Vorozhinnya along the valley behind the help of runes - rune chiromancy! Vorozhinnya along the lines of the valley for the help of the runes

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Signs of the magicians on the valley

Healthier extrasensory є in skin people. About the tse to reduce special signs on the hollows. The skin of them razkrivaє one of the facets of a special gift, be it clairvoyance, talent to occultism or culture. An extrasensory gift, like and be-like, it is necessary to develop.

Only todi can be manifested in the whole world. Until 28 years of age, I was engaged in the course of the certification of an admitted mentor or a teacher. In the first place, you can pick on yourself a lot of inappropriateness, such as, for example, totally bad luck or chronic ailments. For an independent robot, a big adult has a lot of transitions above itself. Singing signs on the valley will help you to brighten your eyes, like vibrating directly.

1. Cross on the upper phalanx of the thumb to tell about scholarship to clairvoyance. Alet tsei gift most often manifests itself during severe stress, for example, a serious road accident and death of loved ones. Volodaria of such a sign can literally bach the pictures of maybutnіh podіy in the singing moment. Vikoristovuvati ciu the best way to preach.

2. Tricut on the middle phalanx of the middle finger to appear as a result of the occupation of the occult sciences. Tsey sign talk about high sensitivity to subtle energies.

3. Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers You can see it on the lobes of people, which will volodyut with a special magnetism and charisma. For example, at kerivniks, who repent as a great leader. The stench of the building will attract the respect of the sick. Such a sign is the most frequent in the result of robotic robots over oneself. It is also worth mentioning about a high professionalism in any sphere of activity.

4. Minimum Three Lines on Pagorbi Mercury is called the Sign of the Samaritans... Winning is already in the child's life and in the image of health before the church. For a long time, people with such lines were readily available in science to the doctor. As a rule, the master of the sign of the Samaritans still loves creatures and children. As soon as you have it, if you are from medicine, do not worry. Nicholas are not interested in energy technologies - for example, reiki, as well as dots, practice "alive", etc.

5. Sharp at the belt of Venus To learn from people who are mentally strong to clairvoyance and may have a strong sense of intuition. However, such good health may not show up in the wicked state. Most often, a person starts to transfer maybut, fall into a trance, for example, with a strong emotional experience.

6. The circle of the white magician (the circle of Jupiter). Tse is the sign of the maister. It’s worth talking about the kind of building that is added to them through the word, a thought or a thought. "Kilce" is often performed on the lobes of psychologists, spiritual mentors, and yogis. All the people who have reached great self-realization. Often, the noses of the "little magician" also may have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance and inshe.

7. Kіlce of the Black Magician. Vlasnikov's sign in the people is called people with a "rotten" eye... Naykrashy not fall back on their way and do not enter into conflicts with them. The stench may have a great potential for negative power, but often you don't see it. If you have seen such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially respectfully follow your thoughts, words and actions;

8. Okremo stand chrest in the center of the valley called the chrest of St. Andreas and to inform about those who are emotional and the mind of people (right or left to the brain) are out of harmony. Such people find absolute peace of mind. The stench may be expected to be in the meditative stanі. And, it is especially valuable, I domineeringly take the right decision in any situation.

9. The square on the humps of Jupiter, or the square of the reader- Reduce your oratorical talents. Such people wonderfully submit information. Voni vіdrіznyayutsya strong gift perekonannya. And as long as you can see the chrest in the square, you can interpret it as a sign for a zakist, the presence in the life of a guardian angel.

10. Line izis. Volodars of the arc-like line from Pagorba Merkuriya to Pagorba Misyatsya often appear from below... The stench is ready to transfer the maybutnє. And as on the line of presence there is a sharp sign, which means that people are good at reading other people's thoughts.

11. Subway line of life... In extrasensory perception, they call themselves the line of a guardian angel. Such people may mean energy, in their lives they can spare more money, less people.

12.Radial loop on any finger... Її often call the "scanner" sign... Nosії cієї are signs of building and catching the social camp of those who feel and reimagine. Stinks often perebuyut on "someone else's sickness", and it is not easy to drink not in "own" situation. Їх it is easy to change it in any way, і speed up the cim. To that, if you have seen a radial loop on your hand, in spilkuvanny with people, you wander away, de your thoughts, and de - imposed, strangers.

13. Colo in the lower part of pagorba Misyatsya... The sign of visualization before clairvoyance. Yogo masters can feel a little in the head of someone else's voices and support "pictures" on the screen of the inner vision. Often, such situations are re-created in real life.

Yaksho scho - the materials of this post are not from the whole book - it is unique to the Scandinavian chiromancy itself.

At a free shield, like an oberigє of healthy life, runes Uruz, Inguz, Ansuz, Berkana and Otal are shouting (Fig. 131).

The sphere of signs of Uruz and Inguz is a child of health, energy of Ansuz oberigє to the negative, Berkana shows his turbot magic, and Otal carries the geni of ancestors, the continuation of the family.

The magic of conceiving a child, overcoming unsuccessful attempts, is included in the formula shown in Fig. 132, de pratsyuut rune of safety Fehu, rune of neutralization of failures Evaz and rune of svitankovy day, ear and ruin of emocy (baking bazhannya) Dagaz.

The runny row of Berkan, Dagaz, Laguz, Berkan (Fig. 133) means the quiet plinth of vaginosity and in the distance canopies. It is safe to give birth to the runes of Vuno, Soul and Dagaz (Fig. 134).

The positive result of vaginosti and normal folk of the child is symbolized by the runogram of Berkan, Inguz, Hyera (Fig. 135).

Spokіyne overbіg curtains and births for a healthy child, a rune row, folds with symbols of Dagaz, Berkana, Raido and Otal - dbro (Fig. 136).

You can also virizati, vipality, namalyuvati tsyu Russian formula: Dagaz, Otal, Berkana, Raido, Otal - GOOD.

With the application of the stem of magical formulas in the words of the word, the signs of the mother and the child, the combination of the runes Alatir (ear of life, to be conceived), Veselka (to the point of being, to being stretched), the vagina Lelya (knowing strength) і strength (overcoming, the people of a new life) (Fig. 137).

V letter bend the formula of the viglyadє yak ARKLS is given. To ensure that the power of the whole combination was intelligent to you, that you also contributed the magic of the gods to it, sanctified the power of the divine light, such as in the skin of the people, activated the power of the domineering space, the distance happy reaching meti. For the sake of the health of the newly born, the rune Ica was introduced by the norn Vernand, the ruler of the canopy and the development of the people.

runic chiromancy

The skin of a lyudin has no repetition for her character and her life path, on which one she should pass. Be aware of the specialness of the specialty and transfer of any stage and share it does not matter, as if to look at the hands of the people. In its form, in signs on the valley, there is a great number of information. Science, which vivchaє the power of the people behind the shape of their hands, I will call it chirognomy (from the Greek cheir - "hand" and gnosis - "knowledge"). Vgaduvannya character and lobes along the lines on the lobes - chiromancy (from the walnut cheir - "hand" and manteia - "vorozhinnya"). Chirognomy and chiromancy є warehouse parts vchenya about chirology.

Lines on the valleys hardened the respect of people already in the distant past. The chiromancy is guessed in the ancient Indian document, written 3500 years ago, the protectors of the old days vvazayut, that the fortune-teller was victorious by people earlier.

Practically skinny people can be rubbed on the valley rune signs To that, in order with the traditional chiromancy, if we do not occupy the vikoristovuvati and methods of divination, created by the ancient Scandinavians, it is runic chiromancy. Dosvіd of cikh peoples, unpaved backwaters in the past century, bulo systematized and cited by John Saint-Germain, which classifies human hands from the point of view of chotiroh elements: Lead, Earth, Fire and Fire.

Behind the help of runic chiromancy, you can see a lot of problems, how to hurt people, change on a more beautiful life and help other people.

If you volodyte traditional chiromancy, you will easily master and runic. However, it’s not a matter of fact that he didn’t deal with the classic warnings by hand, not a warehouse of great difficulties in the development of the whole area of ​​knowledge. If you want more accurate characteristics of the people, you can draw the rune chiromancy from the warriors on the runes, about how they were spread in the front sections of the book. You will be able to find out about the power of the people according to the instructions to help you with your sparing and ingenuity.

Do not think, but chiromancy is an object of mystical power. Signs, visible on our lobes, є in the imagination of the brain, that is, thought, thought and emotion. Gnivayuchis abo hankering, ludin clenching his hands into fists, clenching his fingers. I’m happy, you don’t lose your hands. Our skin has a variety of "loving" gestures, and so are individual marks on the lobes.

Dosvidcheni chiromanti please for a greater accurate result brothers to respect the offense of hands, if you want to get involved, but liva sees on their own in the past, and the right to see the fair story. Iakshcho lyudina livsha, pouring in the right hand to catch signs in livia, dominant in the whole range of rutsi.

Newborns are offended by the same valley, but the little ones will change their minds for an hour. Particularly strong changes are seen on the dominant hand, as it is in the big world.

Runic chiromancy is not just a "reading" of runic symbols on the hollows. Important are such warehouses, such as the shape of the hollows and fingers, the color of the shkiri and the temperature.

The hand of the skin man extends to the area: it can be carried to the valley, to the fingers (Fig. 6). Dolony can be divided into pagorbi (daily) and іvnini. Fingers divide into three phalanges. The skin of such area (phalanges, rivnini, pagorba) is a type of rune. Vona overwhelmed the skin area with special powers. For many regions, there are lines, they represent the singing runes and represent the power of the people and their country.

