come, but it is only about the vantage of the past and the terrible houses, the trash and hatred, you can have a long way and live quietly.

“The sea is my brother. Samotniy mandrivnik "- Jack Kerouac

At the end of the day, Jack Kerouac's brother came to take revenge in his two novels "The Sea is My Brother" and "Self-Mandatory".

"The sea is my brother" is the first novel of the writer, as if we were going to take part in it. Tilki in 2011 rotsi vin buv publications. "Samotniy mandrіvnik" gained popularity for the life of the writer. "Samotniy mandrіvnik" represents road locks. And "The sea is my brother" was written on the note of the writer, if it was done on a merchant ship. Tsi two create to represent the style of the writer and naygolovnishe - to create a divine atmosphere of life bygone rock. In general, the writer's creativity is more and more demanded by the readers.

"Half Code" - Sally Grin

Qia book became nauchikuvanishoyu in 2015 rotsi. There’s a whole lot of history about Garri Potter, but the book is new and unrepeatable. One fact cannot be matched with one thing - the book is very fantastic and is suitable and charming.

In England, in our days, magicians live on behalf of Fein and extraordinary people. Remain not aware of the new charisma. The sages of the magicians vlada control are glad to see Bilikh Vidom, who hate the blood and pursue the purity of magical blood.

The main character is Nathan, a half-breed. Mati Bila is seen, and Batko is Chorniy chaklun. Nathan should be asked to help him out, and he will not need anything to do with it, surrounding yak bigti. I want to know my dad, and take away three gifts, who are guilty of helping him know his Gift. If you can, Nathan take your plans for the sake of, if you constantly run after him, and all this seven of them will be overwhelmed by the deadly ones?

"The Schigol" - Donna Tartt

Singingly, they were already running a novel in the policemen of bookstores. Tsey novel became a laureate of the Pulitzer Prize, and the Internet store Amazon called tsey Tvir "Book Rock".

Donna Tartt has worked over the roots of the book over 10 years.

The book is about mystery and about those who pour into our life. There is a 13-year-old Theo Decker near the center. Win alone became a living song of a terrible vibuhu, as if taking away the life of those who were born. Theo pissed on the system, and now you have judged to be unaware of the accepted semblances and entrances. Let's unite the joy and sense of life by becoming a masterpiece of the Dutch old maister, like a wine right in front of the museum. Tsei tvir mystetstva can lead to the bend of a self-made child.

"All the light invisible to us" - Entony Dorr

The novel "All the light invisible to us" has recently been called by viyshov, and only a couple of years ago he appeared on the policemen of bookstores on the Russian move. The author of the vikon on the name of the robot over the pages of the book, yaka tried ten rockiv.

The novel is about two children, as they themselves do not see it to go with different ways, but go to go alone alone. Slipa Frenchwoman and fearful Nimetsky boy. The stench is magnetized to see in the light, de bushu Friend of the light in the light. The stench will become magical to see and not to waste the human being exposing, feeling and emotions, to get magical to save your soul. The book is about death and kohannya. The book is about vіyna and about those who want to roar with ordinary people, as it is not only physical and moral. The book is about those like invisible light who can help them navigate temryav.

"Svitila" - Eleanor Catton

Roman-Laureate of the Booker Prize 2013 for the first time in the Russian language. Qia book broke two records of the prize at once. "Svitila" is not only the newest TV prize, but the first author has become the youngest laureate.

Diya roman vіdbuvatsya in New Zealand in a gold fever. 12 people got together at once to discuss the end of the wondrous podіy, as they went with their lot. A young lad gone missing, as if to lay a majestic part of dilyanoks. The prospector died in the yogo khatin, they knew their belongings, and the "nichny blizzard" got up on the way. The serpentists razpovidayut all do not know, as vipadkovo leaning in the middle of them. At the same time, they are encouraged to complete the wonderful stories, middle ones, blackmail and pomst, and start a spiritual session. The whole book is motivated by astrological structures and by the time of reading a detective novel of mysticism and talent stories.

"Three apples fell into the sky" - Narine Abgaryan

Narine Abgaryan is a vermenska writing, as you write about your land and people. One of the most recent books of the "Manyunya" writing school.

The first axis in the risk of fighting the genocide of the Vermenian people, the author published a new book, about a small village ruined here in the mountains and people who live there. It's a wonderful book about Virmeniya, traditions, love, death and intertwining human life. First and foremost, this book is about the strength of spirit and the belongings of the soul.

"Veresnevi Troyandi" - André Maurois

André Maurois is a classic French writer of the XX century. author famous biographies Hugo, Balsa, Dumas and others.

"I am happy" - Jaume Kabri

The book of Bula was written in 2011, and was published in Russian on 19 moves only in 2015.

Antique shop in Barcelona, ​​in the middle of the most beautiful speeches є old-fashioned violin. Adria in the tamnitsi from the daddy pidminyaє the violin on his own, playing the daddy to drive in. Adria sees the guilt behind him. Through a richly rocky vein, we become a veteran and a collector, ale the tamnitsa of driving a daddy, so it’s not open, but an unbarely possible to know for ever. Crimson Adria is afraid of knowing and loving all this life - Sarah. Win write a schodennik, his spovid, and even at the new one they saw the ailment of Alzheimer's.

Yakoyu is a book for literary reading - lustful, advanced, easy? know about book novelties, as it’s not only about taking with you from the site, but letting your friends know about them.

Suchasna Russian prose

Vidpustka - an hour away, you have to wait and read unread. As long as you are good for toughness, then you will be brutal with respect to the actual books of contemporary Russian authors.

"Aviator" Evgen Vodolazkin

Quote from the book: “For the life of the people of the not-so-ill-minded man - the unhappiness is insisting on death. That and that is not obov'yazkovo ".

The novel by Volodar of the "Great Book" and "Yasna Polyana" Prize by Evgen Vodolazkin "Aviator" is now in the rating of the most popular books in the genre "Art Literature". I do not even know about the current book of the season, but the author, who is also called "Russian Umberto Eco”, It’s just an hour to start reading the“ Aviator ”.

The hero of the new novel, Vodolazkin, is a lyudin, who once threw himself on a lynch sled and eyes, but nothing is remembered. Now you can lay down the grain of life. I found it on the calendars 1999 ric, and how can you help Petersburg be surrounded by a cob of the XX century.

"Vira" Oleksandr Snagirov

Quote from the book: "Having broken the vibir, make the way, but be it all right in one place."

Tsієї zimi Oleksandr Snigirov for the book "Vira" having received the most prestigious Russian literary prize "Russian Booker". Yogo novel is a story about a simple woman with im'yam Vera and not distant jokes of a spouse in happy Russia.

Unimportant to those who vibir of the laureate of the "Russian Booker" for the bagatokh having become unsuccessful, the novel by Snegirov is definitely one of the most famous books in 2015. The first time, who still didn’t get to know about it, “Vroyu”, is thinking about Russian action, I’m buying it, and I’ll think about it.


If you love solving riddles - the detective genre is those that you need. Let’s say on respect, psychologists are looking at detective stories, like science books, take on those who need to see a person who is important to develop and need to get rid of the spur of the moment.

"In the Services of Evil" by Robert Gelbraith

Quote from the book: "Yaksho zupinitsya and be amazed, you can know the beauty may be skryz, ale, if a new day is given to you, about koshtovnoy rozkoshi like zabuvaosh."

Under the pseudonym Robert Gelbraith, it’s not that one, as the author of the cult saga about Garri Potter Joanne Rowling."On the Services of Evil" is the whole third book and a part of the series about the private detective Kormoranov Strike is concluded. “Garry Potter’s mother” herself is known as “On the Services of Evil” - One Tvir, like her vicious nightmares (in the process of robots over the manuscript, Rowling had to re-read a bunch of police sounds, murdering and announcing the gray ones).

Come to the "Service of Evil" to fix it so that the mother-in-law Strike Robin will take away the strength with the leg of a woman's leg. Now the detectives will find the answer to the terrible evil.

"Lontano" Jean-Christophe Granger

Quote from the book: “Tilki in the movie the squad of the millarder to sleep with the police - heroic and poorly paid. A real life won’t vvazhaє for beautifully zalishat in his own pool ”.

The book by the French journalist and writer Jean-Christophe Granger "Lontano" is one of the most popular on the Russian market. The first secret is to find not in the name of the home writer and journalist, but in that regalia, but in the fact that the author is impressed by coming up with a first-rate thriller with a foldable and craving intrigue.

For the first time in the center of the detective plot, the family of the chief of the French police, on the yak, they are attacked. Yaky zlochinets weapon from France and why the blows fall to the seven policeman number one, it’s not so easy to ask, even Grange is famous for the fact that you can trim in reading to the rest of the street.

Memoirs and biographies

It has long been reported that the reading of memoirs and biographies is not only about the interest of people looking at the castle schilina, but also a mysterious narcissism (mi all mimics shukamo in great people, ideal images of those close to you).

"Jackie Chan. I'm happy" Jackie Chan, Mo Joo

Quote from the book: “I - zvychana lyudina"Every whistleblower has a lot of fun."

Tsia shira, the book will not only be talented to Chan's talent, but to everyone who should be able to create about smart people, since they are not afraid of robbery and correct the power of mercy.

"Chicken broth for the soul: 101 beautiful history" Kenfield Jack, Hansen Mark Victor, Newmark Emi

Quote from the book: "It is necessary to chop down a tree, if you will strike five strong blows on a new tree, in an hour you will wind the greatest tree down to the ground."

Russian bookstores start of sales of the chicken bouillon nanochikuvanishoy richoi series. Tsikavo, in 1993, a collection of small real histories from life did not want to see, and until 2016, the book, as 144 views were shown, became one of the most successful projects in the history of book publishing.

Zbirnik "Chicken broth for the soul: 101 of the most beautiful history" is not called vaguely - a hundred piercing histories have been selected in the new one, which are good health wounds and spirit. Author to know the readers of the most popular heroes, the actress didn’t know them among them, as she knew how happy she was, knowing that she had cancer; itself garna divchina mіsta, yaka zakokhutsya in a hunchback all the while writing two phrases and a thirteen-child girl, yaka sold 45 526 boxes of baked goods, so hey mommy mriya.

