Gold ribka veil tail zm_st in watercolors. Gold aquarelle ribka veil tail. Living in nature

Shvidky transition according to statistics

Voilekhvost - zm_st

The golden ribs of the veil can become the right color of the vein, a little more, it is necessary for the specialness of the veil. Timeless and gentle ribbons perfectly match with the small bags of watercolors, but all the same, it is necessary to give it the power of being able to be realized without suspicion.

Aquarelle for everybody needs a great one, which will follow the rule: no less than 50 liters of water for one rib. An ideal option for the capital aquarelle, in which you know the bed of two golden ribs-veils. The occupation of aquarelle can be done according to the principle: three ribs - watercolors for 150 years, five-thirds of ribs - watercolors for 200 liters. However, it’s past the memory, when there is an increase in population density, it is necessary to add some information about the aeration of the water. In іnshomu vipad іbkami will be uncomfortable through marriage sisnyu.

The golden ribs of the veil may have one peculiarity - it resembles copying in aquarelle ground. To that, soil to the bottom of aquarelle is more beautiful than a pebble. So the ribs will not be thrown away. Also, it is necessary to populate aquarelle soil with special roslin, large leaf. It is necessary to talk about those that aquaremium for the golden ribbons of the veil tails is required for even wider expanses.

Roslin from the lower leaves will suffer because of the fact that the ribs of the veil are quickly drawn, and on them there will be other particles left. That for this kind of ribs, it is bazhano to vibrate the growths, leaving the leaves of such zhorstki, and the root system is dushered.

For example, it is ideal to go for a ride from veil tails:

  • elodea

They didn’t gnaw at the ribs and the roses in watercolors; All the gold ribbons, including the veil, the beautiful colors in watercolors with good aeration. It is important for them that the water temperature is lower. But if the water is hard, then the whole parameter is guilty of fitting into the framework of 8 to 25 degrees, while the acidity is 6-8 units. Periodically, water in aquarelle needs to be refilled, taking away a part of the water.

The plan is to eat the golden ribbons of veil, and not to be pretentious, to eat the stench practically all in great portions. In the main, the food is stored in the living and growing plant. The veils tend to be ineffective, and this means that it is necessary to control the port, so that you do not overblow them too much. You can get out of the way on the offensive rules: everyone is guilty of getting a blame for a maximum of 3% of the back of the veil tail.

You need to blow it twice a day, the first time in the morning, and the other in the evening. The entire feed of the ribka is guilty for a maximum of 20 quilins. Everything, if the stench is not lost, needs to be tidied up from the watercolors, and also for the loss of water, and also the ability to be more, is not required. Bigger individuals are hungry for a long time (close to tightness), but for wash away, at the last hour, the stench will get mired correctly.

veiltail - reproduction in aquarelle

Before the spawning of the golden ribs of the veil-tails, the watercolors must be prepared with a proper rank. In the first place, it’s big enough for the spaciousness and the vіlny mіstsya, in a different way, it is necessary to constantly bring water in the watercolors, and, in the third place, the number of roselin is necessary to speed up, making the overhang small-leaved. Spawning bazhano a few years for a few years put on the exchange of a dream, and more beautifully, put it there before the youngsters appear.

As soon as spring comes, as soon as the individuals grow up, they will swallow the lovers: males trim closer to the egg-laying and males. At the end of the day, it is more beautiful to plant in watercolors, otherwise our male people can look at them with ikrins. During spawning, food is guilty, but we live.

veil-tails spawning

Spawning is repaired in order to help two or three males at the same time with one female. When you need a cable, you can adjust the water temperature in aquarelle. However, it is not necessary for the first-baked males to feed, do not let the specimen be with a short tail swimmer, and if you can smoothly cross the female. This offspring will have short fins. The appearance of a ready male before spawning is possible behind the barnacles of the finch croutons and pectoral fins. Visip (white grains) can be put on them. The female is ready for spawning, if her worm has become a bit like it. Vaughn will magnetize trimatis closer to the bottom of the aquarelle, so that will start to metati іkru. Re-listen to the males right there and then to the crush.