First, proceed to the identification of the runes in the hands of those people, try to read everything that is written on your lordly valleys. Mozhlivo, deyakі signs smoothly razglyanuti, ale not slіd zabuvati, but the dermal pattern, dermal line is important (Fig. 138). As soon as you see it, it will be clear to you that you have not missed something even more important.

Rooney on the valley

Knowing the runes on the people’s hands is not so easy. You need to beat it, you need to do it. If you easily "read" on the main lines (galuzyah), then very soon you will start throwing yourself into the eyes and runes.

On some types of hands, runic symbols are seen as clear and intelligent, on others, for example, on ruts, yak in different lines, to know them is more important.

As the runes are unclear, weak, it means that the sphere of life of the people has not been activated yet. Reading runes are more efficiently quiet, but erased or created by other lines.

Small. 138. Lines and pagorbi on the valley: 1 - line Siv; 2 - line Mimira; 3 - line Frey; 4 - line Norn; 5 - pagorb Cіv; 6 - Void's pagorb; 7 - pagorb Odina; 8 - pagorb Khenir; 9 - paghorb of Bragi; 10 - pagorb Loki

It’s easier to know the runes on the ruts, it’s possible to make a photocopy of the doloni, or if you’re quick to use it, it’s easy to move with water.

A non-dominant hand (left for right-handed people, right for left-handed people) is the basis of the potential of people, then, given by nature, talent has not yet been crept up. Shukayuchi runes on the dominant rutsi, do not forget to ruffle them with signs on the non-dominant rutsi. Only so it is possible to create a picture of the people’s valley, to bring out the obvious and familiar character.

In runic chiromancy, the main runes are seen, approved by the head heads, and other signs, which are rooted on the day of appearance from the main lines of the valley.

Basic runes

Runa Evaz

The rune of Evaz on the valley (Fig. 139) is set off by the heads of Siv (line of Life), Mimira (line of the Head) and Frey (line of Sertsya). The rune symbolizes the success of the serpent in life and that is even more familiar in the distance.

Friendly changes are seen in quiet areas, for which lines are shown, how to set the rune.

People, like such a symbol on the valley, push to self-elaboration and development, the stench of the building, start projects in the distance. The rune is to bring intuitiveness and impulsiveness to your life, to that of your life, energy and even success.

Small. 139. Rune Evaz

Runa Mannaz

The rune Mannaz (Fig. 140) is considered for humanism and humanity. With the appearance of such a rune on the valleys of the people, it is pragmatic to dedicate your life to those people. Let us help us to feel better, we see how happy we are. It is a symbol of a wise, old soul, tied with souls. To navigate in the dynasty people with the sign of Mannaz on the ruts іn іdrіznyayutsya childish earnestness and wisdom.

Vorozhinnya along the valley behind the help of the runes - the old way of transferring the maybutny among the Scandinavian species. We have appeared not so long ago, for that it is not enough for me to be able to enchant with a certain rank. Protect, accuracy and peace of mind of runic chiromancy for making fun of every day.


Preparation before the trip to the valley

Rooney is mending the treaty with the dominant hand of the people. The protection of the rune on the non-dominant valley is also even more important, for that the brush tells about the innate health of the individual, about those that are laid down in it by nature itself. Even more often, clues on NOT dominant pictures add to the brighter visual signs on the wires.

Also remember, if we read more and more missing signs, we will be more powerful in the Danish period of life. If you bach the rune, if the ale of the razmit is or is nasty, then, perhaps, the price will be carried until the last or the last. As the sign stands at the back of the line from the other zones, but at the same time it’s readable and volodya chervonuvatiem, then talk about those, that the mite itself is displayed on a frequent basis.

Slide to respect that the roztashuvannya Rooney is even more important for tlumachennya vorozhinnya. Especially they should be respectful, since the name is found among the main pagorites. All the chotiri: the pagorb of Jupiter is the hump of a good finger, the pagorb of Saturn is the middle finger, the pagorb of Apollo is the hump of the unchangeable, and the pagorb of Mercury is the small. Kozhen from them are considered for their sphere of activity.

So, people with the blame for the hill of Jupiter know for themselves in the professions tied to the management of the administration, like politics, business, officials, judges. Often they are trained in the organs of the internal right - vіyskovі, police, vіyskovі lіkari, etc. Farming is also included in the list.

Those individuals, in some of the opucleus of Apollo's hump, are tightly tied with creative activity. I go to all the professions tied to the creations of beauty. All dancers, artists, designers, in the world like architects, perukars, fashion designers, etc.

People from the most swirling mound of Mercury are the most socialized in the suspension. Everything that I know before sharing information, sharing with people, that just by myself, is put before them. Tse zhurnalisti, writers, insurance agents, managers, psychologists, linguistics, lawyers, etc.

Basic runes

The main runes are tse ti, which set themselves up as head lines, such as lines, life and share. In total, there are five main runes: Eyvaz, Mannaz, Dagaz, Kenaz and Algiz. And at the same time we will tell you more about them in more detail.

Eyvaz i Mannaz

If you have є rune Eyvaz on the valley, then it’s still a good sign. Vona symbolize success in fixing and happily resolving problems. It is also a symbol of development, spiritual growth of people. Vaughn bring spontaneity and non-transferability into life. Smolder - have a meal in the strumin.

Mannaz talk about the love of the master of people, his willingness to help other people. It’s a joy to know about these and the last problems. A lot of serious and thoughtful people, as reason is the value of life. They include good doctors and ryatuvalniks. Often times, the buildings are magical health.

Dagaz i Kenaz

Dagaz talk about the easy and casual nature of the master of the valley. Tse in a childlike way people, who take a glance at the light of a grown-up person. Through the price of them, it is practically not difficult to get into life. Krym Dagaz can serve as a joy to be simpler and be astonished at the light with smiles and optimism.

Special features with a special mite - the Kenaz rune - are seen with a rosum and penetration. Oh, you can even fool around, so how does the stench immediately lead to liars on clean water. Stink I know that it’s smarter than greatness, and through the same time it’s reasonable and angry. He needs a friend who will bring him down from heaven to earth. Krym, in such a rank you can draw on the need to look around and get back to the one you see.


Algiz is a sign of a zahist. Happy, whoever has a mite on the valley, do not indulge in a dangerous situation, do not drink a serious ailment, you will not be admittedly unhappy, etc. Vona often appears at the end of the day one of the main lines, by themselves showing off, as the sphere of life itself is interrupted by a zahist.

So, if you are roasted on the line of life, then you have a great supply of energy and health, like that, so I will be with you until the end of your days. In volodyate vіdminnaya vіtryvalіstyu, as in the physical, so in the mental plane, and do not suffer from overextension. If you want to make a trip, you will overdo it in the hall of some kind of work on a foldable project, a short re-fix will allow you to renew your reserve of strength.

If Algiz appears at the end of the line of heart, then tse talk about good luck in a hundred-ssunka. Obviously, our skin is experiencing anxiety, if you know your spouse, you will spend all your days with her in the world of glory. If the rune grows on the line of the rose, then it means that you have a lot of beautiful ideas, as you realize. You can, a little bit of stench be built looming and wondrous, alright, give them a chance to find out, and the stench will lead you to success!

another row of runes

If you want the main runes and the heads, the other lines can also play an important role in the share. The stench grows on the pagorbahs or the main ones. Other runi runi - tse Fehu, Uruz, Turisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Halagaz, nautis, Isa, Hyera, Ір, Perth, Soul, Teivaz, Berkana, Laguz i Inguz. Rashta runes, which were not included in the list, for they do not faintly twist force, for they do not appear runic in chiromancy.


Fehu is a good sign, right from the start. For a yakim bi bump, one does not know the rune, won means a friendly development of the tsієї spheres. So, Fehu is a tse of deeds of development, do not check that, but success in the raptus in the fall on you. Ale if you will get enough of your tips, then you will be able to reach your goal.

Yaksho Fehu roztashovana on the mound of Jupiter, then you can see the organizers leader yakosti... You have є smilivi ideas, as you are afraid of being healthy. Proceed with your work on your projects, and you will not be the same. If you are rocked by the pogorb of Saturn, then you will be kind enough to see someone else's soul. You will become a good psychologist or a teacher. Do not pick on your gift for Skoda іnshim.

The rune on the hump of Apollo rozpovidє about your creative gift. You can realize yourself in the profession, if you need a non-standard input. Mozhlivo, you have the gift of a writer or an artist. Well, the mint in the Mercury zone tells about your high social activity. You can know spilnu mov be-like a human being. Develop communication and public speaking health, and you will reach your goals in such professions as a manager, journalist, lawyer, business man, etc.


The rune is taut, strong, symbolizing the unkempt power of the wild creature. I will show you the sphere of life, I will be brutalized at the yak varto. As soon as you are roasted in the zone of Jupiter, then your leaders will accept it. Slid respect that the force is aggressive by itself, then the time has come for the robot to exercise self-control.

Uruz with the hump of Saturn captures you in the focus. If you are in an inverted position, then it is a sign that you are afraid of new opportunities. Be smilish! Yaksho vi bachite the rune under the hill of Apollo, a part of the energy will be passed on to you. However, be afraid to be obsessed with the idea, do not let it become obsessed with you.