Love Romani

The fashion for novels in the format of "Fifty Vidtinkiv sirogo", nareshty, has passed, having taught the hour of shukati new books and disclosed names of authors who have not yet been known to you.

"Send you a message" by Jojo Moyes

Quote from the book: "I am wondering, well, happiness is the very same, as you can deserve."

At the end of 2015, the rock in Russia saw the promotion of the light bestseller "Until the start of your life", which to become the leader of sales in the bookstores of the country. Jojo Moyes' new book "Send You" is about those who became the head hero of the Lou Clark saga after the death of a kohan.

Like Moyes herself knew, she didn’t get to write the continuation, but the robot over the script for the screening and the endless number of leaves with food, as the life of Lou was forgiven, they did not give the novel to forget the heroic popular.

"Sorry ..." Janusz Vishnevsky

Quote from the book: "Deyakі speeches will be lost in memory and vіklіkіutіvіdnі assocіatsії deprivation todі, if the stench is correctly named".

One of the most popular writers of modern Poland and the author of one of the most re-seen love novels "Selflessness in the Sea", writing a new penetrating history. "Forgive me ..." Janusz Vishnevsky was told from the name of the cholovik, who was rapt to see the joy of the squad. The cholovik cannot shed his joy, and he becomes obsessed with the zeal of mercy.

It’s a fantastic story, but the book is based on real stories, like the 1990s in Krakow: the popular jazz musician Andrzej Zauch and the yogi companion Zulianna Lesstroleniak. Vishnevsky not only retells the tragic history, but respectfully honors the heroes.

History from the USA, as it knocked off the entire Internet, and the ice did not summon until it was destroyed. Transferred from the first individual:

My squad not long ago declared that there won't be any more work on me, and there won't be oral caresses on my side. The explanation is simple: the tse of nicholas is especially unbecoming, but I can get by with this idea. In general, I won’t be able to do it, so as I can’t force my brother into my mouth by force, so I won’t be able to order myself with my mouth. Ale!

We have a tradition of skins on Friday evening with dough, fathers. All the people of the old hartoo, well-knit in spilkuvanny, ale of the very tradition already 10 years, yakraz styles, skilki are trivial ours. Going around, on the skin of a Friday when working with robots, instead of being able to accept, I have to spend an hour with people whom I cannot tolerate. Why am I shy? The squad Bula is pleased!

Zagalom, I said to my squad, don’t think you won’t think, well, if I don’t want to be more robotic than those I can’t bear - to spend friday with її fathers.

In the opinion of the won, she said that I was completely different from the situation. I’m not fit - the offense ceased to be robbed by those who are not loved by me, if the timid men were trying to keep one and one happy. І mi insult maєmo right buti dupami on vіnoshennyu one to one.

So am I dupa?

Tatov said, well, boy come back before me. I entered the store, if I turned and went to my room, then there were no exit doors in them! Daddy її knowing! Like I wanted to remember for a long time ... We sat with the boy on the stiles for 6 years, playing in the picture.

But don't tell me, є after all, the holy waters have absolutely special powers.
Buv in our Ufa branch is absolutely p'є mulyar. Stonemason of monsters. The number of cubes of masonry, which is seen for a change from the choirma by the attendants, did not invest in my promise in reality. Pidsobniki, who can sit on the land, prayed for a new one - the salary is more, not at the same robots twice.
Ale tse everything, colimulyar tverziy. And if p'yaniy - then I am not mulyar zovsim. Moreover, write it down for a month through a month.

One of the children, a person who is very vivid, very good and kind, I feel that in one family of a female monastic (I’m not hot, so, at the same time, at once) water їм is consecrated to alcoholism vilikovuє at times. You only need a couple of liters of drink and a sprinkle of sprinkles on top of everything.

Feeling і before the uninterrupted heat of the colleagues, wow, moving, whether water can be used for alcoholism in rural parts of the country, use a gramophone with heads and turpentine і live like klіzku, go to the monasteries and graft the beaches , yaka there is a bull. The first time in the tamnitsi from the beginning to take care of the yomuvans, step by step add the water to the yomu tea. Pooled with sprinkles. For whom, having daughtered on the fifth verse of the built-in booth, kolymulyar viyde from the drive to the bitovka pereodyagatatsya and trohi breezing on the new holy days.

My hands didn’t work hard for the day. Mayzhe two years straight into the dance rushed next to the other breezes and had some fun, good not in the center, but side by side along the KAMENSCHIKOV ZHISNY SHOLOM.
A helmet - a helmet, ale without a strut is not ob_yshlsya. The sanctity of the holy water and the practicality of the sacred spirit, that is, it is close to one. Ale the axis of the colimular from the likarna viyshov at the new vipity yak vidrizalo.

So what do you want, a little more special anti-alcohol power in the holy water є. She just could have hit it in the head like that, and hit it in the head.

(C) New

Late, I ask you to vibachennya for obscene language, mamagavsya pom'yakshiti yak only bulo mozhlno, sob not being involved in a sense.

One tragic day, the defender of the commander of the military unit, Major Stepanov, sat in the barracks office, talking and talking about everything with the deputy commander of the captain Zeletsky. The mood of the major was going to finish the day - on the coming day, the left part of the officers and the special warehouse is moving "into the fields" - for the Polish way out of practice. The commander of the unit himself had won over the expedition, and Major Stepanov had gone for the head, having delegated the turbot about the posting of a depot on the visit to Warrant Officer Chernov. The owner of the food has fallen on the wall of the river bear with a small cloak-outlined. The Major has sent a phone call to Chernov at the warehouse and to the Central Office by phone. At the trumpets, beeps were ringing, but they didn’t pick up the phone. Likewise, he didn’t call the warrant officer і on the mobile. Stepanov hanging out from the office:
- Day, de there sergeant Nirkiv, come on here big!
- Yogo from the wound, Warrant Officer Chernov took away from the warehouse, dragging the Major, - in the day.
Stepanov zithnuv - to get to go to the hozzon himself, since the warrant officer and his right hand is a cloudy old-time sergeant Nirkiv there, and the possibilities are dumb. Melodiously, we wound ourselves up there in speeches. Hrіn with him, I go. And tomorrow there will be a lafa - in a part of some mayzhe, sit yourself, smoke, that papyrtsi will not be able to get over it.

We went to the warehouses after borrowing ten khvili. Major Stepanov shook the lock to warehouse number one and lay the handrail with open doors. The bow of the lock was bula rospilyana.
- Well, your mother! - having said Stepanov, - Ty me, ensign, you buy a new one for your salary, since you have lost the keys, - and the major took you to the warehouse.
Some of the winners were caught by a yak bovdur from Easter Island, then wiped it out, and rubbed his eyes with his hands. Nothing changed. WAREHOUSE BUV POROZHNII. Yogo we will add a bunch of stilettos, on which ensign Chernov slept, and an empty dance from the bottom of the burner on pidloz.
- Chernov, bitch !!! - shouted the major, not samovito shaking the sleepyhead's breasts, - De ... De, your mother ... EVERYTHING!?!
The prapor opened his eyes, forcibly got up from the style, sniffing at his commander with a fumes and in a hoarse, weak voice moving:
- Fucked up, Comrade Major!

Stepanov knew a dozen hours before he could digest it. And then, even if he was sick, he loomed in front of him a post-service call, the captain, and you can see the senior lieutenant. In the first place, the deputies for robbery of the robbery rozibrat with the ensign. Oh, Major Stepanov, he became a great herald of genealogy and chose to tell the short-lived ensign the whole history of his family and his relations with the great and not even worse, horned and hornless thinness. Whatever the story, if you woke up, they woke him up with a message (and mabut - especially if it became). However, Major Mav Vagomi Sumnivi in ​​the conviction of Chernov at a given moment. For these reasons, the fault is not becoming pogrozhuvati zavilnyy from the lavas of the Brotherhood of forces. Stepanov took Solomon's decision - he charged the ensign in a bubo. Humbly accepting the punishment, Chernov fell and fell asleep again. The major is in the warehouse. It looks like our hero is walking around Hercules himself - the floor is deafening and the cry is extended ...
Thirty seconds later, I was wondering what the material was in front of the major.
- Sergeant, what the fuck is there to see! ??
- I don’t know, dragging the Major, I’m from the very wound CHERNOVSKY "Nivi" I cook the bottom in the box, and I’ll take care of it in the warehouse.
It is said that Stepanov did not show the sergeant a little with the method, viprobovanim on the evil Chernov, ale zrozumiv, but Nirkiv was not guilty - they told him to cook, win and cook.
- Blow into the barracks, bigom. Turn around with the political officer and foreman.
- Є! - And the sergeant was dead in the morning.
Stepanov took a quick look around the warehouse territory, and until that moment, when the incident began, everything became more and more clear. The wicked men knew the disguised trap in the park, through a special warehouse they wandered into "samohid", at night, having cut down the castle, they entered the warehouse and blamed everything clean. Ensign Chernov, having overshadowed the shaman's lieutenant, came to the warehouse, pummeled the neglect there, made a note of everything, and without coming up with anything shorthand, just screw it up. There were no slid_vikradach_v.

Happily for Stepanov, everything was needed for the Polish exit, which was at the іnshiy warehouse.
- Just one chance, bastard evil assholes, - Virish major, having made a bet on banal human greed. In the night, the righteous yoke of the Stepanovs was brought together with a standard guard and two fighters skorogilis not far from another warehouse.
- Pan abo missing, - thinking the major. Approximately about the first year of the night through a manhole in the park, there were some special features. Having rested, unaffected by the wild nerve, bite the Major with his nose, not crushing the ice. It was overcrowded, scho the villains themselves, and the wars did not go on a spree, as they were going to bring alcohol into the part. If from the doors of another warehouse the quiet sounds of metal knives appeared, Stepanov, then Fenix ​​vidplati, vilets from entry and shouting:
- Well, stand, bitches, I will shoot !!!
The guests from the middle Asia were caught up, some of the messenger got overwhelmed, but not the Russian language, ale major, quick to the right, quickly overclocking, but the spy will allow the proprietor to approve. After the bullet was transferred by stealing it from a gourmet not far back to the warehouse, because of the knowledge of the food, because of the miracle, it is shown, take a look at the commander (do not mind and go through the doorway).