Іkrinki adhere vіdblisk to a leaf of roslin, so yak yak a glue consistency. The diameter of the screen becomes the second millimeter. On the coming day, the screensaver draws in their burshtin's color, and it is easy to remember them. In order to spawn endings, it is necessary to lower the water level in water by about 15 cm. At the same period, it is necessary to display the water temperature, so as the least amount of water will destroy the water.

Іkrіnki, but didn’t bulldown, it is necessary to see, innakhe stench to grow a fungus and to think of aquarelle. After 5 days, after a 4-day incubation period, fry appear. I need a lot of daylight, especially sleepy one, but do not go to watercolors on most hour(Maximum 2 years per day). The first hour of the fry is grubbing infusor, or Kolovrat, there is plenty of food. Then it is necessary to add a special feed, the signs itself for the small species of ribs.

The veil is the confusion with the small ribs

Golden ribs of veil-tail are rotten to get along with other types of ribs. Especially folding telescopes, which nature has given a veil tail. Motorized ribs fall in love with a fin, that telescopic eyes should be screwed on strongly. The whole kind of ribs in zagalі foldably come together with іnshim, that bazhano trimati їх okremo - one by one or in pairs. If everyone has seen the money before your golden ribbons of suspects, then don't hesitate to be good-natured things, for example, gupps, cardinals, neon, guram, koropi.

Інші cіkavі statti

One of the most popular and popular with aquarists riboks is the veil tail. It is beautiful and spokyna sack of the water element є with the background color of the watercolors and in the bagatokh it is associated with the gold ribcage of A.S. Pushkina.

Trishki іstorії

The ribka of the veil-tail of the bullet was made of a hundred rocks; її batkіvshchinoyu to get involved in Japan. Tilki "obrani" (іmperators і їх їх їх їх) could revenge in their gardens Mikado taku badly for the eyes. At the 19th century, 2 pairs of ribbons were presented to Daniel Ammen, the rear admiral of the US Navy, a keen aquarist. With a stretch of decile rockets in the Americans, they gave 140 goals to the offspring. A great part of the young was fed into the hands of noble individuals and the bull was placed in cages with golden ribs. The result of such an endeavor has become a mix that has lost its cob characteristics. Vryatuvati is a unique type and to preserve in a new purity the type of the breed that went into the distance to Mulert, in the hands of whom he consumed all 2 bets of decorative ribbons.

Ribka veil: description

Nayvidatnіshayu part in the budovі decorative ribka є її hvіst, which associates with easy, unattractive fabric. Yogo dovzhina inodi reach 30 cm, which is 3-6 times larger than the size of the tulub. The tail and fins of the projection; dorsal stand upright, anal bifurcate.

The ribka of the veil-tail is short, flattened from the sides of the tulub of an ovoid or kulyastoy form. Eyes are great. The bar is varied from yaskravo-chervony to light-cream and golden. Pure black specimens can be delivered to a rare event. Among the watercolors, it is very popular to reproach the veil of veil.

There are various types of veils, yak:

  • spіdnichny і strіchkovy (in fallowness from the form of the tail);
  • scaleless і luskati.

Gold ribka veiltail: zm_st

It is more correct to trim the veils of the tails of the visibility of a high, simple aquarelle - with 50 liters of water per one rib. So, for two veil-tails, it is optimal to go through 100-liter water with clear, clear-cut water. The 150-liter capacity can accommodate 3-4 riboks, without any strain of filtering and good air flow.

The ribka of the veil tail, which does not become especially folding, is common in the ruffs and scorched to dig into the ground, so it is recommended to put a large sack or pebbles at the bottom of the basket. Roslin bazhano vibrates with hard leaves and a root system: kubushka, wallisneria, sagittarii, Elodie.

The veils of the golden ribs love cold water: the recommended temperature is + 20-21 o C.


An important part of a glance behind the veils of the tails of the last year: the decorative ribbons are even more useless and can be permanently. This should not allow the re-feeding and production of feed with a 3% feed of the veil tail mass.