As long as you are roasted for the zone of Mercury, then you will be protected by words and not to give marry obitsyanka, which you cannot be viconatious. As soon as you can see the order from the line, then talk about your restlessness at the bells. Along with that, I can give you a love sound, like changing your share.


Qia rune is also volodya with a strong energy. Vona maє vіdnoshennya to Tooru, to the god of thunder, to that, yes Vlasnikov agressive zahist. Turisaz himself, by its own symbolism, does not matter, for a zakist, or for ruinuvannya, but being on the valley, є a call to active activity and at once a straining zakist. It is practically uncomfortable to build on pagorbahs, often with the main lines.

If you are overwhelmed by the line of life, you will not be safe, as they passed you before, or you will be carried out at the nearest hour. Ale її zahist is the star of all the inconsistencies of the nanіvets. Protest, with the appearance of a runny, you will be respected and protected.

As long as the won’t be rocked on the line, then it’s worth talking about those who will have a new period for your share, the dedication to spiritual development. At that vipadku, if the mint has been rocked in the first place, then there is a miraculous sign. Wonderful vlasnik vvnenіstu and vіroyu in his strength, grabbing from ailments and prіrіtu.


The sacred meaning of the rune is based on the importance of food. Ale persh nіzh іdpovіd іdpovіd, it is necessary for the intelligence of nutrition. Perebryuyuchi on the mound of Jupiter, wondered about your talent of the Radnik. You are a good friend and let us be glad to see you. Ale hto please you?

The misconception of the minds under the Saturn zone will lead to the scholarship up to the philosophical vigados. You should be like discussing the abstract and the mind of the mind unattended. If it’s roztashovana under the hump of Apollo, then the price of your bazhanya rozsunuti the framework of a bitchy mystery. Її roztashuvannya in the zone of Mercury talk about the pragmatism of yakomog more about human nature.


Qia rune signifies the road, post-rukh. As soon as you appear before the zone of Jupiter, then it means your pragmatic for the top - both in the direct and in the figurative meaning. Raztashuvannya pіd hump Saturn rozpovіdaє about praznennya dіznatisya, hto you є for the sake of truth and your mice in the world.

If Raido is located on the hill of Apollo, then you have a lot of talent in other regions. For scho b vi did not undertake, you have all the good to go. If you are not like sitting on one mission, you often minify the sphere of activity. And if there is a hillock of Mercury, then it’s worth talking about your health to the commercial quality.

Halagaz і Іса

Ica is a frost rune. The main meaning is stay, calm, visibility of development. For a moment, your life is in the wilderness. You cannot, in the new world, vikoristovuvati your talent. The term is required. Do not be afraid of lousy calls. You need to vibrate from the closed stake.

Halagaz means you cross the road, as you start on the road. You can, do it, and let it go. In such a way, you need to overcome yourself and marvel at the fear in your eyes. Qia pereshkoda can be and callous. There is a block of energy, and your Zusillians will not be successful. Likewise, I would be glad to develop health in this area, on how I will make a quick start.


Qia rune razpovіdaє about attracting bazhannyah and possibilities. The only way to know harmony with oneself is to bring bazhanya into life. As it is a sign to appear on any kind of pagorie, then it’s worth talking about the house of aspiring people who are realizing in the whole sphere.

As soon as one can see the line of heart, then there is a message about the sum total of amorous admission, for it is not the end of the day. It is also a moody option, that this individual has a problem with viraz and he will accept it. Boo and so, in the dynasty of wines, they did not take away the necessary love from the fathers, who added to the grown-up wick the taste of immobility.

Once, if he starts to grow out of line, then Volodar is stuck in shaking empty experiences and everyday life and cannot vibrate spontaneously. Qia rune is a sign of the need for stimuli for further development.

The misconception of thinking on the line of life in order to interconnect with freedom oversupply. You can, the hair man has a chance to trim the important thing to the ailment, or else you can stream it in the vuzkoy framework. Yomu varto change the situation і / or the way of life, for example, go to the house, change the mice of robots, etc. Likewise, a man senses perevyrytisya at the lykar for neglected ailments.

Hyera i ip

The presence of Yeri on your valley, de b won not bul, is a good sign. Vona yak bi provishaє, how your zusilla nareshty to be and appraised according to merit. Independently from the concept, the view of the stretch for a quick success. Look at the symbolism of the cycle of your activity. During the period of activity, generation and implementation of new ideas, there will be a decline, growth and inactivity.

Ір tezh є zachisnoy rune, ala, on vidminu from Turisaz, її zahist mensh is aggressive and active. Vona dіє bіlsh myako, I want no less can, nіzh іnshі vіdmіtini. The whole sign gives the right to risen crocs and godly vchinki, singing, so that everything will end happily. As soon as it appeared on the valley, you can not be afraid of pritut or psuvannya, so as Іr wrapped evil chaklunism on your creators.


Perth invoke to be interpreted as self-sufficient, development of extrasensory health, recognition of the secret and secrets, as the number of bully prikhovani. If the mint is roasted in the zone of Jupiter, then it is necessary to add to the supplementation and supplementation of Volodar Dolony, win pragne piznati svit.

In runic chiromancy, the idea of ​​†‹вЂ‹ rosetting on the pagoria of Saturn is about health to the magical sciences, the ability to learn about the occult sciences. Such a lyudina is a mystic for her nature. If Perth appears as the hump of Apollo, then you creatively go to the addition and processing of information. Well, if the carb is located under the mound of Mercury, then the specialness is to bring satisfaction in picking up a little bit and learning the secrets of those who feel sick.


Tse is one of the most powerful runes. Vaughn means a blisk, and it means a person with a similar mark on the valley will be as big as їy. Tsei іndivіd volodya great power and the ability to lead people, and only from now on to lie down, as a rank in the future. Among the most common volodars of the similar sign is Adolf Hitler and Michelangelo.

People with a zealot mate even stronger willpower and purposefulness. Smell to pragnit to your mark, do not marvel at them. Їх ідрізняє is especially charisma, as it allows the pidkoryuvati masi. In the edge of the song, there is no nicoli. The odor of stench is excellent for its strength and that it will be especially appreciated by people. Yaksho tsya specialty of ma yaskravo bends creative health, Then you will be busy until the weather. All the stench doesn’t come across as pvdorozi.

Tyr i Inguz

Tyur will place your competitiveness on your head in the singing sphere of activity. You can reach a lot, if you will follow your own attributes. Do not be afraid to visit unclaimed, smut, rob those who are more beautiful for everything. Root roztashuvannya vkazhe to you on іmovіrnu іyalnіst, in which you know yourself.

Inguz - another rune, yak hauled you and gave you a new atrocity. Yak and Tyur, I will tell you about the area, and you will feel the best for yourself. Tsey sign will help you to help us, if you want to covet everything with your strength and diligence. The goal of the world and fantasies is not to help you slip into the world of life.


Independently from the rooting of the rune, the price of information about the family and the love of the master. So, if it’s out there, then we’ll talk about it, it’s not like it. Tse is a good boss, who is able to organize the robot in such a rank that it is calm and comfortable for the skin.

Once, if the sign grows on, then it is a symbol of a preacher, people of unabashed healthiness, who intend to bring light and love to all people on earth. It’s even more rare. As soon as we are known as the pogorb of Apollo, then we will wiggle our creative nature in the number of seven, we will start to grow up and we will accept our life. The misconception of being in the Mercury zone is to talk about those who want to be special in being able to love sharing with people, when they feel their sorrows, and who are victorious for the good of the desperate.


Laguz rozpovіdaє about spіvchuttya and smіnnі spіvpіvpіvpіvati, as well as the transfer of Volodar Dolonі. You know, in which area you need to know more for everything, you need to wonder at the way of finding the rune.

If the sign is found by the pagorb of Jupiter, then the order will be placed on those who are folding situation... As long as everything is visible, you will quickly find out the necessary steps on an intuitive basis. You didn’t think about the legacy of your decision, but it’s better to ask.

At once, if the mite roztashovuyutsya on the hill of Saturn, tse symbolize your sensitivity, you can reach an hour to empathy. You are not those who are smart, who are the spyvrozmovnik, ale know

Among the ancient Germanic tribes who live on the territory of the modern Scandinavian lands, there was a lot of lettering at the sight of cunning signs. I will specifically name the symbols of Mali - Rooney. Respected, the runes carry a sacred sense and magical power. The word "rune" itself is not like the Old Germanic run, which means "tamnitsya".

Yak is not marvelous, the runes can be found not only on ancient stones, coins, or else, but on people’s mind. Sacred signs are not played so often, as with old beaches. However, the stench of meriting the saw with respect, shards є amulets, gifted by nature and ancient gods. Chiromancy has long been victorious to write symbols on the fingers and toes like a mathematical apparatus for fortune-telling.

In the tsy statti

Preparation before the war

Vorozhinnya on the runes is a ritual that is even more vidpovidal. It is necessary to put on the ring with the Vishny forces, and that means that the thoughts are to blame, but they are crystal clear.

Bazhano vidіlity for the development of a special place with positive energy. It is easy and comfortable for all people to feel comfortable. A friendly atmosphere to open rooms roslini, Fired candles or aroma lamps. V last hour for a vorozinnya more pidyde cuts of nature, giving a garden dilyanka.

Do not proceed to the ritual, if you see it anyway nervous... Whether negative emotions are also inconsistent. Take a walk on a fresh meal, take a shower, sit in silence or listen to the cool melody music.