The dira in the park was tightly walled up, a part of it went into the fields, and the sufferer major became a suffering person, for good and ill.

P.S. The soldiers began to march on the self-governing paths, altogether the same zealous history.

Now the story of korops and holy water ...
My dad, as in principle, they went through the international school of the SRSR, and then they experienced a lot of religions, extrasensory, voodoo and other kashpirov's boulevards with a human zabonnoy. That once, having whispered to yoma at the water-hole in the modern day, you can reject the holy water without walking, just pouring it into the jars and leaving it for nothing, if you are in the head, you can’t see it.
At me, on the noses of the boule, I have a drink on the engineer of the group (є at the power stations such specialties with the smallest names, my comrade for example, the engineer of the power needs). Drinking for an engineer's landing in Minseredmash (atomprom) is not a good way to do it, and you don't need to take a drink with tickets. Tobto kvitkіv and testіv - dumb. Є Literature - a dozen books on exploitation, safety technology, standards, etc., and the axis of food is not ready-made. Sit a commotion for 5-7 chiefs with the chief engineer at the number and task of food - be it food from books, as the engineer is guilty of the nobility by heart. Such an axis of "fun" is sleep. And it’s clear that I’m getting into a lot of fun, once it’s not up to the daddy, the brain melted away from a little information, as I’m with the same masochistic addiction to my memory.
Spati went to lie down at 12, I get up on the 4th wound, I go to the kitchen for a snack from the devil's stack of books, and ... I go to the kingdom of water. Water is everywhere, on tables, on pidvikonnі, on pіdlozі, in basins of casseroles and lightly in triliter cans. Batin zhittuviy deviz - for us Tatars abi darom - in the house. Streaming perevnuyut almost a drive navkolishny otochennaya razgribati style, put on a new stack of books and mending Chergov's primitive entanglement in the mind of information with one-hour updates of living forces - then I set the rules to fix the rules.
Fiction was booming, a little bit suspicious, rustling zmusiv less than turning my head into the bikna, even though it was learned to take the "holy" of souls from a triliter jar stood on the doorway. Behind the thrown can, the muzzle of Grisha was not satisfied, the domestic cat turned around in all sorts of orgies.
So when Grisha's thought was similar to my drive of the whole kitchen of the Crown, then it didn’t go by, and I’m grumbled when I was trying to change and climb onto the robot.
It’s quiet at the bottom of the bulo, the comisia stayed up the same year, katyuchi the dear engineer of the station (DISAN), I was entrusted with the head of the electric workshop - we will come, but the prospect didn’t please, but it’s a pity to denounce (well, yak at Ofremov - the face of such a chervona), and the devil of the head of the snake came. Even through khvilin 45 wines, the donkey Ia viyshov is so depressed from the doorways and on the cake I went ...
I stepped up to the cabinet and 7 pairs of eyes marveled at me.
- Well, well, let's get started - having said the head engineer - Oleksandra Ivanovich, fix it.
The upcoming podії faked me ping-pong. Nutrition - nutrition, nutrition-response, nutrition-response. Moreover, having given me the automatic response, the Nemov spitefully sleep from his side.
For a dozen meals, the head engineer has supplied the present chiefs of the offices - who has more food.
Anyone who didn’t have food, I was encouraged to go to the reception room and check the decision of the committee. At the very least, two operatives were struggling to check their share, giving me a better stench.
- Why is it so smart?
- Does the sensei shvidko? So yak vi itself.
- Tilka 15 khilin passed ... Filled up?
- Nachebto is dumb ...
Khvilin, after 5 years of his appointment, the secretary voiced the virok of the committee - DIS and the head of the change was condemned to another one transfer through the day, and I ... for the whole day, I was involved as an engineer of the electrical laboratory. Such is the axis of water-supply history!

About those, like love to the fathers in the childhood, brought me to my robots) Kinets of the 80s. We lived with our fathers in a private booth in the town. But it is only not grave melodiously in the child's school. Mom bought zoshiti in 2 kop for the entire beginning of the day, as I diligently wrote and put them on the pies in the same order as sitting in the classroom. There are stacks of mathematics and Russian language and even 60 zoshes). In the mountains, I’m partly taxing tsіkavі for me, my mother’s grasping yakim; I read, dictated, wrote in zoshits "for scholarships" and put assessments of taking away zoshiti for revision. At the cold time of fate, my house served as a booth for polishing the dark shaf, my mother still knew the scratches from the credit and me. And at an admirably warm time of fate, I vikoristovuvala zalizny garage, pofarbovaniyu green headlamp. They came and the little girls from the family came ... they all ... wrote, respected ... they especially loved the "little ones" immaterial formulas and robity viglyad, which are important and everything is known. Then my mother Vilayala and for zoshiti became a cupuvati only in a quantity on one pivrichchya. Todi I made a zoshiti navpil) I got a cup of money for the bag as needed. Ale, I knew vikhid. I cut the toilet paper into lines of 30 centimeters, put them in and sewed them in the middle with thread. Vychodila zosit. Writing bulo not handily, papir was torn, ale I grabbed ... I have no wicked situations at a time))) And if it’s practically impossible to go to the bulo’s room, it’s practically impossible to get out of the building, my mother used to see it for wonder. I remember in this "my fate the paperwork deficit" won’t wicked receipts about the payment of communal services melodiously from the 70s. I said not in any case, I didn’t wipe out the smithy vidr! Ale, I was all alone, I took it away, and I played in them only todi, if I wasn’t at home. Ale tsei vipadok gave me one thing: none of them didn’t wikidat, it wouldn’t be needed, but it wouldn’t be necessary to have documents) Through the first trip, my mother fed me: if I didn’t quit a receipt, because I didn’t get it, I wondered about problems then. I will not forget її happy eyes, if I showed you how I’m happy. My mriya was pissed off. I did the trick in the technikum. Graduated from great children to the technologists of the community food. Tse bulo merrily for an hour. The youngest student for me is 8 years old)) I’m a little girl with a scythe, I’m holding a cool magazine in my hands, I’ve started it in the class for a day. Bush senior course. They didn’t spry a bit of stink, they didn’t take it seriously, they didn’t hammer it in, they did it. They made me dviyok in a row. We went to the dean’s office, we welded a school system of assessments. If everyone has two, then I myself do not know the subject. Bida in the out-of-town ... do not go out to bring discipline in two ways) I sit and think that I’m going to work ... And still days I go in a new coat, in new chobot at festivals, but when I go down and go downstairs I step on the bottom of the coat and fall in front of the scholars. Would you like to get up and write in zvilnennya) Zagalom in the classroom I know, hto nigti piljak, hto gubi farbuh, hto bazikak. I seem calmly like this: good ones, you sit on your right, and I think you can bring a viprati machine here (and I show you how I was figuratively dragged into the office from the corridor), bring a cup of silly girls (I am cram into a clear pralny machine) For maybe less varnish for nigtiv and nafarbuvati nigti, by the way, just sit there (demonstratively a glass bag) Now I’m staining, I think I’m dazed at the right time, I wish I could take a special time. Villages and Sidzhu put things in order in Sumts. The flaps glimpsed the roti ... The couple didn’t think so badly, before me it was necessary to show me a spontaneous performance about those who saw their behavior from my side. Formerly, I didn’t think I did the right thing, but the result is buv. That means it was correct) The bets began to pass and more calmly, and in pairs I explained the crumbled pig carcass and brought the little thing to the mind ... the artist changed nothing ... bachachi as I am tormented, and then I have become overwhelmed by myself. by themselves, the children painted the leather from the handler, they painted it "on the bice", which is more beautiful)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). The price is controll and for me)) Ale of it. I say: "Less need to write off." And take it and take me asleep word for word. "Vibach, I think, five" First, I forgot, if I brought the scores to the score in the kitchen. And I went to the robot because of the temperature, I check everything, I think I don’t get enough of everything, it’s stuffy ... The group has a nice boy Ilya I asked him to see a quater and then a thought came to my head: "Freebie has flown into everything, fill in "All radii! Estimated according to real knowledge. Kazhu: "Masha, three or more reloading" "Vasya chotiri, or reloading". The price of the real assessments of the boys, the real knowledge. One little girl was tortured by a dovgo ... she re-edited three times on the score "three"))) and three I put all one "beating the heart". We were separated from each other, I remembered the robot. The guys didn’t let me see, they didn’t let me in, and they called me in the evening in a group to the park, so they’ll take me out))) Cotton, viba ...))) Then I realized that Sasha K. was praying in a cool restaurant, chef-kitchen .. for the deeds of the circumstances, I am the patron saint ... Ex, Sashko ... I’m at once, so to speak, the official’s official in the whole sphere at once, my “love” to the paper))) I just don’t wipe out, I’m guessing my mother’s )) А під цей Noviy Rik she helped the mother of this little girl, yaku taught me to write letters and numbers on the garage in the child's house. Vona led her granddaughter to the yalinka and said thank you very much for my daughter;

My cholovik comes from the Baltics. I am the Central Black Earth Region of Russia)) If we become friends, I will not forget our first visit. Zbiralisya dovgo))) Come to the guests. You nourish, why do we so do. Vin vidpovidaє, less re-curving:
- Shcha "G" kill nafarbovan ("g" DEKa)
I am drinking yogo, and in yogo manner I drawlongly:
-Sho-tu l-i-f-t copper

Not long ago, in the Discussion, I asked about those who will receive 100 Japanese coins in a 20-kopeck coin, asked for a reply.

