Yak pissed off the respect for the expertise in kostoris and rosrahunki. Pokrokova instructions, how to read koshtoris. Butt for koshtoris for installation of split-system and Yak write for koshtoris

Budivnstvo woke up according to an illiterately vikonanny project, carry with itself serious material sbitki, and in some cases bring a threat to the life and health of people.

As a rule, the Deputy will have greater respect for the architectural solutions, the efficiency of the planning and engineering designs. Assess the project awakened for compliance with the alarm standards, reconsider the correctness of the list of nonsense and gardening constructions of people, as they cannot have proper quality and admission, to achieve it smoothly.

Even more widening of the range, if the awakening formations need to speed up the design solution, with the help of the improvement of the costly budgetary costs (for the development of more communication in order to accelerate the robust technologies of awakening).

Navigating with a rationally broken project awaits the budding party to envy by 30-40%, for the first glance, at first glance, incomprehensible access to the great documentation of the project.

Designed and costly documentation, expert examination, and a great deal of imperfection will be incomplete. Practically all projects, which were brought to us by the mothers of the right, for a detailed analysis, took a number of respect, some of which were poured into the building of the constructions, and, even more, to the safety of the mind.

Often there are shortcomings in the project and cost-effective documentation

Inconsistency of design / cost-effective documentation with respectable regulatory authorities;

Inconsistency of high-quality documentation to the project;

Incorrect design of inconsistent building of alarm structures, foundations (for example, the appearance of a design);

Incorrect heat technology awakening / attracting;

Incorrect design of engineering hemlines;

Zavischennya koshtorisnoy partosti;

Introduce the best documentation for the project.

Why is it necessary to carry out an examination of the design and cost-effective documentation?

  • Usunennya shortcomings, revealed by our fahivtsy during the analysis of design and cost-effective documentation, can be accepted The change in the size of the budget is 1.5-2 times.
  • The incorrectness of the designation of the design and the elements in the wake-up call can lead to a number of problems in the wake-up and operation of the object. Naymensha pomorka in the form of incompetent building may be the reason for the weakening or worsening awakening.
  • In case of inappropriateness of the project, it would be necessary for the normative regulators to recognize the problems in the case of narrow (formalized) objects at all stations.
  • At the end of our link, the developers of project and cost-effective documentation will be crooked in a hurry, put all the respect and pay you the part of our robots.

How is the examination of design and design documentation carried out?

Stage 1

You call us, ask for food, design and / or cost-effective documentation, and I will give you a remote consultation! As soon as we go to the general public, we pass to another stage.

2 stage

We know from your documentation, assess the completeness and clarity of the basic normative vimogs, for which it is easy to get ahead of the schedule, about the completeness and quality of the documentation. At the forefront of the assessment, you can take a decision to analyze the design and / or even the most cost-effective documentation.

3 stage

At 2 stages, we will take the decision to analyze the design and / or the cost-effective documentation by the technical staff and the arrangement of the Agreement.

4 stage

We carry out a comprehensive analysis of the design and / or design documentation. If necessary, visit the rosary of the alarm and garden constructions.

5 stage

There is a story about the Viconan analysis of the design and / or any costly documentation, there is an expert appraisal, which includes:

describe the object of the message; respect for documentation; results of viconious rosrahunits (if necessary); recomendations schodo usunennya respect.

For a little more pomilatsya in koshtorisnyh yakomoga rozrahunki less, it is necessary for the good nobility ti " not safe mission", De mozhe" schibiti " Bagato hto think fancy programs So the folding of the costumes has become, on the right, awkward. As a matter of fact, it’s not so good. Samotn_y complex a great vikon of a great deal of robots, pererakhoyuchi sumi all the razdіlіv, razdіlіv and in general on all kostorisі. Inserting the roztinok into the rostorisny rozrahunok is also borderingly simple: the push of the button, and the roztinka from the base is still in the bucket. Ale, with a lot of nuances and subtleties in the beautiful right styles, but at the same time a titanic society robot, like a vicon of the program, have mercy on the fancy one all the same. The typology of the main pardons in kostoris, on which in your respect for the expertise:

- displaying the correct indexes... One of the private ones is respectful of expertise, they are not tied to the end of a great number of indexes in the galusa of a great price solution. The index is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the central authorities of the Ministry of Health, centers and periodic management. An hour before one and the same time, there is a lack of growth in the number of debris from the stage of the project, in which the side of the construction and installation works was carried out to the same type and the other officials.