Runes and analysis can be repaired with a good hand. Tsia dolonyu razkrivaє vrodzheni yakosti izstistiosti - yo natural essence. Rooney on a big weak rutsi more beautifully open up the sense of symbols on the wire brush.

I will show signs on my hands. One read, one ice-cold. Gliboka promising a sacred symbol to talk about it, a straining pouring into the current moment of life. Especially the power of the man, as it is visible from the significant lines of the hand, and the little ones are very quick to see and the little chervoniy are seen. Tse informative sign about the coming of the day.

It seems that it’s important to show itself in the future or to show itself in the future.

Basic runes on the valley

Chiromancy is seen on the valleys of the head and other lines. Up to the number of the heads - the larger and the most vividly twists - there is the line of Life, the line of the Uma, the line of Doli, the line of Sertsya. Runes, roztashovany close to the head lines, are called the main ones.

Eyvaz i Mannaz

Evidence on the valley of the rune Eyvaz chiromanti interprets it as a positive reference. Tsey symbol to tie with the successful repairs and the successful result of the problem situation. Eyvaz to talk about the strained spiritual potential. Volodar of such a runi is built on extraordinary spontaneous vchinki, like changing life on the beautiful.

An ancient sign of Mannaz, call out to be seen in people who are altruists. Smell your priznachennya in the turbot about the others. The solution of other people's problems is given in the view of joy and satisfaction.

Volodar Rooney to lie down to the number of serious and common people. The smell is good to learn the value of life, and to those who worship - medicine and spheres, tied with the order of people. It is easy to develop a nosyi symbol in its own ness, moreover, even in the period of childhood.

Dagaz i Kenaz

Runa Dagaz is developed in people with a light character. Doroslіshayuchi, the stink of the child takes carelessness and marvels at the light unclouded, with a clean look. Stink well with those who feel good, that confrontations and problem situations are very common in everyday life.

In the surrounding vipadkah chiromanti look Dagaz as a fairy tale for the people, who must seriously marvel at the speech. A sign in a wide variety of ways is recommended to think about reality with a smile and check out of the minds of your mind.

Volodar Mitki Kenaz are people penetrating and volodying with a subtle intellect. It is easy to recognize falsehood, and it is important to get lost and enter Oman. It is a pity, the great rosumovy goodness give them the impression that they are overwhelmed. The signs of the appearance of embryo and superficiality. Such individuals need only one friend, which is also about the inadmissibility of a zealous protest to people.

Kenaz also interprets yak glad to stream his centrism and show more power until quietly, who will leave you.

Chiromanti to pershu cherga to bat in runes Algiz zakhisny talisman. Volodar of the sign is known as the straining intercessor of the Vishch forces. Such a specialty of a garden is caused by unacceptable situations and insecure ailments. To navigate in special types of people, such people may not have any problems. Dosvid of the unhappy kokhannya їm don’t know.

The rune is rooted in that moment, de end of the line of the valley. With such a rank, the chiromancer becomes clear, the sphere of life of the conqueror is Algiz.

As soon as the rune will complete the line of Life, you can create a picture about health and colossal energy. Such a potential guarantees a strong immunity and a clear mind to a very old age. Volodar in the sign of approval is enviable for its patronage. The stench can be richly pratsyuvati yak physical, so rosy, not visible at once. They have a unique building ability quickly and easily.

The presence of an old sign on the line of Sertsya is indicative of the success of the individual among the family members of the other statute. Do not do without hearty hvilyuvans, if you are close to the soul in the bag of a lyudin, you will become a true companion of life.

A symbol that lies on the line of the Mind, to talk about the wealth of unique ideas, and more of them will be included in life. The design is fantastic, the ale rune is a guarantee of your success.

Other rows of runes on the valley

Long-standing symbols, which lie between the main lines, or on the sides of the fingers (pagorbakh), are called other-row runes. The stench is also injected into the character and the share of Volodar.

De b not roztashovavsya sign Fehu, vin be interpreted positively. Pagorb with such a rune will put on the sphere of life, de the situation with success. Fehu symbolic behavior. There will be no rapid triumph, you check the robot's copy. Show patience and ease, so you will reach your goals.

As soon as Fehu roztashovany on the pagoribi of Jupiter, then the individual will be held up to the number of natural leaders. May be the beautiful quality of the organizer, the ideas of fresh extravagant ideas. Alle the obov'yazkovoy mind of the project, the singularity in its power.

If the rune lies on the hill of Saturn, then the people are kindly aware of the spirits' attitudes. Nosii Fehu - talented teachers and penetrating psychologists. Ale vikoristovuvati his gift of stench to blame for the good of the people.

As the mint is known on the hill of Apollo, we have before us the specialness of the creative warehouse. Wearing a sign of a sign of praise in painting, or on literary fields, you can realize yourself in the right, so that you can do something extraordinary.

Fehu in the office of the museum is placed on the highest steps of the community. With such a sign, it is easy for Lyudin to converge with people and will win the world over. Obviously, such a specialty should be shown in journalism, business and legal spheres. Especially with the presence of professional education.

Fleece vkazu on unbroken mits. Qia power manifests itself in the form of aggression, so it is important to control it. Hiromanti look at Uruz, vrahoyuchi pagorb, entrusting a badge with a patch.

Root rosetting in the Jupiter zone symbolizing leadership. And this means that the management health will be strong enough.

The sign of Uruz in the zone of Saturn oberigє people are in the focus. The inverted symbol on the tsiy dilyantsi is also about the overworld of the common. Failure to bind the will of the individual and the enchantment of the child. Lyudin, do not get into trouble with vchinok, letting go of the amiable opportunity.

Pagorb Apollo of bandages with thrust to master. Uruz to give a strained post to a creative cob, which gave birth to a fountain of ideas. It is not possible to get rid of and grab for all the way. Remember vidomy visliv, as it is not possible to touch unassociatedly. Concentrate respect for those in which you are the most comfortable.

The ancient symbol of the little guy nagadu about the vidpovidality for obitsyanka. The rune is also interpreted by yak glad to stitch for promiscuity and not to allow lingering, about which it will happen to shkoduvati.

Uruz on the line Sertsya prophet zustrich, yak will become the ear of a happy family union. In the meantime, we can serve as a sign to the change of heart, but the indiscretion in love calls is made to the point of inappropriateness.

Tsey is a sign of literally rewarding energy. The newcomer has a mint of the ancient Scandinavian god Thor, who punished with thunder and storms. Zgіdno z myths, Thor seized people from the monstrous і veletnіv, to that the rune is ma zhisny and at the same hour a warlike character.

Fleece to talk about the activity of the specialty. Volodar is a sign of pragne of action, it is not respectful in the name of what: heal the zahist abo ruinuvannya. If people are passive, then the manifestation of the mind is recommended for the child.

Turisaz is rarely seen on the pagorbahs, inviting you to lie there with the head lines of the valley. The rune of the bilya linii Life is about to be safe. Turisaz in vіdvede wіd people bіdu, albeit for mind, as it is himself guilty to show the power and safety.

Runa Turisaz on the line of Mind to talk about the strained spiritual potential of specialness. Ale evoluciya vimagaє activity.

A detailed description of the runi Turisaz:

The rune Ansuz is born to the genus of asiv (ancient Nimetsky gods). Tom won directly at the link with the Visceral forces and the light of distant ancestors. Tsei zvyazok give Vlasnikov Runi great wisdom.

Ansuz pіd with a vague finger to lay down the people, who are the zealots of the rich, life-like admonition of Volodya as a magnificent authority in the suspension. Before you think, people are ready to listen, they want to go for joy.

The sign of asіv is lower than the middle finger to talk about the pragnennya to learn the laws of svitobudovi. Nosіy runi to love razmіrkovuvati over the chambers of the All-Union and engaging in jokes about daily meals.

As a symbol of manifestations in the zone of an unchanging finger, it is an individual building a revolution in mystery. And the manifestation of the rune is lower than the mystery of the specialness, as you would like to understand the secrets of the human soul.

Hiromanti look at the Raido rune ("shlyakh") as a symbol of the ruch, the road, the road. In the most senior sense, it means growth, evolution.

Raido on the hill of Jupiter will show you how to climb the top. You can, move about the mountains of Everest, but it’s not turned on, but about the science of science or a successful business project.

As the sign of the deposition on the pagorb of Saturn, then the nose of the rune would like to be rooted in the depths of the vlasny "I". Vіn pragne zrozumіti, like yogo reference sign in the whole svіtі.

Raido, with the finger of Apollo, talk about the funny gifted specialties. Such a person with ease takes on a new right and achievement of success. I don’t like to be busy with one and the same, but that’s perebu in a post-lay creative joke.

The symbol on the pagorbi of Mercury is inviting to be established by successful entrepreneurs, as well as talented journalists.

Ica ("lid") - the price of the frost rune, the symbol of winter. In the whole period, the nature is to sleep, so the sense of the sign is deciphered like an hour of calm, inactivity.

The life of the people of the Nemov caught up in the unruly, the road stuck into a deaf kut. Vіn skutiy in diyah obstavinami. No health is required. Rune Ica in the tsiy situation, give the wise joy - zupinitisya and look around on all sides. You can, it is necessary to change directly and not be afraid of new nobles.

The rune Hagalaz ("city") also casts on life difficult. Vona symbolizu pereshkodi, scho zavazhayut protrude forward.