Tsia Bula Our Persha Morska Zakordonny. practice. Passenger heat ship "Khabarovsk" standing on the line Znahidka-Yokohama-Znahidka, and mainly delivering transit tourists around the world, also got from Australia to Japan, to the Trans-Siberian Railway.
We, the cadets, were accepted into the state as mechanics, bulo Troє Skrynya, Vava and I. Those who come from the Radiansk sixty, may have witnessed the twentieth boys, first settled behind the cordon in 1984.

Through tse, for me the first came to Japan, we will be especially summed up.
Even the whistle on the buzzing sound was voiced, so that the flight was not occupied by the watch, it was sent to the vibration of two options for sounding ashore. Above savages, in groups of three or five, one of the commanding officers, in Yokohama, or on an embassy tourist bus for an excursion to Tokyo.

Screenshot with Vavoy walked along Yoka until the end, and I, with the Tokiy group, went on board the bus.
They checked all the way and nervously, but the bus didn’t come after us. Parking is short. Saying goodbye to a scowl and suffocating Yokohama port for a dozen days, we took a headlong course.

Screenshot from Vavoi Buli, re-envisioned with emoticons from their Japanese suit, and from the satisfaction of viplisuvali on me:
-Lekha! - The stench was already nostalgic, interrupting one - one.
- Tse well ...! Trade in the street is all in kakhli and kilims with shops right on the street. The first majestic cats with jeans and sneakers are on sale!
Ale їkh the most rapturous usefulness was the attack on the vending machines for drinks.

The elder brother Vavi, being a sailor, shared a secret with him.
There will be 20 copies of a Radianska coin, repeating the diameter of a Japanese coin of 100 ien - one to one, if you want to create a new one for a dot, you will automatically accept it for your own. Vava having filled with twenty offending kisheni.

On the popular, in the middle of the seamen of the Yokogami trade street, not far from the port, Screenshot of Vavoy was marked with one of the automatons, knowing the moment if the senior group got in front of their eyes, they put a coin into the slot of the automaton.
For 20 kopecks they bought a gun, and I even trembled a siren, as if I saw a machine gun at a swing, and a hundred meters in a sprint out of the blue, there was nothing to the crowded criss-cross, the stink was lost in NATO.

On our arrival in Yoku, I nevertheless decided to finish off the food from Tokyo, and after rising to issue a double for the excursion. The trip has been seen. Vava went with me, they straightened with him і two yogo, stuffed with coins, chickens. I’ll skip the description of all the excursions in Tokyo, thank God, now I’m not happy about anyone, and immediately violated the vending machines themselves in Ginzo, before we were brought home in the evenings.

Already there was no pimp, having gone out of the group, we walked around Vavoi in a new Tokio.
To replace the vicarious GLORY of the CPSU, we were fired by pretty Japanese women with neon, shimmered, played along the walls of the iglophy, the music sounded, and they didn’t keep pace with the lacquering of cars.

Lech! - Vava whispered to me even in a voice, - Wonder!
I marveled at my right hand. Not far away, right on the crossings of two wide streets, vegetable gardens from their sides with light-emitting lights and zebras of small transitions, glittered in the fires of a deserted, automatic edge.
-Trimay! - Vava, having hung a coin from my dolon, they beat me to the automatics.

There were no drinks in them only. More precisely, we did not know what kind of boules there were, except for those we see - if, kawi, tea and funti. All for 100 ієн.
Numerous rows of rose-colored jars, dances, boxes, packages and cups marveled at us right into our souls, smelling, and not overpowering the vibe - bomb!
I thrust twenty kopecks into the first slot, and for every type of taste I got ready to tear the kigty. The coin did not keep pace with the labyrinth, and went into the swirling swarm. Automatic movchav.

I will step on, taking twenty kopecks of neglected Vava at its face value, giving up the whole number of sharp edges, seeing the charm "K-x-x-x-e !!!", and ignited by hundreds of red arrows. Vava squeezed the pershu-lipsha, and dully squeezed into the tray, locked the dance.
Bingo! It just sprang to me!

Nemov's unprogrammed grills automatically drove the stench right overhead, and they smelled of the unfinished images of the Japanese food industry.
For a few cans, we soaked “not coming out of the cart, and having stuffed everything you can stuff cans-butyls in light summer clothes, galloped to the bus. Potentially, from the contented people, they delighted all our innumerable fellow travelers with cold drinks, and the whole road to Yokogami was not pissed off.

I will be one, the last little bit of admission to our coming arrival.
Yokohama, on that day of Christmas, I’m a vlasnu rychnitsa, and in the grandiose sixty-year fireworks, thousands of Japanese people went to the embankment near the sea station, just by the way.
Having walked along the Yoka to the fullest, we turned to the port, as soon as it got dark, and when it got better.

Having visited a deserted grocery store, not far from the city of our mooring, a number of vending machines were sent, and again, we had a good luck. Viyshlo. Already on the way to the board, we reached two compartments with the help of paper, the paper bags were taken to the ship, and the drink-pati were pulled. Until the next day, the sound of the message was bared, but before the evening in the vending machines of the port store a great number of Russian and walnut coins were revealed.

In addition, when a Japanese representative arrives on board, he is ahead of those who, in the event of being hijacked by law-enforcers, stink will be seen before the court in Japan.
Fear the obshuku, mi from Vava quickly lost their money, and the banks went to the luminary.
I, as it seems, is the end of the water!

So shit! This history is dependent on the nutritional character of our offense. It is disgusting, viciously, we did it. Read poktupili. In fact, I can say that nothing is wrong to say nothing to the point of not writing a drop - no thoughts were found.
Here bulo zovsim іnshe - risik, excitement and youthful fucking. Approximately in the same mood and success, they were kicked off to the side of the gas vending machines on the Vladivostotskoy embankment.
So why the Japanese shouldn't say: - Arigato!
I'm frying. Now it is lame, zychay. Sorry!

Prodovzhumo watch for the writer "Budinok i Dacha" ( of the small site Just the last time we sent a petty, like the suvors of the Moscow sanitary technicians, the cunning glamorous blondes (History of Toli SCB and Yakois Oleni Lenina). Seasonal - History from Ogresg1 about tailed beasts.

Positions of battle with nature

We will bring the cats to Matusei by showing the room of his forgiven team-hour living. The minimally necessary kit for life є - a tray, a year from a party і one box for all, on my thought, it is guilty of catching a hollow, a nest, and a kitty's house at once.
They have visited friends and know them not to drive, to see calm and order, music is not heard again, but be quiet, drive, lower than grass.
Vimknuv light and pobazhali for good: I - їm, and the stench - me.
Chi did not sleep ...
I can smell the raptom, the cochinates are going to be fed with mami, and they should be asleep.
Vona vidpovidaє, go to sleep.
For the grumble of the rosum, which is a breach.
Kittens know to whisper - yak won’t think, but I’m sleeping chi nі.
Kishka vidpovila - light, sleeping.
Todi kittens beat them to sleep, and kishka happily died.
First time!

It seems that literally everything did not fit in the renovation of the apartment - and I put my sneakers where I didn’t, I didn’t tidy up Flisk, but simply threw it on the back of the crucifix, but the wood didn’t call itself in the whole cottage, they said a great them in khovanki and hove in the shafu, as soon as they lie on the bots and go over to uncover bedsores, and the gods of the kittens are unleashed, they showed them how to rustle the plastic bags correctly, twenty great bees were crushed there. in a tray with granules, і, judging by the sounds, we felt already oversupply of furniture ... as I got up and felt my dissatisfaction.

The whole other is smart, and if you turn on the light, there is not any more, only the bag is pogoyuvavsya ... Did you get a sleepy little kitty, like a bunch of early food, and then put on a little bit earlier? it’s not a chula! "

І so three times in a night.

And especially for skin care, without explaining the rules, the stench has flowed in before. It means that I will have a drink of some nemay - the cochinates were killing the visnovok. I want to know a lot about them, they put them in two kutas, and a tray of bugs for more important information.

Vinis matusya on the street - without a grave "moore" kittens havayut and do not commit unlawfulness.
There was silence and harmony, and I fell asleep.
If I had a dream about Elektronika, and a dermal cat has a button, and it’s right there before its tail, even if it’s necessary to push it with short, short onslaught.

History is long-standing, pedagogical.

The company of classmates was picked up as a raznoshersta company in one of the mines of the mine. All the mother’s mother’s little boys tell me about those who smelled like they entered the university before university, how the tutors, the mother’s mother, beat over them and how they’re now like the type of great school in the faculty. And for the Shakhtar children, everything was simple - good readers, good friends in the yard and a hard tato with a belt. Bo for the skin Mozart varto "evil" dad with razki. As a result, a class of 44 telepins of a provincial working place, all over the warehouse, came without any tutors in the city’s university. At the same time, for the capital's mother's little boys, the good-looking sovetskaya Vlada put the entrance ball 18-19 from 25, and to the nonresident proletarian type of beadle as much as 24-25 from 25. Such was the case for social justice in any socialist state. Alemova is not about pedagogy, but about pedagogy.
Yak is hungry at the parties of young fathers vreshti-resht came a mova about their children. I young mothers, interrupting one one, began to boast of their rosum and the smartness of their children, for the axis of the axis is already time to sign up for the first class. And the stench of the type already reads the stench like a dictator on TB, remember to remember to eat, to use calculators in roses, and to dance and to play pianos with Bach in three hands. And then they started to get up one for the tattoo, the children of the miners, and literally watered the water. Sha, said the stench. Hear now, mothers of God. Have you decided who do you want to be victorious from our boys and daughters? To see, come your clever and all in my child to school. And everything is easy for you there, and all those wines are in my mind and know. As a result, win will know - struggling, doing hard, politely pratsyuvati, why not pouting before pereshkod, struggling to the point of being overwhelmed - most of all, as smart and talented from the people and everything is easy and simple. Difficult - tse nasty, good if it is easy, you need to work and live with satisfaction and only so, as it befits. And to be like a walk, grati, hang out, see and take care of of a kind kuynya on the Uzbek Indian Ocean. And you will be the result of a hangover and a weak-willed mother's little one, nothing without help, but not a mother, but not at all, he is thrashing with his tongue and a member. Those same summons, as recently you yourself were not allowed to enter before the university. Your children - you will be virishuvati and not letting go. Don't go into sports - wrestling, boxing, hockey, swimming, gymnastics. Anyone who is not able to, or if the heart is weak, do not go to the best schools and stick to mathematics, physics, medicine. There is no mischief for fools. We do not need wunderkіndіv, we need wunderkіndіv for life. All the intelligence? Viconuwati.