Spend two days for the day: in the ranks and in the evening. The amount of forage should be reduced to 10-20 minutes per day. Once a day, it is recommended to wipe out a big day. The ratsioni are guilty of being present with dry aquarelle food, roselin (scalded lettuce and sprinkling).

particularities of breeding

Warehouse correct zm_stu veil tailings є їх breeding. One female can fit 2 or 3 yard males. Before spawning (in birch-tree) with a stretch of 2-3 types of growth riboks, you should trimmed okremos, making them unbeatable. Let's take advantage of the importance in watercolors, equipments laid down from the cut to one side with food, spawning grates, a bunch of roslin from other leaves.

The readiness of the female before spawning is possible visually according to the size of the worm; the male - for the appearance of spawning visip on the finch frogs and notches on the pectoral floats. Stimulation of spawning can be done by adjusting the temperature of the water (up to 24-26 o C). The males are to be active, to fix and chase the females. Remaining thrown around: close to 10 thousand. Ikrinok at a time. It is most common to see early warnings, with the appearance of the first changes of dreams. For the end of spawning of mature riboks, it is necessary to see them from aquarelle. The triviality of the incubation period - from 2 to 4 dB; It takes 5 days to see the fry.

Vypilisya youngsters are recommended to use a "live saw" - found microorganisms, which can be used independently or in special stores. Traditional starter feed є rooters, infusor-shoes, artemia. After 2 days, the appearance of young ribs can be transferred to an old Cyclops.

Vualekhvostov pivnik: features of budovi

Vualekhvostov pivnik (ribka) is a representative of aquarelle bags. It is characterized by a very round sheath, with large and sharpened fins at the end: caudal, anal and dorsal.

Vualekhvostov pivniki mayut young type barring:

  • odnokolіrny (blue, violet, chervonia, greens, bіliy, zhovty, black, creamy);
  • dvukolіrniy (tulub of one colora, fins - іnshy);
  • bagatobarvnі (richness of apartments in the barred floats and tuluba).

With a sharp change of minds, the ribs can get stuck.

Bіytsіvska ribka, yakіy є pivnik, zdatna dikhati is not only the finches, but the special organ of dikhannya, which I can call "labirintim". When you know the water, bidniy kisnem, the pivnik fills up to the surface and closes it with a mouth, which is sour in the labyrinth. The very labirintovye of the ribs is vimoglivous to the quality of the water, but it is quite simple to lie down in watercolors: there is no special need for filtration and aeration.

Forget the correct look

In the process, it is important to keep an eye on the ribs to ensure that all of the small tail floats are built. In aquarelle it is not guilty of being writhing with small knots and stones with hospitable edges.

The veiled tail is characterized by a peaceful, calm character, that is why it is a unique fusion with aggressive ribs, great obscene fins. With a clear view, the ribka of the veil-tail can live up to 20 years.

veiltail -Zm_st

Spokіynі for character, peaceful gold ribbons Veil good to get along with such spokiynyy susidy, a little more beautiful than the revenge in one watercolors only decorative forms of gold ribka. utrimuvati gold riboks - veil tails It is necessary in a spacious, high volume not less than 50 liters per one rib, more beautifully if a water color is not less than 100 liters, in which a couple of ribs are spaced.

With an increase in the size of the watercolors, the density of the population can be of a certain size, so in the watercolors of 150 liters it is possible to settle 3-4 ribs, and in 200 liters - 5-6, etc. Ale, with an increase in the level of occupation, the settlement came with respect to a good air of water.

To love to dig in the ground, to that in the quality of ny more vikoristovuvati pebbles or a large sack, todi ribkam it will not be so easy to find out. myself aquarelle bazaniy vidy and spaciousness, in which it is necessary to place large leaves aquarelle roslini.

However veils Shvidko pisuyut low roslini, or on the surface of the leaf get bogged down by the way of settling on them, prized by the water particles left. Schob tsyogo uniknuty, sit in aquarelle roslini with tighter root system and hard leaves.

Even better, go so roslini, yak gate, Wallisneria, Sagittariya, abo elodea, Yak naybilsh showcased. V aquarelle it is necessary to preserve the natural illumination and garn filtering. All types of gold ribbons will be garnished with harassment. Before parameters in water in aquarelle ribbons not even more sensitive.