Still one more valuable expertise can be tied with limed vitrates before transferring to the current price. The correct kostoris ci vitrati will be narakhovuvatisya for the storing of indexes of the wines of kostorisnoy partost.

Another common pity is the wrong way of the winter podorozhannya in koshtorisі;

If you put the non-transferable vitrati more than 2%, there is a great deal of it, well, it is not worthy of the expertise;

Acceptance and also respectful examination: the maximum permissible emission limit is increased to the baseline rate, at that time it is permissible only in the flow rate.

To deliver often kostorisniki pomilyayutsya in rosrakhunkah obsyag_v rob_t and mater_al_v. Knowing the fundamentals of geometry and mathematics can help you to find mercy in the whole.

Pidbir material, which is not suitable for a singular form, is robotic in a fashion - there are also few extensions that can be brought into use in a robot.

Correct pidbir roztsinok from the base is not less important than the establishment, the revision of which is the professional standard of the fakhivtsia from the most important price-setting.

One of the thinnest, the yak is guilty of the nobility, the estimator, є VISION OF THE REQUEST MATERIALS FROM RETS... It is often necessary to deliver efficiently according to the specificity of a rakhunku-texture, in which the price is indicated for the possession of that material, it’s possible to start them, and then we’ll start picking up robots for them. I axis: all materials of establishments and robots are delivered to them - we are ready to go. For the most part, it is necessary to reconsider the skin rosette for the appearance of any materials, so that you can identify duplicates with already established copies in koshtoris. The subtlety is that some of the products are included in the part of the main materials, but not. For example, a large number of retail outlets for electrical installation robots are not in their warehouse materials and possession, but only the labor of robots, the operation of machines and additional materials. In order to install the svitnik, we put the rosette from the 8th part of the store for installation and robotic installation according to the installation, but the svitnik himself needs to set an okremo for the assistant of the price, or according to the price list. І, navpaki, standards for sanitary robots, it is practical to install materials in your warehouse, for example, pipes are laid (albeit without fittings), so that sanitary ware, radios, water heaters are installed. The whole aspect is obligated by all means of insurance in case of collapsed costs.

Another type of respect for expertise - tse storing incorrect performance... Coefficiencies can be absolutely cheap: for dismantling, before the GENERAL during repairs, with the presence of interconnected minds, they are robust. Vikoristannya quiet chi інshih khііnіtsієntіv invite you to be rimmed with project documentation (with її її evidence).

Already, respect for the expertise can be even more abundant, and all the time it is lost to the common fancier - at the same time, methodically follow the turn of the correction, guide your robot according to the wishes of those who are inverting. In case of further revision of the costly documentation, you will not be able to use it. The heads of the professional kashtorisnik began to look closely at the minimization of their pardons, and they were brought up only to the sub-active thought of those who were reconciled for insignificant nutrition. Our beautiful bureau will be able to make the most of the least amount of pardons, so it’s more, and more, more than writing the expertise “to rule” less. Mi pragnemo vipuskati is as correct as possible.

An examination report on the project and the cost of the project is to be signed by the parent of the parent and the expert, in which the examination was carried out, and to be sent to the institution, as the project was approved, the organizers, the organizers of the project were presented by the organizers. Visnovok according to the project and the cost, considered in the order of vibrating control, is supervised by the body, which is good for the examination, in the institute and organization, and in the necessary cases - the bank, as well as the financial awaiting.