Rocks passed. At the conference on aerospace systems, organized by the Boeing Satellite Development Center, a little-known company of young engineers and old people from other countries was picked up. The first father, the young, and not even interrupting one, began to boast about the rosiness and the smartness of their children, since the axis of the axis is already time to sign up for the first class. And the stench of the type is already reading like a dictator on TB, remembering to remember to eat, using calculators in mind, and dancing and playing basketball. And here is the post, one tattoo, the one who reads the word literally with obscenities, the word is repeated the same sentences, as you have already read it. Viyavilosya tse children and grandchildren are quiet miners themselves. In their youth, wrestlers-classics, swimmers, old-timers, alpine and rugby. Thank you for sports and smart strict tattoos behind your back. Good geni - in principle, it is not possible to beat in, ale zipsuvati is possible. Yak speaking Generalisimus Suvorov - life, tse bіy, and my soldiers in tsya battle. It is important to a soldier in Navchanni - it will be easy to be in battle.

All the suggestions that were needed and the stories are ordered by the editor into five categories: new basic, new, repeated, copies and all sorts of things. The texts are called repeated, even in the archives of our site. The copy of the history, previously published on the other popular sites.
The streaming release has histories: new - 10, repeated - 1, copies - 1, all sorts of things - 2.

Forbes Life sklav calendar to the release of the main book novelties tsiy roku

Reading the Chekaє Continued to the novel by Oleksiy Ivanov "Tobol", "The Trilogy of Dislike" by Eleni Ferrante, a friend of the book by Guzel Yakhin and the rewarding novel by Arundati Roy. Russian view of the Booker 2017 Prize “Lincoln in the Bardo”, Richard Russo’s pulitzer novel “Empire Falls” and new messages by Annie Gavaldi. The Forbes Life gallery has the most recent novelties for 2018, according to the plan for sale.

Oleksiy Ivanov. "Tobol. Few of them "

form: Editorial board of Deer Shubino

Checkout date: lutius

"Tobol. Few turned "- a friend's book to the novel-Peplum Oleksiy Ivanov" Tobol ". Reforms of Tsar Peter blown over Sibir, and everyone, who" boiled poklikani "in the Central Vilnius, transform," obranі "stench Sibir. The Russian schoolchildren build their own ship, the Russian regiments go for gold in the distant Asian place of Yarkand, the metropolitan is the first to make his way to the sacred idol of the Nation in the hands of the wicked sea taiga governor. The share of the heroes merge together, and in the fierce struggle of the old and the new people, the history of Siberia and the history of the land are fought.

Yuliya Zaitseva, co-author of the book "Netri" and producer Oleksiya Ivanova:“Ivanov's bi-volume two-volume“ Tobol ”is not only an amusing one, but rather a most beautiful novel. A full-time session of one-hour gris immediately on decilkokh boards, and before that it was too much. The head is constantly required to trim dozens of lines and a bit, a slightly unique melody of the skin and gently and progressively ruffles until the end. The epic is well-respected, the men dared to see the skin scholars: Tolstoy, Sholokhov, Grossman ... Ivanov zumіv utrimati in the head two centuries of the Siberian Conquest, to bring to the final the gross on all the boards and not to anger the happy party. In my opinion, New Viyshov has a grandmaster novel. "

Chania Yanagihara. "People in the middle of trees"

form: Corpus

Checkout date: kinets of the fierce - ear of birch

Translation from English: Viktor Sonkin

Chania Yanagihari's debut novel was read by readers, critics, and readers, and critics, to confirm, or to express their hostility to the big history of choir friends. Chania Yanagikhara wrote the novel "People in the middle of trees", spiraling on the real podії. In 1950, the young doctor Norton Perina was sent to a distant Micronesian island, where people live, who are the secret of wondrous happiness. Perine to see the nature of this phenomenon, and the result is to bring about a revolution in medical and neuroscience perspectives for people. “However, engaging the kazki in the bouvalls is a painful and terrible process, erasing cordon between a heroic deed and evil”. Norton Perini's insight will be wrapped in a whole series of catastrophes: ecological, social and special.
In the basis of the novel by Yanagikhari is the history of the laureate Nobel Prize according to physiology and medicine, virologist, pediatrician Deniel Gaiduzek, who was arrested for the incidents of his foster children. In the Interview of Chania Yanagikhara said more than once that Gaiduzek knew about the history from his father and was impressed, as hard and fast as possible. "People in the middle of trees" - a novel, telling from the position of a strong and possessive people. The first book is a little bit of success in the first place, and will be transmitted to the voice of evil.

Transfer to the novel Viktor Sonkin:“At the Russian reader, like a new book by Yanagikhari, I’ll be better off for all the long history of the formation of the ochikuvannya, based on the prelude to the“ Little Life ”, as she did a bit of a hostile act here - like on such a shanuvichnuyu. I sure, at least one important topic, The theme of violence against children (I do not throw spoilers, for that literally the whole zmist novel is referred to in newspaper articles in the first rows, the essence of this novel is called in the first row) in the book. Ale in usomu іnshomu - for the structure, for the characters, for the accepted idea - tse zovsim іnsha, the book is not similar to "Little Life". It is especially important for me to be built, especially those who, in the "Little Life", the reader will see (accept in the present hour) with a majestic number of good, kind, noble people. In "People in the middle of trees" there are no such characters vzagal, zhodnogo. Tse sprazhn_y "novel without a hero" in the whole sense. At the same time, I’m talking about how important it’s speech: about the shit of the science of truth, about the virginity of one's own, about death and try to drink from her. Besides, it is a luscious good-natured novel in its own kind; True, I try to force it, but before that, the appreciators of literature, especially Russian, can respect it, but the plot is still old and not used in literature. Well, the axis of Yanagikhari, luckily, there are no such illusions. "

Boris Minaev. "Cowboy" Marlboro ", abo Dіvchata 80s"

form: hour

Checkout date: kinets of the fierce - ear of birch

Writer Boris Minaev, financialist of "Russian Booker" and "Yasnaya Polyana" with the novel "Myaka Tissue", yes the Russian view of Kharuki Murakami. A Japanese writer of great prose writing delighting the readers with a compilation of lyrical messages "Choloviki without women". Boris Minaev having written twenty-three special stories about the life of young women. "The Marlboro cowboy, or the 80s Divine" is a thin and funny book about youth and about those who have a share of non-glamorous vipadoks.

Boris Minaev: “I got started more easily with women, now with choloviks. The people need to be friends in the singing sense - a strong vipivati, which at once is necessary to go to the lazul, for example, which I cannot tolerate, and even just talk about it. I only on singing. With women you can talk at once and about everything. In all cich non-viscous roses є, however, wait for another, third, quarters, or even one hundred quarters of a sense, which is not at once sensible, but the chain is even more enticing. Three times, and, in fact, my book was born. Our generation is alive with them, and, slightly blundering, we are in the midst of the era that was formally retired in the 1980s, but for good reason even earlier, though I don't want to end it all. I don’t know what does it mean, maybe it’s all life-long? Vlasne, the very same, and the mind of the mind. "

Julian Barnes. "One history"

form: Azbuka-Attikus

Checkout date: Berezen

Translation from English: Olena Petrova

“Mayzhe at the skin we have only one history, I want to be more flexible. It does not mean that there is nothing more to be seen in life: there is no endless podgy, which can be re-created into an endless story. If only one is left, it will mean, if one is deprived of that, we will feel it. The first axis is my development. " With these words, Julian Barnes started her new history of intellectual Julian Barnes, one of the most prolific prose writers.
This new hero, charming Paul, who is even more similar to Barnes himself, started his work from the philosophical and at the same hour even more special food: "Did you want to love more and suffer more or love less, more and less?" Winning the history of his great love, student years, since 19-year-old Paul has learned to replace 48-year-old Susan - and everything in the world has ceased to be meaningful. That very "One History", about the yak Paul is ready to report, became the first step in his life.

“It used to be, absolutely airtight, without transferring the continuation of the Booker novel“ Transmission of the Kincya ”, having recognized the lack of development in the“ One History ”, - Forbes Life Oleksandr Guzman, editor of the Azbuka video studio... - It’s a kind of anatomy perchet, to serve as a key to everything, to see people’s distance, to the end of life. It’s not a gift in the recent Interview, timed to coincide with the release of “One History”. Barnes sent to Turgen: “ Zgadaimo Turgenov, one of the greatest prose writers, who wrote about love. The story "Pershe kokhannya" is based on the first and foremost youthful advice. With a thirteen podlitkom vin shaleno thrashed in a twelve rocky twelve, a little bit more vidkrittya: won - kohan yogo dad. Paul, the hero of my ninth novel, seems to be the first to put a video beat on all the farther life: either as a butt or as a counter-butt».

Cherven Li. "Good self-attitude"

form: Corpus

Checkout date: Berezen

Translation from English: Leonid Motilov

"Good self-reliance" is a strained novel about the vantage of memory and hardness. American writing of the Chinese vernacular Lі rozpovіdaє about three heroes, which are tied up in a room 25 years ago. The story has come about those who have passed their souls, how hundreds of thousands of children are turning into torrents and starting today and today. Like to say one of the heroes, "to bring the best of everything, like to drive him into the coffin, to the heartless vipad."