Water hardness is 8 - 25 °, with acidity 6-8. Part of the drive in aquarelle bazhano regularly pіdmіnyuvati. In їzhі veils nevibaglivi, the stench is all і rich. Oh ratsion is guilty of revenge, I live, and I grow up. Do not marvel at negligence gold ribbons, Peregodovuvati їх do not go. The amount of daily living with them is guilty to store approximately 3% of the amount of wagy ribbons.

year old rib The next two a day is the first time early in the day, and the other - in the evening. The amount of forage is consumed for 10-20 minutes per year, while the surplus is not enough. aquarelle see.

old age ribby, Yaki correct eating You can endure a trivial hunger strike for your health without Shkodi.


Aquarium for spawning is guilty of being spacious, with fresh water, a trocha of small-leaved dews. Bazhano for a couple of years treat the spawning grounds with direct interchanges of the sun, if it’s possible, then leave it there before the fry appear. At the beginning of spring (birch-to-day), the ribs can be repaired by their lovers, and by males, by the females, they are trimmed at their ovipositor.

Males and females at a whole hour are more beautifully planted for a long time, and when you need live food, the males didn’t eat the screens. For spawning, plant 2-3 males and one female, gradually increasing the temperature by a few degrees. At the junction with a long caudal swimmer, males are very important to pass the female, so they can sit for spawning ribs with normal fins, so half of the offspring will be similar to the female.

In males ready for spawning on finch frogs and on thoracic swimmers there is a visip in the viglyadi of other large grains, and in females it is rounder, like a cherevets. The female, flowing through the middle of the growths, or above them, metaє іkru, yaku immediately zaplіdnyu male. Ikra is a glue, with a diameter of about 1.5 mm, a weak burshtin barn is stuck to the roslin, and the next day you will get a good look and feel. When spawning ribs, they see and lower the ball of water to 10-15 cm.

For an hour, it is even more important not to allow the temperature to drop, so there is a cold temperature in the 5 ° C for іkri. If the screen does not come off the next day, it will quickly grow with a fungus, which is more beautiful than seeing it from aquarelle. The incubation period is 2-4 dib, for the next day the fry are already poured.

Aquarelle, in which the youngsters rotate, is guilty of being illuminated by daylight, including sleepy ones, albeit not more than two years away. Fry will live in infusoria, Kolovertki, in addition to fodder. Give special food for the young golden ribs every year.

veil tail

It is especially important to be brought into the "gurtozhitka" of telescopes with a veiled tail. Moreover, the swimmer must be able to protect himself from all sorts of fast-paced people, so it is necessary to protect them from telescopes.

The confusion of the veils of the tails of various telescopes is framed in the edge, they are more beautifully set up in a small decorative aquarelle, in one or two pairs.

With small ribbons of the peaceful nature of the veil-tails, get along well... Danio, neon, koropi, botsіі, sword-bearers, thornes, guppі, pecіliі, pavine oko, guramі, cardinals - the main company for "framing the portrait" of the main hero of the watercolor.



The gold ribka of the veil-tail is carried to the class of ray-feather ribs, corral of cow-like ones, the family of cows. The tsia ribka with the small size and large fins of the bull was introduced in China by the way of breeding carp. From her wild ancestors, she was seduced by the superstitious vitriolicity and non-vibrancy. At the XV century the veils were taken to Japan, and the stars were widened in the whole world.

Zovnishny viglyad

The veil-tail of the gold ribka is short, rounded, ovoid tulub; The fair color of the ribs is a dull napivprosorium tail and fins, falling in soft folds, a dumb veil. Through the dovgyh, light fins, the ribka of the moms "shiryak" in aquarelle. At the beginning of the table, the regulatory standards fins of the veils of the tails.

Nayposhiren_sha zabarvlennya veil-tails - dark red with gilding. The ribs are seen with a bilim tulub and red fins, with a worm tulub and bilim fins, with a plumist tulub. Naybіlsh rіdkіsnim vvazhayutsya purely black ribs or "chintz" individuals with blakitnye ochima and horny pearl beaches on tilі. The color of the eyes of the veil-tails can be yak, behind a vignette of green. From the straight sleepy interchanges, the lusts of the cich riboks shimmer with thousands of yaskravikh raidtinki.