It is not included, that the lyudin herself sits down and pereshkodi. In the midst of the need to podolati fears and prodovzhuvati paths. You can have a chance to read your pardon. At the back, there can be a lot of new furnishings, as well as people who want evil to you. Be common, try your eyes, or just block until you succeed.

The ancient sign of Nautiz testifies to the prikhovani possibility of specialness and to suffocate bazhannyakh. Lyudin got lost in the rubbish, ale the vikhid mozhliviy. It is necessary to come here, so that the soul knows harmony.

Mіsce rozmіshennya runi, even the area of ​​life, de individual is guilty of realizing his priesthood.

If the sign is to lie with the order from the line Sertsya, then in the past, the people will have a message of unhappy love. Failure has left a wound for the soul, and now the people are unique. It is possible, that the turns of the scooter lie in the child. Ditina did not reject the new love from the fathers, who called to the emotional dryness.

The triumph of the wickedness and the manifestation of the rune on the line of the Mind. Nose of the sign of loading in the shaking of by-turn problems and of life negligence. Everyday life faded with evidence and didn’t let it grow over the day. People are in need of postage, but they are virvating from routine.

Nautiz on the line of Life to talk about letting go of the will. Mova, you can, Ide about the serious ailment of chi other furnishings, putting people in a tight frame. In the case of the first rune, it is recommended to go through medical treatment. I’m healthy in order, sense of change and way of life.

The appearance of the rune Hyera ("harvest") on the valleys of the people is a friendly sign. The rune was successful in the nearest hour. Won’t you see, the Zusilla people didn’t bully marnimi and bear fruit. Yogo dosyagnennya will be satisfied.

The symbol of Hyera is a sign of the last wines. Like the times of rock, in life, there are light and dark advances. The period of creative zleta turns into a swamp of apathy and rozcharuvannya. Reasonably the principle of cyclicity, the mudra of a man will calmly check, until the hour comes and goes.

Hyera is located up to the number of zhisnyh signs, ale in the roots of the agressive rune of Turisaz. Diya Yeri is manifested softly, protest by the power of the rune does not compromise on the symbols. Volodyuchi with such a sign, you can boldly go to the thoughtlessness of the risik. The rune will ensure a successful outcome of any kind. Chiromancy is also known as an ancient sign to serve as a hard-pressed amulet and to preserve a person from being guided and attached. Evil magic, yak boomerang, turn around to quietly, hto namagavsya you nashkoditi.

Volodar Rooney, as a rule, can live with relіgієyu, such knowledge and supernatural health. Winning the contribution of all strength to spiritual development.

Recognition of the signs on the pagorib with a pointed finger to indicate the instinct of the glorious person, the sensible sense of the new light.

The ancient sign on the path of Saturn is clearly a reference to the potential talent in the sphere of magic and the occult sciences.

The presence of Perth on the humps of Apollo is kind of an expert, who knows and needs information and creative processes.

The rune on pagorbi, as if a little man, how people love to collect information of specific power. Evidently ill-health is interested in other people's secrets, it is guilty to invade the privacy of life, to eat with sympathy and whips. Such people are more beautiful to be careful.

Qia rune symbolizuє Sonce. In the people, the majestic power is laid, and the power is injected into the weight of the mass. In the midst of the masters of the sign, politicians and people are masterful. Kudi is a straightened force, to lay down in the self-specialness. Hitler, for example, razpaliv svitovu vіynu And Michelangelo opened great pictures.

People with a kind of mite - straight and volatile people. If they have є meta, then zupiniti and rekonati їkh is uncomfortable. Smell pidt forward, unaffected by the pereshkodi. Їх ідрізня there is no difference in the sameness of the vlasnіy rightness. The stench of volodya is a hard-hitting charisma, which will charm you to find your opponents.

As the masters of Soul understand, by which power they have given the Creator, then they will repent freely without fail. With creative people buvakinakshe. Having given the natchnennyu, the stench is ready to play, forgetting about sleep and іzhu. This is the rank to bring oneself to znemogi and make Shkodi healthy.

Tyr i Inguz

I will name the rune in honor of the one-armed god Tyr, who became famous for his fighting prowess. This sign looks like a vkaz_vku for courage and hope. Volodar Rooney is not able to get up and is ready to fight for his interests. As soon as lyudin is correct, I will not be able to get over it.

The rune Inguz is a symbol of power and energy. Raising the sign in the way of people on the sphere, so that you can maximally open up to yourself. The rune is to please rozrahovuvati on your own strength and to be active.

The rune is of a peaceful nature and is tied without the middle with the same kind of clothes, like on the first place for the volodar sign.

Berkana with a pointed finger can be placed on a kervnik, which, in Batkivska, can be placed until it is easy. The team for the new is a great family, all the workers see the turbo and the driver.

The glimpse of the ancient signs is seen with the middle finger - in the zone of Saturn. Volodar Rooney is a spiritual leader who wants to convey the divine truth to people. We will blame Volodya for the gift of perekonannya, that will be a good preacher.

The rune in the zone of Apollo is responsible for the creativity. However, the worn symbol is not a shukk of the mass insight, but the realization of creativity in the family, re-enhancing the life of loved ones with tsikavi podiyami.

Yaksho Berkana roztashovana on the pagorbi of Merkuriya, then її Volodar is pleased with people. He is ready to listen to those who are sick and take a part in the first problems.

tsey ancient symbol zazvychay characterize the pitiful people, wolodin talent to look into the Maybut.

Laguz with a sharp finger gives you the ability to quickly respond to the diagnosis of problem situations. There de zvychayna lyudina fall into a panic and start to grow, but runi Laguz to rely on intuitsiya. Win dyn spokiyno and rishuche. Most often the result is good.

The sign in the zone of Saturn indicates the visibility of the individual. Get along with other people, the volodar symbol literally penetrates into the identity of the spy, sprymayuch other thoughts and emotions yak vlasnі.

Mitka Laguz with a Mizin talk about the health of people who love them. Volodar Rooney easily guesses the attitude of the spy officer and directs him to the desired direction. His perevatsya lyudin vikoristyuє, ale cunning can turn around іn the opposite.

Roztashuvannya ta pouring into the share

It also meant that for chiromantivers the role of vidigra is not only important to the rune, but rather to the roztashuvannya on the ruts. About pagorbi and lіnії mi zagaduvali, describing a skin sign. Zupinosya on the fact that you sprymati vidmitini on your fingers.

The great finger in the chiromancy of the dressings from the verse of the Poitrya. Yakshcho on a new є rune, won’t come up with a message of good health for an individual. This is also a sign in relation to the spiritual potential of specialness.

Vkaz_vny finger will release the element of Vognyu. The rune in the whole region indicates a high fighting spirit. Such a person can stand up to her principle and can give it. Likewise, the rune is of the kind of special features.

Middle finger of banding from the Earth. Mitki on the new keruyut share a share of people, pouring into the important spheres of life.

The irreplaceable finger of the rune chiromancy can also be carried to the new sphere. The rune informs about the possibilities of specialness to show oneself in the sphere of creativity.

Mizinets makes a sound with the verses of Vodi. The rune pidsilyu volodinnya moyu and komuniktivnі navichki.

Yak is in sight

As long as the ancient signs on the hands are torn, it is possible to see the meaning in the images of the same runes. Do not be surprised, there are some absolutely simmetries in the human spirit.

Vivchіt zagalnі channeled runes (in the text of the guidance іlustratsії). Then look around the valley for the presence of similar mint. Yakshko reveal the symbols, grow the photographs of your hands at the high distribution of buildings. Restore the photo and respectfully wipe the surface of the valley and fingers, meaning the marks have been added with a marker.

Also, the progress of the development of the runes on the hands and the advancement of sparing. With practice, you will be without practice on the valleys of important views.


Having nailed the gadati behind the runes, we will roztashovanim on the valley, you will add the Navik, which will expand the statement about the light. If you want to know more in runic chiromancy, you will be more beautiful in the understanding of human nature and psychology. Please remember: the essence of the practice is to be learned. Gather up to the knowledge, and old-time runes to cry out for you to be a secretary.

Trochi about the author:

Evgen Tukubaev Required words and your veira is the key to success in a fast ritual. I will give you the information, and let it be realized without any need to lie in front of you. Don't worry about it, a lot of practice, and you have everything!