The heroes of the worm Whether they live far away one from one (in America and in China), or if all three lived in Pekin and were friends with Shaoai, zuhvalo and square. The writing of worm pods on the Tiananmen Shaoai square was turned up at the university, and the dawn of the girl was lost in the wondrous circumstances. For three friends, the death of Shaoai and a big cocktail with blame and age will melt with mana and a share.

Transferring to the novel Leonid Motilov: “I heard the author of the whole book last spring in the Moscow library of Dostoevsky. At that hour, after reading the novel, thinking about translating and writing, I’ll feed it, to which one of the bots: the young rebel Shaoai or the older generation, who vvazhaє, why "don't you use a butt?" Vona said she didn't know the answer. Chitachev must judge for himself (or utrimatisya before the court). In tsіy knizі, in sum and more muffled, nіzh її is the first big novel "Barge Haulers", read a lot of it yourself. Seeing that the element is spoken Li - disagree, and I didn’t know, knowing that I’m the author, and even strongly slipping into her, having recently died, William Trevor, Chekhov’s slump. Yak Trevor, yak Chekhov - і, maybe, in the tradition of general literature, - If you give reading signals, like not pedaling іх, sponkayuchi until internal robot, Until sp_vperjivannya and intelligence. The one who reaches the last chapters of the novel, for example, is himself guilty of the intelligence, to which the heroine reacts so wonderfully to the words about the Chill of the shkiri. I, when talking about great topics, the reader, maybe, think about the memory. The memory of the trauma on the Tiananmen area is NOT alive and not dead, as it is cut off, like the ice between the eyes of Shaoai. "

George Saunders. "Lincoln in the bardo"

form: Exmo

Checkout date: Berezen

Translation from English: Grigoriy Krilov

58-year-old Texan George Saunders with the novel "Lincoln in the Bardo" in 2017 won the Booker Prize for Literature for the novel about the American president. In this foundation - one nothing from the life of Abraham Lincoln. 11-year-old President Vilya of the funeral in the marmur crypt at the Georgetown treasure. The grief-stricken dad priizdzhak in the storeroom under the cover of the night, and by the way with the blue. And Vili himself appears among the dead and alive, in the primary light, inhabited by the shadows of the past. Vlasne, bardo (literally - "mіzh dvoma") in Buddhism and means those same industrial camp mіzh tim svіtom i cim. Skargi, screams, voices and heaps of delectable Villi of souls Saunders draw on a collage of historical documents and books, invented and real, so the boy's life is shown on the smallest political events of that hour. A true, no-nonsense, artistic novel, the entire postmodernist novel is trying to spoil the literary Texan, the divine stylist, the master of the most aphoristic gimmicks, the exact warnings of the most people.

“Novel names criticized by experimental, - explained Forbes Life the head of the department of transcord prose of the exhibition "Exmo" Julia Rautbort, - і really, іn tsіkaviy not only from the point of view of the wisdom, but from the point of view of the form, but the thoughtful reader humorously evaluate. First for everything, as I am to be built, I will bring my brightly twisted humanistic straightforwardness. Saunders told me, if I feel the story of the death of President Lincoln, Vinik has an image at once, which is a common memorial of Lincoln and Michelangelo's “Pietu” (sculpture of Mary Mary, who mourns Christ). President Lincoln, who is a great nation in the church, is a national hero of America, the president of the country, in Saunders' novel he is an unimportant dad, mourning for his beloved son. The whole plot motive allows the author to go to the globally zagalnennya: scho є death and how to go to it ”.

“If you talk about Saunders' jokes in the area of ​​form, then it is necessary to say: with a skin side, a skin row, the author tries the possibility of a word, between what is permissible: how much is enough to get stuck in order to convey the author's thought to the reader, de that border, for what form, and , - rozpov_v transfer to the novel Grigoriy Krilov... - For the transfer of such a book - і wiklik, і contentedness, і the torment is mortal: in the dermal speech it is difficult, difficult; I am encouraged by the help of the editors and correctors of the stink at the growing level of success in the podolan. "

Ann Tyler. "Adopt America"

form: Phantom Press

Checkout date: Spring

Translation from English: Lyubov Sum

Mabut, the most stressful novel by Enn Tyler, one of the leading American writings of happiness, also kindly to the Russian reader, "a cat of blue threads" and "Vypadkovy tourist." "Adopt America" ​​is a history that will show the United States from two points of view: people who were born and grew up there, and migrants, who came to a foreign land and fell in love with it.

“The book is about those who mean being American. Two families, as in the wicked life of a nicholas would not be created, are stuck at the airport: American Donaldson and friend Yazdan, an Iranian hiker, - Forbes Life chief editor of the Phantom Press video studio Igor Alyukov... - Offended bets check the arrival of Korea, the girls are not young, who have adopted the stench. Children are arriving, and the first time a child grows up to live up to each other at once. It’s an old tradition - two families are organized once at a time, and in a step-by-step way, they merge. Novel of light, dainty, divine warnings for life. "

Guzel Yakhina. "My children"

form: Editorial board of Deer Shubino

Checkout date: kinets quitnya - cob of grass

“My Children” is a friend of the book of young writers Guzel Yakhin, laureate of the “Great Book” and “Yasna Polyana” prizes for his debut novel “Zuleikha Vidkriva Ochi”. Yakhin's new novel about the history of the Volga Nimts in the first half of the 20th century. Pislya grave viprobuvan Jacob Bach, a school teacher, having returned to the world and taken to the village of the village. His one daughter, Anche, is to grow up on an old farm, in the wilderness of the steppe. Vіn live quietly and calmly, writing kazki and shukє pacification. Alec Schulmeister Bach's enchanting rite is to enter into reality with a wondrous rite - "I am a witness against the will of an old demiurge, ready to take action by force." Ale zberigak tsey gift of yogo himself? Is it given to Jacob to write a share and vryatuvati to himself and his loved ones? From ruinous fierceness, sum'yattya, chaos and zhorstokost, talent and love are fueled, but in a terrible time it is more dumb.

At Forbes Life Guzel Yakhina presented a new novel and revived the fear of another novel, written for the magnificent success of Zuleikha: "Fear, sly, bully. The tough history of Zuleikha will be much greater, and I will think that before the new novel will be delivered to the suvorishe. Mozhlvo, for that very reason, one of the central motives of the novel "My Children" has become a pledge of fear. Just talk about the philosophy of the novel, for me the history, instead of about the mythology of information: well, it wouldn’t be seen in the life of the people, if you’re shukati and know and know the images and archetypes. The main hero, a Russian name in the name of Bach, is a witness and a participant in the early hour of Radiance, to play in that, when you see some folklore plots. Nimetsky kazki come to life in the decorations of the 1920s and 1930s. 24 fatefulness of the Nimetsky autonomy on the Volzia was transformed into a sub-code before it was introduced in the country. I wanted to tell you about the lights of the Nimetsky Volga region - bright, self-contained, alive. About light, injected with outside people in a foreign land, and this year's ruined in the past. Along with it, the history of the people: about the love of a man to a woman, about a sticky daddy to a daughter, about those, how great love creates fears in our heart and instantly helps them to overcome fears. "

Oleg Yrmakov. "Veselka i Veres"

form: hour

Checkout date: Spring

Oleg Urmakov, laureate of the Yasna Polyana Prize, will play and detectively twist The Song of the Tungus for one hour, writing a historical novel about the native Smolensk, which Poles called the castle at once About m, and Russian - a fortune at the entrance of his kingdom. Sheds 1632, the young nobleman Nikolaus Vrzhosek, and in the fierce 2015 rock - the Moscow venerable photographer Pavlo Kostochkin. An offense from the tsikavistyu to be impressed in the shape of the castle-fortress and both the check of love: one - to the onuka ikonographer and herbalist, and the one - to someone else's name.

About those two private history rafting together, Forbes Life itself Oleg Ermakov: “At the provincial town, our partner, a capital city photographer, is living the history - the past and the present. Tse zbagnennya spiritualized to see love. Approximately the same people brought the chotirist of rock to that of the Polish nobleman, who arrived at the far distant castle of the Commonwealth - in Smolensk fortress, and at the same hour the ancestors of the great Russians served as crowns: Glinka and Tvardovsky. I de sklav his head ancestor Yuriya Lermontov Scottish captain Lermont. Smolensk is like a mice of creation Go and go, go in, get away with your tea "toledtsi", as you promote Russian culture. Misto, burning with clay calcined in fire, becomes the share of the nobleman Nicolaus Vrzhosek and the capital's photographer Pavel Kostochkin. "

"Plastic leaves are divine, so the honor of the classic Russian prose, - write in the" Novy mir " literary Iryna Rodnyanska, - from the frosty winter in the Smolensk fossil holon shelter, and mimovoly Kut, sitting in a heated room. Geniy ​​mіstsya dikhaє in bezlіchі dignity (the fruit of polish witness, and not pedantic study): as a tactical novelty of the book (Ukrainian, Bilorusskі, Polish heroes of tales and hangs; it is seen from the historical and political oversight. Ale і is still not smut. The novel is useful in that sense, in the sound of thinking about the novels of Walter Scott, and not without looking back at them, about the Pushkin's "Captain's daughter".

Chloe Benjamin. "Immortelles"

form: Phantom Press

Checkout date: Spring

Translation from English: Marina Izvekova

The whole novel is about the inability to convey life, about the special vibe and about those who have a greater share: family and root, or more from them.

New York, 1969 rіk. At the Lower East-Sidi, a keen sense of the appearance of a mysterious woman-psychic, who will transmit to people the day of their death, has broadened. Four young Goldens - from seven to thirteen rockies - from the tsikavosti go to know their share. The remaining hand of the path is the simplest Varya, the oldest of the children. Having glanced at the її dolonya, the woman melts into smiles: "Oh, everything will be in order with you, you will die in 2044". It’s a happy little girl to go to the street, and there she’s even cheeky brothers and sisters.