State demorphism in the veil-tails of bends is not meaningful, especially in a young person. In addition to the males' veils, they look larger and more dull, females - larger and sluggish. For an hour to spawn, males have humps on their heads and heads.

Vibir and watercolor design

Uwaga! Small round watercolors catch the growth of veil ribbons and wick their problems out of sight. To tame the veils of the tails more beautifully

Do not resist the veil in the ground, which is guilty of being great and rolling, without gostrich edges, with particles with a diameter of 3-5 mm. You can vikoristovuvati pebbles in the ground or a large sand. To decorate the bottom, go great Gladish and stone rounded shapes. And the axis of the wrists, grottos and other elements of the decor with hostile edges, which can hurt the ribs, more beautifully.

Golden ribbons of veil to love half-suvati with the meak of green water-colored roses and dig into the runt of the land. For landscaping aquarelle, it is recommended to vikoristovuvati roses with hard leaves and a kindly rooted root system: wallisneria, sagittarii, Elodia, kubushku, strilolist. The ribs did not pick out the dewlines, their roots can be covered with round stones or rounded pebbles.

Ribs with beautiful veil-like tails will feel good in cold water, heated to 12-22 ° C. The range of permissible temperatures ranges from 12 ° C to 30 ° C, smut, the temperature difference did not bulge. The water hardness of a special value is not, it can range in wide ranges from 8o to 15o, acidity - from 5 to 19 units. The veil is to love the daylight, active air and water filtration. Filtration allows you to see a great part of the entrance from the water, in addition to saving the water in purity and purity and sourness. Straight sleepy exchanges are guilty of visvitlyuvati watercolors no more, not more than 2-4 years to go.

Ribki love regular driving. To that, in watercolors, it is necessary to change up to 30% of water. As far as the riboks have a lot of children, the water goes down more often.


Over the last few years, you can lead the veil-tails to obesity and ailments. I don’t know the ribs of the common breed. An overgrown ribku will float smoothly, it will collapse sideways, or splash onto the surface with a cherevets. To that, the normal feed rate for the skin rib is not guilty of replacing 3% of the amount of fat. Qiu portsіyu slіd razdіliti for two years, rank and vechіrnє. Once a day for veil tails, it is recommended to shave it off on a big day. Doubtlessly, it means that a grown-up individual can easily endure a seven-day hunger without a shkodi for his health.

For veiled tails, go for different types of food: dry, alive, tall and combined. At the pet store you can buy free pelleted feed for veiled yak, it is easy to doze, does not fall off the water and it is easy to appear in ribs at the bottom.

The nature and the complexity of the big ribs

Aquarelle veils may have a calm, not aggressive character. Through a short, important body and a great, softly falling tail, the fish are created as generous and non-robbery. For a great part of the light day, the stench doesn’t keep pace with swimming on watercolors or sinking into the ground. Such vikhovanets are more beautiful than trimati in families of 4-6 individuals.

The veil is kindly okay with peaceful ribs, not frail to aggression, for example, with cardinals, petsilia, sword-bearers, shubunkini, telescopes, dano, guram. Ideal tandem of veil ribbons with speckled catfish and ancistrus. First of all, I want to write for myself a lot, and I dispose of others from the satisfaction.

It is not possible to put the veils of the tails into one aquarelum with mollies, barbs, wines, thorns, tetragonopterus, astronotus and small ribs, strong to the point of aggression, as they sniff the loose fins and tails of the nimble.

Important! When you vibrate the suspensions for the veil-tails, go to the vrahovuvati, how the stench of satisfaction comes from other ribbons and fry, and also to pat the soft leaves and stems of water-grown roselin.

Gold Ribka of Veil Tails - selectively vived the form gold ribka (CARASSIUS AURATUS).