Light wanted to say "ni", ale when looking at the pie, the mouth resembled a slime. Zanadto smelled like “true” around the corner - and she didn't have a lot of coldness in her company.
Until then, Ulf wanted to just talk. I was crowded on the birch tree with berths ...
Well, it’s not my fault, I wondered. And then she smacked the pie with Ulf's fingers.
Нігті on the cich fingers appeared to be good, we will bluntly sharpen the tops. Pidnimalis over the pads of the fingers with rounded cones at the ends. Napivprozoroї-sіri, with black veins, thicken to the base.
- Follow me, - Ulf naked. Dodav is singing: - Don't be afraid. I won't block anything with me.
Krim to you, Svitlana thought gloomily.
Ulf, having already turned around, tearing down the shore at the edge of the bank, hiding behind the counters. Vona straightened her way, daringly twisted into three deaths. І on the go, there are a lot of virishuchi - є just at once, don't you?
On one side, in the belly grumbled. From the bottom - the first one is to fraternize for a pie, if you need to knit the cotton discs, quickly put it in a tube and shove it by the cheeks, so, when you face it, we’ll puff up, and the lower lip grows bubbling ...
Ale not vityaguvati f їkh publicly. Take a quick turn around here - and the disguise has already failed!
I’m going to check it out, my husband’s broadcast to Svit. With my eye, the yak was not fastened by the bandage, he wondered at the berths - they were laid on the pallets, they made the bridges, they went into the sea. At the skin of them the ships were moving ...
Її glanced raptom stumbled upon a hostile blush, crocu along the pier to the right. A couple of people, who went to see him, quickly moved into the bik, stepping on the road.
Buv red, broad-shouldered, with a special, beating a heart at Sveti faded. Dovge more hair blowing out a light blow from the inflow. A light blakitnu shirt, having tugged a vigadlivy belt, at what point they glanced at - expensive stones?
Vin krokuvav rosmashisto. One hand is thrown on the arms of the sword, which has been raised to the waist ...
Ulf, sensing a slight liquor, appeared in the smell of the girl behind him, turning around. Throwing unhappily, remembering who they stumbled upon with an unattached eye:
- Tse svitliy Alva. Garny people, ale to human women, it is more beautiful not to call themselves out with them. And then we can then know the dead, with his teeth and ochima.
The flywheel's light looked at the flip-flop - and threw the croc forward vapingly, once again overturning the glance at the blush. It doesn't look like a light to beast ...
Ulf raptom leaning right in front of her, and she rubbed it on her chest with a cholom. Rivkom stood up and looked at the flip-flop.
And she glanced angrily.
- Having trampled the bandage, - saying to the nasty calmness. - I was beaten ... and do not be intimidated by the elves. Nicoli. Babi will forget about everything that is good enough to be amazed in his eyes. Especially there is no protective amulet on them. On you?
Well, it’s okay to walk around the place, de cikh women, in general, flashed in the head of Sveti.
- Chi do not lag behind, - in the same punishing tone Dodav Ulf.
І, having turned around, having once again straightened to the smoothed coast with two berths.
Svitla, having seen it evil, turned a dark cloth on the m_sce, pulled out from her T-shirt. Zakvapilas sl_d. Chomus was not drawn to the blush ...
At the water's edge there was a couple of bugs - and the people who stood by them, cooked. Ulf past їkh, zupinvsya, did not go to the pier from the left side of the decilkokh crocs. To navit without sleeping - but on the move, naked, unfolding:
- Tee is hungry. Їzh. Zilla in the whole pyrozi, do not be afraid.
Svitla, glancing gloomily at the new one with one eye, with a finger vikolupati from the company of cotton rolls. She sank into the kulats.
I nareshty tasted. We were just sour, bold - ale in the middle there was a little bit of malt. More than any cake ...
Ulf nodded gravely, muttering:
- If there is a lyudin, your heart will get lost.
Know you know, Svitlana thought angrily, knowing you know.
- Well, now let's talk, - silently stripping the inversion.
For chogos, having tied the laces, pull off the shirt at the neck. Then we torn the edge of the gate with our hands, and we gouged it out as we went down the neck.
- Wonder. The axis of the hryvnia is from the middle.
The light, having tasted the cake again, which has now grown up to an imaginative little one, has sunk onto the cholovich's breast. Densely overgrown hairs of the same breast-milk type, which is the mane on the head of Ulf.
Near the twisted medium embellishment, with a sprinkle, like descending below the collarbone, there was no overgrowth. Nemov is an inverted vigol and has a road there. The bile of hryvnia was dragged by the smog of the low-horny shkiri. Thin, like on a trivial early. Vizier from above and below, exactly repeat the cut of the middle jgut ...
- I wear qiu hryvnia, I don’t know, - Ulf said quickly. - If you are alive, you are alive in me, get lost, grabbed my skin. I know a flock of people. Do not be afraid of that - I will not feel pain at all. Nicoli will not turn around with a hand in hand with you. But not all of them. Є people who cannot tolerate us - and as soon as the stench is ordered, then the shkira will burn with the hryvnia. Yakshcho the woman of the inversion vidchuvak to the new ogidu - the shkiru peche. If I hate you, I will go to waste ...
Win throwing words calmly, monotonously, and Sveti's shoulder blades got goose bumps. The first hand went down with the incomplete pie.
Tse is not life, she thought. Vichna katuvannya. Is it all true?
Smuga of the horny shkiri near the middle jgut was inappropriately vibrated on the sun.
- It is important for the inversion to know his name for himself. Vona is guilty of being smart, do not see to the new vidrazi ... do not giduvati im. Alle the inversion, it is necessary to know this squad from the people themselves.
Chomu flashed at Sveti. Vona raised her eyebrows energetically, marveling right in the eyes of Ulf - burshtinov, syayuchi in the sun.
The flip-flop chuckled slightly as he opened the glass. having seen:
- If the inversion sits with a woman, in some kind in the family it was pricked, then the children will be born with them. Just wow. Stink nikoli do not speak, nikoli do not turn into people. The first inversion, which went down from the woman, in the veins of what I want is one speck of blood, to wind up from Ulfholm. To him, he’s not able to let his children take such a share. Win can easily be overwhelmed - and get a hryvnia for yourself. And the price is not safe. Sri cliche is human, which is in us є. Without a new bootie, people are much more important. Inodi may not be a pity.
Ulf's eyes burned with an orange-cheeky fire, the black chicks trembled in them, making friends.
Svitlana thought enchanted as the stench to live, because it is inverted. Styles of pain - and even yourself go to the center ...
And then she pulled herself out - who, how's all this nonsense? I vzagal, win її vismiknuv from the native light, like a carrot from the garden! There is nothing to feel sorry for any zvіrina! You need to think about yourself ...
Tilki pislya tsikh dumok їy rapt became gidko, and won’t see oguidu. Ale to itself.
Ulfa's smile became broader. Іkla became visible more often.
- Ty is angry - ale not me. On myself? Not required.
Tse-that is the reason for the sound of the zeros, which was received by the Svit. By smell?
“Ty is fearless,” Ulf said softly.
Zhalugіdna inviolability of the flattery, virіshila Svіtu. I, looking at the new one, took a bite of the pie. Hi bach, well, you won't get compliments.
- You will be afraid of me, ale you will not see me before. The nornies sent me to you. The stench has not pardoned, so I stand with you, and I do not see the sin on the skirts. I ruin everything, but I didn’t hate me anymore ...
The light flickered. Well, the nightingale is straight. Balakuchi is inverted here!
“Think for yourself,” Ulf said, “I didn’t give you strength from the house of the chaklunka Aug. I accept your decision. To that, if you know me, in a fair way, with all my heart - senseu utrimuvate you with yourself dumb. I can’t live, all hour sniffing to the blackness of my faint shkiri. Ale, I wonder, that everything is very good for you. Zanadto not matched.
“I just got it right,” Svitlana thought harshly, ending the feast.
The turnover marveled in the direction of the place, once again looking at her.
- I’ll say honestly - I looked after you, if you entered the chaklunka house.
Having looked over, Svitlana thought.
I immediately guessed tin, scho washed out behind the back of a dark man in front of him, yak that fell. So the axis hto tse buv ...
- Ty was staring at the dark Alva, if she went down the stitch, - having said Ulf, pidtverjuuchi її look. - Dark is not є not safe, because it is not conceivable. Ale tsei chomus clung to you. First of all, she wondered at the light alve. Tute people from the dynasty will work for their daughters, but it is impossible to marvel at svitlih - you can be lost without eyes. I without teeth. And yet die a bad death. In addition, women of the world wear amulets, which are not like alvi. Yakby, I am a power, I would give you a walk along the Nordmark. Schab ti zrozumіla, kudi pissed off. Zvychayno, I overlooked the bi behind you ... ale at the same time descho trapilos. I check in the king's fort, right at a time.
The flip-flop waving his hand at the side of the noisy handrail of the place. Light turned her gaze to the thin line of the crisp style, which could be seen in the distance, above the dakhi.
“I can't look after you anymore,” Ulf prodvzhuvav. - I want to proponuvati for him. Go to my ship. I will not touch you with a finger, not with a finger. If I do not allow you to create evil, I will not allow anyone to do so. I myself will go to sleep with my people, I will sacrifice my cabin for you. There you will be at the bezpetsi. And you don't get to do it yourself ... or sleep in the cold stove.
At the stove, meant Svita.
One hundred against one - it was not just that the dark alve, who had quilted after her to the very heart, was guilty.
Ale buzzed, Svєta could not help but viznat. Turn over on іm'ya Ulf Zhodniy without ever trying to impose his will. On the cob itself.
- Tse will be good for me, so I can take care of you. It will be good for you, so you will be good, ”Ulf Ormulfson stripped naked.
I Svitlana thought about it.
Yaksho tsya hryvnia stream the inversion - todi go, so wіn is reliably safe. Ale only okay.
At the old booth, Ulf turned around as soon as he could. Wrinkled cracks with clinkers and the wool on the cheeks to be worn. And we didn’t zupinilo yogo
Moreover, there was no smell of faint shkіroy from all at that moment. Nachebto didn't smell. Whim, by hand, in the stone without the stinks, the fire burned out. First, dim puffed into the booth ...
However, over the old inversion, it grabbed a trick to navigate threateningly!
“If you don’t wait a bit, then I wish you didn’t turn in that cave,” quickly dodav the inversion. - Vaughn is very close to the place, і porch є water. Tse zruchne misce. Two people slept there last night. The smell will be overpowering, the smell will not be deceiving ... and if I were in song, I could catch up with you at night, then letting it be over there. Honestly, I vryatuvav bi you and ochіkuvav bi nagorodi. All at once everything was changing. I might not have an hour for your time.
Having talked a yak, she angrily sent Svit. І lure, і zalyakuє.
Maybe it's a win and a hole in the oven. And maybe not. Vona is very close to the place. I’m not guilty of the inversion’s scent, but it’s not like a people’s scent;
- I check your decision, - Ulf said stressfully. - Yakim bi won not bulo, I will accept yogo. Yak took yogo to the Aug booth.
As soon as the dvchina thinks about it, immediately thinking about the inversion, it will take the road to the fortress to go to Khroligu. The old hardman of the Jarl Skallagrima has a lot of goiters, I can help you ...
Ale then Ulf beat those who at once changed his mind.
- Look at that, - having punished the wine, throwing his hand and placing it on the alva, standing in front of the counters. - He is the same light Alva. It looks like one of your eyes, yakim ti wondered at a new one, you were given a helping hand.
Svitla glanced at it, kudi plunged an inversion. I started blushing while standing on the shil. Around a new place, having pretended to be an empty piglet, people are unique, and they walk to a new one close ...
Svitliy Alva in the її side was not surprised. Standing, turned sideways, proudly wondering where the ubik went.
It’s not easy to bring in a new look. It’s already beautifully dead - having lifted his head, flared his shoulders. The first hand is so picturesque, thrown at the hands of the sword ...
Svitla with the deyakim Zusilli turned her eyes back to Ulf. Ztzіpila teeth, I can see unused dummies.
It is necessary to take a decision. Abo p_dnyatisya, yak hanging upside-down, on yogo ship, chi ni. First, it’s scary, but it’s just the same here, I don’t know the situation ...
Behind the її її back, the pepper flew with sweat. The dream was warming all the stronger, standing with a jacket on the heels of the bulo specotno. That head, with a hat pulled over his forehead, spilled.
- Take it, go here with me, de I will buy you an amulet, schob vіdlyakati alva, - gushingly proponuv Ulf. - Tse here, in the place. I want you to be a zahist.
Nichogo sob, sent to Svit. I want to touch. To go, to navіt an amulet not to seize from svіtlikh alvіvnіstu?
Vona sighed. Zalyakav vin її all the same it is clear.
Ale from іnshogo side, tsei Ulf once to ask and proponuє, albeit by force do not fall ...
“So,” Svitlana said not exactly in the same way. She nodded her head and added: - ЄС.
- Follow me, - Ulf immediately ordered himself. - I will lead you to the ship. You don't have to be more kulgat or hunch over. I can't help you with me.