“At the onset of ten years, the prophecy is about to be remembered,” Forbes Life editor Igor Alyukov... - How many children are looking forward. Simon Gold is on his way to San Francisco to lead a bohemian life. Klara was singing with a path of skin rock all the more zanuryuvatisya in the world, no less growing her fantasies and reality. Deniel, natural leader, make the career of the vіyskiy lіkar. And Varya ... Varya is to assign to himself the problem of immortality, balancing between science and vygadkoy. Wonderful Gibini is a novel about the ring of inevitability and freedom of choice, about the intertwining of illusions and reality, about the power of family rings and forces, which are open. A book is seen, just a view ”.

Arundati Roy. "Ministry of the Finding Happiness"

form: AST

Checkout date: grass

Translation from English: Oleksandr Anvaer

Writing the debut and even straining to the novel "God Dribnits", grabbed by Julian Barnes and John Updike, the Indian writer Arundati Roy spent two decades. All the people of the city were actively involved in the colossal political activity, and did not write ale of artistic prose. Re-translate a new idea into the novel "The Ministry of the Finding Happiness" by Arundati Roy, in good words, with a friend - Booker Laureate 1972 John Berger. British vidavtsі one-style: another tvir Arundati Roy є "a divine, large-scale book - mabut, a beautiful novel, as we happened to read in the rest of the rock."

“This is a divine book,” confirms Forbes Life transfer to the novel Oleksandr Anvaer... - To the author, the development of myths, the creation of the famous sentimental "Indian" films and ancient graces of the European mandates. India is not just "plowing, deserving and gods". From the first rows on the reader, the scary effect of the bootleg marginal, the castes of the supernaturals, which is unimportant to the law of the fence, separatism, at the first time to climb from the shilines will fall down on the reader. Winning a vision of hopelessness, an altogether marvelous rite to grow up with a given reading. Everything on the right is that the author loves his heroes. The skinny character of scribbling, viming with love - to navigate to the rest of the nonsense and the scoundrel, which the author gives as a life to a ludin. After a few dozen sides, the people stopped growing as an Indian and an exotic people. Bachish people are the same, yak ty himself. І in the whole of realism, reliability, irony, breadth, optimism of the consistency of the whole life of the whole series of books. "

"The Ministry of the Finding Happiness" is a difficult novel, you won't forget it, - a commentary of the kerivnik in the translation of the genre literature Irina Arkharova... - "The Ministry of Happiness", like a Persian kilim, winding through the ages of history. Whether it is the life of a half-tied hidzhri and a girl, find it with her emotional and unhappy love, or the life of the boyov Musya, who has lost his daughter and squad, who sacrifices love to the woman for the ideal. And I think, well, I am not concerned with the folding and dissimilarity of heroes and I am actively demonstrating the author's political glances for an hour, and this unanimous and difficult novel is guilty of coming to the Russian language. "

Elena Ferrante. "Daughter is lost"

form: Sinbad

Checkout date: spring summer

Transfer from italic: Olga Tkachenko

Good news for the "Neapolitan quartet" shanuwalks: the feisty Ferrante triva. In the new season of the novel "Sinbad", I will see three early novels of the best Italian writing - I will think of the "trilogy of dislike". Krim "The Lost Daughter" checks us on the shifting of the books "Troubling love" (labeled as "Obsessive Love") and "The Days of Abandoment" (labeled as "Days of Self-Reliance").

“There are three histories, which are tied one with one,” I will explain Iryna Bachka, patron of the general director of the "Sinbad", - we will be imbued with only the unique style of Ferrante: there is no one to put in front of us a great mirror and help us to shake our share in the life of distant Neapolitan women. "

The main heroine of the novel "Daughter is Lost" Leda is forty-seven years old, and freedom wondered: the daughters grew up and went to Canada to their father. Ice is inviting to grow up with children and self-reliance: make a home for peace and cleanliness and a lot of time for yourself and your beloved robot. The heroine on the occasion of the month knows an apartment on the Ionichny Uzberezhzhi, when you go to sleep, read books, write statistics. However, there are plenty of books on the beaches. Leda was spostering for the great and no less amicable family of her fellow countrymen in the neapolitan ... in a foreign life, and at the same time I will rethink my hair.

"Naples, lyalka, lyakayuche schira spovid heroine-opovidachki - before us is the creative master of Ferrante, - commentsє chief editor of the "Sinbad" media outlet Olena Golovina... “The Lost Daughter has a reader who knows about the history of Lily and Olena, melodiously guesses yes to the“ Neapolitan Quartet ”. Along with this, a self-styled, gliboky, pov-blooded text, a lecture advised the theme of motherhood in the most dramatic aspects. "

Anna Gavalda. "Fendre l'armure"

Vidavnitstvo: AST

Date of entry: grass-worm

Writing decilkokh novels Anna Gavalda decided to take on a short break again, and then go back to the literature, having published the divinely powerful collection "I want to, but I don't have a check." In the new seven novels, there is a new manifestation of chuynist, empathy, in the mind of opening up their heroes and zmusiti — not just talking, but living.

“Anna Gavalda was the head of the bullet, don’t go against the day and give the power to the characters; editorial board Dmitro Rumyantsev, editor-in-chief of the translation literature of the editorial board of "Zhanri"... - In the new generation, the kudi went away from seven short and not even more disputes, out of the unseen majesty, the skinny times, the new character and widely borrowed from the spacious and spoken portraits of people of the auto vocabulary ( All tsikh people share one thing: the share of їkh did not blow up. It's disgusting, self-conscious, sore, and the stench has become tired of robbing the viglyad, everything is in order. Stinks are ready to expose their wounded hearts in front of the first instrumental, including those who read, and try to know those who know their hearts, and do not like to know the mighty happiness.

The heroes of Gavaldi talk about self-reliance, about beating, about the magic of devices and about the power of love - the stench of coming to the reader “with an open visor”, completing the moments of life from scratch, if everything literally needs to be found to know some parts of life. Among them is a young man, who has shown his good friend at the funeral and on the journey to the house, three times and descents; reopening of thoughts about an evil friend of businessmen, rozoryaє mini-bar in a room in a hotel in Seoul; vod_y vantazh_vki, which consumes the blue and viplakuv in his grief of the dog; father of the family, viklikaniy in the school of the headmaster ... I want all the stench of one thing - we will feel it.

Axis scho raspovіla about zbіrka itself Anna Gavalda: “I could say that there’s a collection of novellas, history — of seven of them, and the smell of writing from the first individual — but I’m writing the book in the best way. For less history and less in the world of characters, for less people. Good people. Here є Lyudmila, Paul, Jean! Reshti has no name. Stink just seem like "I". Everybody can tell about themselves at night, in those countries it is important to have an eye out, like an hour at once. I’m needing to be able to clear up something for ourselves; Not everyone is prone to vdät, ale me, those rattled, as the stench was magalized to the zrobiti. To make a complaint from my side, talk about those that I have invented the characters didn’t make fun of, let me repeat to you again: for me there are no characters here - only people, absolutely real people, and I myself am telling you this year ”.

Sebastian Folks. "Englbi"

form: Sinbad

Checkout date: grass worm

Transferfrom English: Maria Makarova

One of the most popular British novels, a master of subtle psychological writing, the creator of "I slept the birds ..." and "There, beating my heart" with a rapt, speaking to the reader in an unknown voice. Tsey voice, for the insights of Folks himself, I feel “one wound in my head”. Vin is simply mirkuvav, dictating. I have become and become a record. I didn’t know what I needed, and I didn’t see what I needed ”. This is how Mike Englby was born, from a chyєї individual de razpovіd (a student of Cambridge, a vikhodets from the "lower", self-sarcastic sposter with a phenomenal memory of greatness.

“What if I have forgotten and want to ask? Prismatic in the rooms, do not fool us - and so - your head in the very thing? As for the reader, it will be forgotten, if one of the students, they saw Mike the flyworms, they wouldn’t miss the rapt. Then the notifications became a volodar of the young man, - revealing the details of the plot editor of the novel by Olena Golovina and immediately afterwards: we are not calling a detective. - Shvidshe for Chergov's pidhid writer to those who are loved by those - the tragedy of the human boot, riddles and crying rosum, nature to the hour. At once from the dark, invisible side to us. "

Tse, mabut, one of the most popular novels by Faulks: the novel is the spirits of a student Mike Englby, who was taken by his cohabitant Jennifer. Yak write to The Guardian, “Englbi is a living hero from the quiet, who came from the pen of Sebastian Faulks. Disarmingly wondrous and penetrating. "

Zulfyu Livaneli. "My brother's story"

form: Exmo

Checkout date: lito

Transfer from Turkish: Apollinaria Avrutina

72-year-old Omer Zulfu Livaneli is one of the most successful modern Turkish writers and before that, a film director, composer and politician. In the 1970s, he emigrated from the country through political reasons, and until 1984 he was still alive in Europe, de and almost writing. Aleksandr Livanela's successful success is the "Turkish" novel "Eunuch from Constantinople", and with a new skin book of wine, becoming more and more at home. Literary critics call Livaneli Turkish Murakami for the goodness of the day in their texts.

“Livaneli are not only promiscuous, but an advanced manager, - Forbes Life's announcement the editor of the book is Yulia Chegodaikina.- Win with a lot of distribution of pastes, schob zaplutat reader, viclikati oburennya, zdivuvannya and burial. In "The History of My Brother" there is not a lot of curious word, a skin detail for your own work and reference in the hour needed. The novel is melodic nest_lka, which will transform the reader into a chuy listener. And when I read it, I’ll see the dichaєsh through the fear of drawing in to find my note. ”

"The history of my brother" to reclaim from the murder and end with suicide, Livaneli splits into the history of the past and the past: love has been stolen, in a prison, a trash, a catastrophe, it’s a little too expensive, it’s unpalatable.