The name of the viewer and the item of information

veiltail - the most widespread type gold ribka... Tilo ribs temple, short, ovoid or rounded shape. To reach the great head of roztashovani "virazni" eyes. Forms of scaly and luscious are seen. Zabarvlennya veil tail nayr_znomanitn_sha: from monochromatic golden to yaskravo-chervona or black. There are also veils of fins, just and fins that are cropped up in a variety of colors. Thin and thinner foreshortenings of the anal and sub-tail fins are strongly raised. The head of the embellishment of the ribs is a tail, which is most often stored in two, one in one, three fins at once, which form folds and hanging down like a veil. I will be able to describe the cich ribs, the size of the tail in those who change the length of the tail in a number of times. Little changes in the proportion of the ear of corn in the standard of visibility of the vimogi to the Vistavian exhibits: the dorsal fin is guilty of butti equal height til, the minimum match for the body until the tail is 4: 5, the black fins are not less than 3/5 of the tail. Also, the profile of the back smoothly passes into the profile of the caudal fin, the tail itself gradually falls down at the view of the train. The height of the dorsal fin is guilty of the volodya toughness, which is enough for you to tighten the ribs in the open view. Dovzhin ribki I will not change 20 cm.
It is also vitonized, similar to the veils of the tails for the shape of the body and fins, a type of rib, named nimfoy. An indication of the sign is that the caudal and anal fins are barbed and lateralized.

Umovi utrimannya

Spokіynі for character, peaceful gold ribbons Veil good to get along with such spokiynyy susidy, a little more beautiful than the revenge in one watercolors only decorative forms of gold ribka. utrimuvati gold riboks - veil tails It is necessary in a spacious, high volume not less than 50 liters per one rib, more beautifully if there will be no less than 100 liters of watercolors, in which there are a couple of ribs. With an increase in the size of the watercolors, the density of the population can be of a certain size, so in the watercolors of 150 liters it is possible to settle 3-4 ribs, and in 200 liters - 5-6, etc. Ale, with an increase in the level of occupation, the settlement came with respect to a good air of water. ci watercolors digging into the ground, that in the quality of ny is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati pebbles or a large pisok, todi ribkam it will not be so easy to find out. myself aquarelle bazaniy vidy and spaciousness, in which it is necessary to place large leaves aquarelle roslini... However veils Shvidko pisuyut low roslini, or on the surface of the leaf get bogged down by the way of settling on them, prized by the water particles left. Schob tsyogo uniknuty, sit in aquarelle roslini with tighter root system and hard leaves. Even better, go so roslini, yak gate , Wallisneria, Sagittariya, abo elodea, Yak naybilsh showcased. V aquarelle it is necessary to preserve the natural illumination and garn filtering. All types of gold ribbons will be garnished with harassment. Before parameters in water in aquarelle ribbons not even more sensitive. Water hardness is 8 - 25 °, with acidity 6-8. Part of the drive in aquarelle bazhano regularly pіdmіnyuvati. In їzhі veils nevibaglivi, the stench is all і rich. Oh ratsion is guilty of revenge, I live, and I grow up. Do not marvel at negligence gold ribbons, Peregodovuvati їх do not go. The amount of daily living with them is guilty to store approximately 3% of the amount of wagy ribbons... year old rib The next two a day is the first time early in the day, and the other - in the evening. The amount of forage is consumed for 10-20 minutes per year, while the surplus is not enough. aquarelle see. old age ribby, Yakі otrimuyut correct harchuvannya, you can without shkodi for your health to endure a trivial hunger strike.


all golden ribs, including veils May be met in the umnistu 20 - 30 years. It is necessary to place the soil in the new food and plant small-leaved dewlines. For spawning, one female was taken for two or three yard males. Before spawning, їх slіd 2-3 tіzhnі trimmed separately. At the spawning grounds aquarelle it is recommended to adjust the temperature at 24 - 26 ° C. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to gradually drink the water until it is quiet, when the temperature does not move by 5-10 ° С. її along the entire perimeter aquarelle, In the main it appears on the dewlines. In total, the female wikidah is close to 10,000 screens. Yak tilki spawning is over, virobnik is required to see aquarelle... With cob fodder for chicks, fry will serve "alive and drunk". It is also possible to provide special food, which at one time was awarded for sale, designated for the feeding of malukov gold ribbons, For example, Sera Mikron.