The call of kulgati did not come along, so only one heel was seen.
Ale it is not crooked bulo zruchnіshe. True, when she went with a bag, I put Svit on her back, I put a turtleneck on her, she fired a shkira - out of specs, out of sweat.
The ship Ulf pogoyduvavsya at the end of the berth, the fourth zeal. Having seen it as it was, like a couple of their ships, they were standing at the same berth - high and low and forage, adorned with dragon heads, walked without vitriles ...
Dіyshovshi up to the bet of the boards, threw from the berth on board the ship, the inverted zupinivshis. Having said, turn to her:
- I will not tinker at you - I will not tinker. Ale here you can fall into the water. To that I will propose you the most trick me.
І Ulf holding his hand. I’ll go up the hill.
And if they have it, it means something that has become a mystery to Svit. Once she took hold of the handle, it means, she tried to make friends ...
Vona hit her head, muttered in Russian:
- Ні.
The inversion did not change in guise. Stepping aside, gesturing on the gangway.
I went ahead.
Svetlana robbed the little ones with her feet, spreading her arms out and looking at them, looking at the peasants who were standing on the deck of the ship. Ale all the same went, not sinking, and struck onto the deck.
The handlebar immediately leaned against an inversion, muttering:
- To the right.
And then we first pulled it down to the dirka, which was seen in pairs of crocs from the school.
The cabin, yaku Ulf їy so generously sacrificed, appeared as a creepy room, was housed under the deck flooring. With a bet of small, finally, zaboronenih, as not marvelously, we can see through the slope with a thin and complete glimpse, pouring sleepy light.
The situation here appeared more modest - a kupu khutra in one of the kutiv and a majestic screen opposite the doors. All.
The flip-flop of the flywheel passed through the Svєti, scho died at the bottom of the threshold. When I see the screen, it was delivered, turning to her.
- Axis low. In our society, it is impossible to find women without zombies. Until then, you will be calm with him.
Ulf, standing at the screen, did not collapse from the moment - and the Holy Day, having removed the cap and the bandage from the eye, went. Safely, with one hand, she took the bottom.
Win buv investments from pikhvi, with a ringing lace lace, dozhini completely sufficient, sob to wear it. Pidviska on the same modi ...
Svitla put on her cap on top of the jacket, stubbing on the stitches. She grabbed the bottom with two hands, pressed the handle, wrapped all these shkiri with braids, and glittered with a glimpse of the finial.
- In an hour I will pick up this blade for you, - having called Ulf. - Who has a handle for your backside. Ale poki - zide.
Years later, thought Svitlana. This means that the inversion of the songs is not going to go anywhere.
Leso came to see her with her full gin. With a width of two fingers, with a sharpened edge, ice blinks on the lights.
“I'm going to get infected,” Ulf said quickly, keeping a glance at her. - Ale will soon turn. Toby bring the hedgehog. If you want to relieve yourself, go to the deck. I will go over my people, you will be led straight to the outhouse.
The light of knowledge. And the inversion quietly stating:
- It’s still good. Yak to you, dvchino?
Vona turned below at the pikhvi - the climb quietly scrabbled along the skirts, like the stench of the bullets. let in:
- Svitlana.
- Sveitlan? - an inversion of the lip in the likeness of a laugh. The jagged edge of the ikls flashed. - And what about my dad?
It’s all right now, thought Svitlana gloomily. Ale still said:
- Oleg.
- Sveitlan Holegsdoutir, - holding out to Ulf. - I be like your name. Check out my turn, and we'll talk about everything again. And let go ... Sveitlan.
Winning the screen and tearing it down to the exit. Poki bypassing її from the left side, marveling not to see, bevel. Nemov vivchav.
If the doors were conceived behind him, Svitlana immediately pushed her way down to the kupa khutra in the kutku - and it felt like a mask. The back under the bag of the throat was downright unbearable ...
Vaughn untied the sleeves of the jacket, screwed up the quilting, pulled out the bliscaw, fluffed up the odyag on the screen. Then I got into the kut outside the door - the chair opened the stool, which was attached to the entrance. She pulled off a turtleneck, a T-shirt, and trimmed only on the tails, and she looked good. I untied the tights, as I put on my jeans, and at the same time wrapped it on my chest, crushing it ...
I nareshtі zvіlnilasya from the bag, the belt as, quickly, threw on one shoulder, like a sling. I made my way through the cabin, laid everything on top of my jacket, and pulled on a turtleneck.
Then, spitting on everything, she roared - and barefoot went to the end. Pislya chobit on the farmsteads were looking pretty cool.
Behind the end, a wide smog of water spreads. Far away, at the offensive berth, ships moved, similar to Ormulfson's ship. Feeling the muffling of the hvil against the side of the ship, the distant cries of seagulls.
It’s an hour, just scribble everything like a slid, sent to Svit.
Those who said - and proponuvav - Ormulfson sounded very reasonable. І vіv wіn itself tsіlkom in a gentleman's way, ale ...
In rosemary, the raptom spilled out of itself a phrase from a childish Kazka. Lay it on, onuchka, pie on the glass, and lay down with me, saying Syriy Vovk to Chervon Shapochka.
I fell.
The light smiled unhappily. It seems that in the oldest version of the case, there will be a changeover. It was NOT the little Chervona Shapochka that walked along the fox, but a whole family of children. Moreover, the inverted being asked to stretch out, persh below it. Ancient repentance for everyone, who knows how to turn upside down ...
Ale did not have a special vibor. Nichto, cry Ulf, not rushing to help. And it’s not easy to see here, judging from us. Svit, kudi її drifted through the tse of Ulf - the middle with the inverts, see that Alva. Dark and light.
Sveta sighed importantly.
I immediately thought about іnshe. On the viglyad Ormulfson there were about thirty rockies. Surely, among the people, that is, at the inversion, like sailing on ships, the hut is wrapped, salted with sea wines ... so Ulf for the right can be younger - just the older one.
Ale is unlikely chi vin dosi not borrowing. It is not enough to wind up, how can you turn over a dozen sitting in Sydney in a clean-cut one-only one, from which one does not burn with the hryvnia. There is a new one after all.
To know better, how has become from this woman. For to navigate not with her - but with them. And then the yak bi Kazka about Chervona Riding Hood didn’t dwell on the Kazka about Bluebeard ...
The doors behind її back were opened, htos quickly placing a bill at the entrance. Directly to the deck.
Ale the stool was conceived a persh, n_zh Svita got up to turn around.