Visnovok examination will be looked at one hour from the design documentation in the Institute, which is guilty to confirm it. As soon as the visnovok expertises will take away the grasping, then it will be hardened by this institute, and the projected changes and additional updates will be introduced into the design documentation. Pislya introduced by the design organization into the project and costoris respect and addition, Assigned to the hardened visnovku of examination and in the documents about the examination of the design documentation (protocol of the examination, decision, ordering, order, decree), to document it again to be rectified to the hardened informational institution.

On the sheets of the general design organization, which supervise it, it is necessary for the approval of the design documentation, in the explanatory note to the technical design documentation submitted earlier for approval.

Whenever new people are respected by the deputy to the project, the general superintendent organization, the expert bodies and the main institutions, the project and the need to be confirmed in accordance with the established procedure by a special order, a protocol, and scho pidlyaga budivnistva, reconstruction and expansion.

Nerіdko ekspertnim visnovkom abo rіshennyam about zatverdzhennya ekspertnogo visnovku not tіlki pіdmіnyayutsya documents about zatverdzhennya design koshtorisnoї dokumentatsії and second tim himself porushuєtsya the main provisions about those scho design koshtorisna dokumentatsіya guilty zatverdzhuvatisya tіlki pіslya Adding neї vipravlen for zauvazhennyami determination of price that іnstantsії scho review transferred to the hardened project and cost. There are signs of failure of the established order of examination, registration, viewing and hardening of expert documents and design documentation. And the facts, on our thought, are linked from the view of the typical forms of the examination, the solutions about their examination and hardening, as well as the typical ideas about the results of the examination of the design documentation submitted for the approval.

svorenya єdinikh dokumentіv for ekspertnih organіv that іnstantsіy, SSMSC stverdzhuyut design koshtorisnu the documentation, uniquely polegshilo b pіdgotovku such dokumentіv, priskorilo їh prohodzhennya i rozglyad at analіzі tehnіko-ekonomіchnih pokaznikіv budіvnitstv yak on stadії formuvannya rіchnih i p'yatirіchnih narodnogospodarskih planіv i vivchennya efektivnostі kapіtalnih vkladen, so and at the stage of formalization of financial services. Uniformity, typing and systematization in the whole part in the region is necessary as methodical and practical material when creating and preparing new problems.

"In the vestibule of the third stage, a new rozpodilny pristriy will be established" (sheet 7 - "I’m in the middle of the road in the 3 rd period ... and to be in the reference station") - in the great documentation of the substitution of VRU from?

2. Sheet 1 of the explanatory note "lights for fluorescent lamps BLS1401 in the front door"

3. It is not secured in the high-quality documentation of punching openings in pendants and walls (pawning is secured).

4. It is not secured for the purpose of declaring "repair of internal wall plaster .." (pos. 74 LSR).

5. It is not secured for the installation and installation of robots for the connection and installation of the circuitry of the shields on the surface.

6. In the specificity of the storage of door prophecies, the meanings are virobnik, in the LSR clause 2 there is a commercial proposition.

7. LSR does not have insurance for dismantling robots behind a removable door opening in the main electrical panel.

8. The project did not specify the rosetting scheme for the cable channel 15 * 10 mm

9. At the beginning of the process, who should the prices be adjusted towards the change of the route of the release of materials of the item P. 23,24,25,26,28,29,30,32,33,34 LSR? MDS 81-35.2004 clause 2.2 "... the standards in the bik їkh change are not correct."

At the connection with the installation materials, it is necessary to use the technology of fastening (installation) and connection of the pipe and cable channel

10. Obruntuvannya zasosuvannya roztsіnki TERM08-03-575-01 (Prilad abo apparatus) for the installation of automatic vimikachіv?

Respect for design documentation

by object: vul. Sofia Kovalevskoy d. 1.

1. Sheet 4.5 to the project - in the ASU on the control unit of the illumination 6QF1 the nominal of the automatic Vimikach VA47-100-3R 25 A not approved t / t 250/5.

2. Sheet 7 to the project, specification sheet 2 indicated strip steel і kutov steel, in LSR p. P. 32-36, galvanized steel ВСт3кп і ВСт3сп2 is indicated, it is necessary to give a confirmation.