A novel of writing five rock times to that and also translations into 37 mov. Russian book appears to be the bearer of the bezzmіnny transferring of the Turkish nobel writer Orhan Pamuk Apollinarii Avrutin... On the news of Forbes Life, wonders about the novel by the first author: « Sings і director, prose writer і composer, spіvak, musician and ambassador of UNESCO ... The axis is not too large to take one of the most famous writers of Orhan Pamuk, Turk Zulfiya Livaneli. With Russia, Livaneli pov'yuє richly, I have come to our land more than once, it is enough to be friends with Gorbachov for ten years, and I’ll play the whole book of Russia just at once. "The Story of My Brother" is Mabut, Livaneli's most cinematographic novel. The novel, which would repent, would be blessed with a wicked detective line, and wrap around in "1001 nights", the words that read the reader, wandering about those who were themselves lured into the labyrinth of messages, signs and images. Fear and pity, virtue and creepiness, thinking and reconciliation - the axis is deprived of the deyaky feeling, as it cleanses the shitty listener. I’m talking to the novel that’s just plain simple - it’s as simple as that of a Kazkar, - and at the same hour, “the voice of Scheherazad” to drive and attract, and the reader doesn’t look up, as all three hundred sides of the novel will be behind. ”

Frederic Beigbeder. "Life without kint"

form: Azbuka-Attikus

Checkout date: Serpen

Transfer from French: Olena Klokova

“Life is the tse of a hecatomb. 59 million deaths per Rіk. 1.9 viable shchomyti. 158 857 I should go out of my life for a skin day. Pookie read a number of rows, in the light they lost twenty special ones, or even more, as you read every now and then. Why should we be guilty of enduring life due to the natural process driven by life? Earlier, I thought about death. With a bunch of subtle thoughts, they start to love me all the more often ”- this is how Frederic Beigbeder wrote at the forefront of a new artistic novel.

Curvy, charismatic advertiser from "99 francs" and "Ideal" grew up, came a clouded young ludin, in the sense that three rock lives are alive with love, passed the stage of his romantic man and went through the stage of his romantic day P'yatdesyatidvorichny Beigbeder is no longer accepted by rozvagami, business, beautiful girls and tubery life, which is no longer turbulent for love, but it’s terribly lyakєvik on its own. If you are successful and penniless, you want to be more young than ever.

Forbes Life Galina Solovyova, editor of the Azbuka video studio: “The filthy thing is new: it’s not a novel, it’s about finding immortality for yourself. Good news: Well, it's not a novel. If you don’t even get bogged down in the topic of continued life, then it’s cognitive. Vipendryozh on mіsci, but all the same, we see, our Beigbeder grows wiser ... In the new novel by FB, one can write a dozen cynically-ironic phrases, it is obvious to go to the falsified quotation. Aphorisms youmu vdayutsya. "

And the axis and most quotes from the book:

"At fifty, death ceases to be abstraction."

"Up to fifty bizhish in NATO, then NATO ridshak, and you cease to sleep."

"Religiya- tse SPA for the soul ".

"Fathers are our shield against the exposure of death."

"Yea rіch, yak I mozhu zrozumіti: dwellers drivers, potrіbno otrimati right, and dwellers stvoriti Nove Zhyttia - Absent. Be a jerk you can become a dad. "

Ali Smit. "Autumn"

form: Exmo

Checkout date: Serpen

Translation from English: Valeriy Nugatov

The lyrical novel by Ali Smit "Autumn", which was included in the short-list of the minor "Booker" and who did not sacrifice "Lincoln in the bardo", is the first from the so-called seasonal quartet Smit. I don’t think I’m thinking about writing three novels: “Spring”, “Lite” and “Winter” - “about those, how to pass an hour and how to live, change at once with him”. First in the whole sense "Autumn" - the text is even more satisfying: Ali Smit write about the events of this year's day - from Brexit to the lucky artists. Along with a novel about the comprehension of the current political situation, "Autumn" should be called the rest of the devil. So, from a respectful look, Ali Smit hangs out the found signs of deformation of the suspension, albeit melodic, even beautiful, to wind a poetry novel about autumn life and, in an extravagant way, about khannya.

Editor of the novel Dmitro Obgolts: “The novel wants to be called poetical, as the word“ poetical ”in the description of the prose is not misaligned with a negative vidtink, like that hoarse prose, de-rich visochini, ale little substance. "Autumn", navpaki, is united by this invisible substance, which is called either the cloth of life, now the day of the boot, now the material for which we are broken and everything is near us. The book Smit is that rare vipadok, if, with formal lyricism, it is prosaic. "

Richard Russo. Empire Falls

form: Phantom Press

Checkout date: summer autumn

Translation from English: Olena Poletska

68-year-old Richard Russo is one of the most memorable modern American authors, although, according to the unpretentiousness of this book, none of them have ever been seen in Russian language. Mіzh time all russo's novels are screened: for example, the film behind the novel "No Bad" with Paul Newman and Bruce Willis becoming a classic cinematographer.

For the novel "Empire Falls" in 2002, Russo received a Pulitzer Prize. The story of Miles Rob, the humble manager of the unseen Empire Grill. Miles spent all of his life in the small town of Empire Falls in Maine. If there was a lot of bugs and short days, ale lisosagotivli no longer, factories go out of business, and just go all the better in the place. To navigate the mighty clan of Whiting for the great rakhunk, only the whites of glory have lost their fame. Miles himself has problems with his squad, and not everything is going smoothly on the robot, I know that it is unlikely that you can seriously change your life, but you can preserve the decency and that the girl loves the child. "Empire Falls" is even more special and, at the same time, it is not a chamber novel, but rather an epic social novel. Richard Russo will show our brightest and brightest qualities, our powerful fears and hopes for vitality and companionship of the fair mayor.

“Take care of seeing the“ pulitzerivsky ”novel by Russo, we will help you, the writer of the check, and the success of the Russian share, like Enn Tyler, because of the stench in the senses of the literary relatives, - Forbes dAlla Steinman, Director of Phantom Press... - Romani Richard Russo is a great family of tragic comedy. The sum and the smith history about the inhabitants of the small place, when it has progressed, but now it has come to the West. Most of the time it is ice to make children with children, and life is a social “day of the babak”. Miles Robi, like all the people in Empire Falls, having known the best days, but for a long time already just fueled by the flow - it's a pity, from the nasty to the brightest. Hurry up at your zeal zabigailivtsi, win not just sposter for the lives of the mistechka, win the testimony of the era, which is mine. In Empire Falls, they are fueling the slump of a rich family, a lady who is rich and hungry for the strings that are wrapped around everything here. Miles Robi is on one of these strings. Here, і і terrible taunts, і universal tragedies, і rich humor, ale smut, the whole book is permeated by the warmth of irony. "

Gabriel Tallent. "My Absolute Darling"

form: Sinbad

Checkout date: autumn winter

Translation from English: Maria Stepanova

Literary debut, which became the bestseller of 2017 for the rock, and cherish the history of the childish growing up of the little girl-child. A long-term novel about desertedness, hardness and great love for the last prototype of civilization and wild nature.
“You need to be aware of the nearness of death before you start your life in a fair way, and take your life for the good,” Martin Alveston instructs his 14th daughter. Be-a-kind of a dvchintsi tsya glad to be welcomed, we’ll take it for a while. Father awaits її shooters in the world of rock, won’t lead the fire and drive the vantage, for the order of the dad, you can open your finger to the obstinate visitor.
Daddy to instill in everything, as I know, it is a methodical contribution to the hands of Zbroya, who is the daughter of the zoom of your life. Ale not grow up, dad manipuluu with her for additional fear, love and sorrow. Yak wrote Anastasia Zavozova in her blog of transcriptions, “the girl is alive in a psychological field, she can open canned food with her teeth, siri egg and love dad until death. Food only in one: until the next death? "

“Besides, I read the rest of the rock, the whole novel, having corrected the most hostile on me, - Forbes Life Iryna Bachka, yaka bought the rights to the novel for the "Sinbad" movie theater. -It is even more difficult to read because of the scenes, as it is not easy to read, but at the same time you bear the view of the 14th heroine, as you live in the wilderness with your daddy-manipulator, you cannot throw it away. You want it, you won’t be able to. Tse one of the most discussed books to rock, even highly appreciated by critics and entered the list of leading novels. The book, scho cracked the reading tabir. “My Absolute Darling” is not a reading for sensitive girls. I, having said about her Steven King, the understanding of the "masterpiece" of the current year is strongly discredited by frequent implantations, and guilty of vikoristovuvatsya only from vinyatkovy vypadki; "My Absolute Darling" is a masterpiece... This book, as you can’t overshadow baiduzhim, - її will either love or hate. For the power flowing into the light of the reading, the spirituality is asking for a match with "Little Lives", but the history itself is more subtle and penetrating. "My Absolute Darling" is a book you won't forget yaku vi ".

Maya Lundi. "History bjil"

Vidavnitstvo: Phantom Press

Arrival date: autumn-winter

Shift from Norwegian: Anastasia Naumova

Tsia dystopia, baptized with a native saga and a philosophical novel, is already shifted to 30 times more. The History of Bdzhil is the greatest Norwegian novel of the last ten years, having taken practically all the national literature prizes and has become not only a Scandinavian bestseller, but one of the most favorite books in the list. Tse Persha is a book of the ambitious tetralogy of Maya Lunda about the lack of balance in light and about the place of people in New.

"Ale" Istorya bdzhil "for the best reason is not a story of bdzhil, - explaining the idea of ​​Maya Lundi chief editor of "Phantom-Press" Igor Alyukov... - The price is already clear on the first side. Chi is not too far away, the end of our capital. Chinese woman Tao will hand over the fruit of the tree. By hand, it’s not enough for a long time in the light. The first light from the moment of knowledge is not turning around. Build up, before us is a dystopia. It’s not a dystopia. That is why the story of a new type of wine-dweller, who lives in the 19th century, is coming. For the most part, "History of bdzhil" is a chain of history of people-bdzhil, history of families, in which even foldable little ones between fathers and children step by step in the transformation of the family's minds into the minds. The romance of the Norwegian Maya Lunda has three family histories - Victorian, modern, and futuristic - based on the great history about the relationship of mother nature and an unpretentious child - people. The first novel from the tetralogy about happy holiday, Shho between sit mіbutnіm, to finish the lyakaє mіscem. "