3. Sheet 8 to the project, indicating 4 passing re-mixers, for the inclusion of illumination to the driver. Specifics and LSRs have a cable for connecting cables and cables.

4. The day in the project is the scheme of laying metal pipes and the way they are grounded by oneself, (in the LSR materials and the robot).

5. At LSR, dismantling of external metal pipes on a daily basis.

6. The project sheet 5 has the brand VRU FARADA VRU-250-340, the rate is valid until the rakhunka 86618.17 rubles, In the LSR p. 9 rakhunok for the sum of 53,850 rubles, the VRU-1-24-10 scheme is not applicable to the project.

7. It is not secured to carry out the installation and robots on the basis of the gasket for the connection and installation of the circuit boards of the surface.

8. Є inconsistency of fire (EI - EIS) and price characteristics of anti-fire doors in LSR and project.

9. Obgruntuvannya zasosuvannya roztsіnki TERM08-03-575-01 (Prilad abo apparatus) for the installation of automatic vimikachіv?

10. Punching openings in pendants and walls, and pawning is not supported in the high-quality documentation.

11. According to the LSR, it is very hard work to become 1809.12 chol. year. (T. E. 226 chol. Days, with the number of workers in the winter 8 chol. Warehouse 28 working days without the number of workers). According to the project "home position", clause 23. "Technical and economic indicators", the triviality of work with a maximum number of 8 workers in the warehouse is 2 working days (ie 14 days). It is necessary to provide the revision of the design documentation and LSR.

Vidpovidi to the respect for the address m Krasnoyarsk vul.

Clause 1. 2 it is necessary to register when submitting an application for kostoris.

A.3. In koshtoris, the punching of openings in the slits and walls is not guaranteed, since the project has not transferred it. (Open іsnyuchі)

P. 4. At position 4 (ter15-04-005-01), the farbuvannya stin is secured.

A.5. Carrying out the assembly and robots on the basis of the gasket for the connection and installation of the circuitry of the shields on top of the shields at the sides of the shields according to the commercial proposition of pos. 40-41 (in a pretty stink in the fence).

P. 7. Dismantling robots behind the operating door opening are not transferred by the project (for the fact that the door is open).

A.8. Installation of the cable channel of the Viconati behind the month, with the help of the weather deputy.

A.9. At LSR p. 23,24,25,26,28,29,30,32,33,34 to be corrected, t. To the material in the installation is not vikoristovyu, in the specifics in the project is not specified. The roztsinka was taken one hundred percent. MDS 81-35.2004 be of a recommendation nature.

P. 10. For the out-of-pocket recommendations of the FCCC, KCTsS, and others for the installation of modular automatons, it is recommended to use the FERm08-03-575-01 attachment, know before transport. Rass. 8-03-575-01. Attach, as you sit in the set of the shafi, automatically, in the already mounting of the shaf.

Respect for the address

Clause 1 is required to register when submitting an application for kostoris.

A.2. it is necessary to register when submitting an application for kostoris.

P. 3. In the project of the vicoristan, there are special vimics connected with a three-core wire.

P. 4. Transferred the laying of steel pipes in the project and in the box from pos. 20 -23 TERM08-02-407-01.

P. 5. Dismantling of metal pipes in the project has not been transferred, apparently in the first place.

Clause 6.It is necessary to register when submitting an application for kostoris.
P. 7. Installation of insurance in the warehouse of the overhead shield.

P. 8.It is necessary to register when submitting an application for kostoris.

P. 9. For the out-of-pocket recommendations of the FTSTsS, KCTsS and others for the installation of modular automatons, it is recommended to use the FERm08-03-575-01 attachment, know before the transport. Rass. 8-03-575-01. Attach, as you sit in the set of the shafi, automatically, in the already mounting of the shaf.

P. 10. In koshtoris, it is not possible to punch openings in crossbars and walls, since the project has not transferred it. (Open іsnyuchі).

P. 11. Umovi the deputy for the graph 2 tyzhny.