Bilya vorit fortress Ulfa zustriv head of the king's werewolf warti, Gunnulf. Ice nodded, knocking down the handbook, and going along with Ulf to the head booth of the king, who was arrived at the bashti.
And if the stench came out of the door, the guards scrutinized, grumbling loudly - so, the words were angry in one silent rick:
- King Olaf is dead. In the bedchamber, de yogo bachili vostann, blood is dumb, ale the stink of death. First, Olaf is no longer a go. Yak yogo hammered in - and kudi it was quiet, quietly.
- Who bachiv yogo stay? - Ulf grunted softly.
- Gyudas, yogo concubine. The king poklikav її, ale accepting my lads. Having said, you don’t want to, all the chuli and chuli stink. Wonderful, that earlier it was not so suitable.
Ulf smashed a little crock, smirked. Then quietly throwing:
- Yak itself, they drove in and where they went, don't let the blue get out. Ti telling Goodbrand about those who's dead?
- Those who have long been living on behalf of people, does not mean that I have typed some fools of them, - trokhi voznіshe, nіzh pershe wіdpovіv Gunnulf. - The youngest king of the king has already declared that Gyudas is not a chula, as Olaf has let go of his inversions. And this means that I may be ready to grow up. It will be more beautiful, as soon as you think that the dad is alive.
Ulf flyers nodded as they walked. feeding:
- De at a time Goodbrand?
“Sitting in the banquet hall,” Gunnulf rushed muffledly. - I all the jarls who are in the Nordmark are still there. One tee is remembered. I’m not going with you, they didn’t click me again. Oberezhnishe, Ulf. Let's talk more ...
Winning the ubik, and Ulf, going to the next kam'yanny booth, which arrived to the big tower, went to the banquet hall.
The tables for the benkets have been tidied up to the walls. According to the walls, developed with a lancet under the stele from these oak blocks, the alvovi in ​​the fire did not burn very brightly. Goodbrand sidіv on uzvishі, on lavі it was entrusted with the batkіvsky ash-tree crucible. Jurmilis were in the hall, in ten crocs all over the place. Silently exchanged ...
Ulf rozgledіv in the middle of them gloomy Skallagrіm with two colors. First of all, the quiet Arnstein, father Hildegard.
Sigtryg, Olaf's nephew, was standing closest to the appointment. Together with the father, Jarl Hegni. That wondering calmly, Sigtryg will look at us with a frown.
- Ulf, before me! - voiced and dissatisfied with the order Gudbrand.
І Ulf pidіyshov, do not wry curliness. Olaf's young bluebird, loving to be turned upside down, is so dumb, the stench of dogs ...
From the hryvnia, leaving the wine crooked around the hall, it was scorching. It is quite tolerant - to the contempt of Olaf's jarls and his relatives, Ulf the sound. Yak and to the oranu of hatred, which is the source of them.
Sigtryug and the baiduzh, the jarl Hegni, frowning at the viglyad, turned out to be happy, but Ulf was not worthy of the best.
Vin died in three crocs in front of Gudbrand, grabbing his head.
- Olafson, forgive me ...
“Everything has been here for a long time,” Gudbrand said angrily. On the lower, unweathered cheeks of the young Olaf's son, there was an unkind, yaskravo-crane rum'yantsyu. - Just go here! I want the first poke from the house of the king of temptations, tikati syudi!
Goodbrand Zamovk, and Jarl Hegni voiced - in a voice, chuli all in the hall:
- Jarlu Ulf at once did not have time to go to bed, but went to the konunug's booth. It seems that he chose to be friends!
Shkіra pіd hryvnia was wrapped up.
Spookyno, thinking Ulf, clutching іkla. Straining, pushing your head ...
Viyshlo - a fowl on the streets so and not having entered.
- My guilty person is guilty of telling you about those who are missing my dad! - viguknuv Goodbrand. - Ale vin chomus didn’t find you on your DRACKAR!
Ulf vidpoviv, do not get hung up on the garchayuchis:
- They gave me the word. As soon as I know about the knowledge of King Olaf, I have been here. My Drakkar Priyshov to Nordmark on Vidpochinok, Olafson. I’m not at once on a boy’s party, I’m not sitting on ships by chance, check-out sounds ...
Looked at Gudbrand, a young boy of twenty years, there was a bit of decay. It appeared - I disappeared. Then the blakitny eyes marveled at the inversion of the same hatred.
Dots of sweat appeared on Ulf's forehead. Trimati in my hands - and not to turn around - became more and more important.
“It’s necessary to tell me about those who were eating my older brother, Thorgeir,” he often threw Gudbrand. - Ty, Jarl Ulf, I will stop by the hour of occupying only my right, so I will tell you, de my brother. Five days ago, he was supplied with fuel with his ships to protect the sea border beyond Khröland. ... you can go there. Know Torgeir, tell you about everything. I think if you want to turn to Nordmark. Thou shalt miss the substitution of a new wartuvati behind Hröland. This is my mandate.
Near the sea, beyond Hröland, ships not only from Jotunheim are flooded, Ulf thought gloomily. Ale і from Muspelsheim. Black majestic plows, which are the essence of the fiery Jotuns ...
Ale yogo will power with one ship to replace all ships of Torgeir. Tim has an hour at the elder son Olaf їх shist. The youngest king of the king must send to Hröland the same Skallagrim, from the third DRAKKAR. Three ships - everything is more beautiful, not one.
- It takes an hour for me to take people away from my hard (command), - Ulf said in a simple tone. - Smells of bullets came out on houses, read it again and read it from wounds. I am using fuel.
Goodbrand grimaced.
- My dad did the reversals, as they guarded him - he is not a member of the whole night. Now, I am led to an inversion, which is not innocent in the form of an inversion. Too yogo raptom pulled up to sp_dnits!
- On my DRAKKAR there are nine choloviks, Olafson, - having thrown Ulf. - Tsyogo not whistle for battle. And you want me, why am I on Hröland?
Without becoming a negotiator, three of the nine took away the wounds, hey and the legacy, in the rest of the campaign. More often than not, one will fly at a time on ships that come to the house for important injuries. And four go to the booth.
“Good, take your heard,” Gudbrand said. І vityagnuv shiyu, magayuchis marvel at the temple inversion from top to bottom. - And because of the fuel. It is secret!
- I'm so angry, Olafson. - Ulf grabbed his head again.
Then we turn around, straightening to the exit. Feeling on the road, as a muffled snapping Sigtryg behind his back - and the hryvnia baked even stronger.
Hildegard guessed what a raptom. The infection won, melodiously, already got into the name of Sigtryug Hognison.
Ulf scowled and saw unused thoughts.
I, go out, thinking about іnshe. Who is now working with Sveitlan? Brothers with yourself in detachment is not possible. Maybe leave the poki in Gunnulf's booth? True, the one in the booth is є sin, as it may be an hour to make friends. An inversion without a wager - and I’ll give him a dvchin, as I don’t see the breed ...
Ulf saw, yak to lift up the upper lip.
Gunnulf virinuv sideways, once again straightening the handrail. Powering up the impatient:
- What did you say?
- I will be pleased to see Torgeir - and give you a sound about my father's knowledge, - Ulf muttered. - The letter has been ordered to keep guard over the sea border for Hröland.
- Tse smells bad, Ulf, - quietly, ice sensitively, throwing Gunnulf. - I have already talked with my lads. Tsієї nights werewolf guards from Nordmark. Everything, to the last place. And those who have this, take them away with you. Vovchiy Hird Olaf leave my mind ...
- Why the tse raptom? It’s now, what do I don’t know? - Ulf a crock.
- The axis-axis will become, - ob_tsyav Gunnulf. - I smell it. That girl, Gyudas, because she had thrown a lie and didn’t know Olaf, went to the little house. Goodbrand finished it there. And if I tried to pachiti qiu Gyuda, the women in the booth of the woman gave a cry - and drove me away. Ale, I walked around the booth. Leto, vіkna vіdkritі, I don’t name all the smells ...
- vchuv scho-nebudu? - shortly sleeping Ulf.
- Three of the windows smelled like baba, Olaf and evil, - said Gunnulf. - Let's immediately. I phikannya valley. I think I saw the same Gyuda. And I didn't know the axis to yakim zilli from her, I don’t know. Maybe sleepy. Abo stupefying. Ale, talk about Gudbrand Marno. The youngest sin of Olaf nikoli not loving us. Yak and part of the tutors of the jarls. Tse old konung rozum_v, without wowing blades the people of Erheim would be very important ... Ale de at a time Olaf? Good, how's your soul benketuє in Valhalla, entrusted with Odin. However, there was no blood on the bedchamber, which means that the blade did not rise before death.
- Ale є shche Torgeir, - respecting Ulf. - 1st middle syn king, Halstein. The smell may well be that Erheim needs Ulfholm's wines.
- All at once? - muttering Gunnulf. - If I turn around? And if you turn around, it’s impossible, but you can eat with them right here. I'll give you one joy, Ulf. Take your own - and go from Nordmark. Ale is not up to Hröland, but to dodoma, to Ulfholm. Don't let people rozbirayutsya themselves. I without us. As I know it, the stench can be sent to Ulfholm. Ale, I'll come to Gudbrand's poklik. Until the speech, please. Sniffing.
Ulf looked sideways audibly to the left. Pulling in the twist. It smelled of people, people in the stays, thinness in the backyard. I used to go to the kitchen ...
And it’s just through a mite until it’s gone, over the zbroyovy yard of the fortress, lashtovanim yakraz zlіva, dumb little flowers dimu. It didn't even smell like dim - just got to vugillam.
- Dark alvi went, - said Gunnulf calmly. “I think it’s just before you come.” And people don’t know anything about it. The alvi did not pass through the gate. It looks like they have a little bit of a secret ride in the house - and the stench went into their house right from the fortress. If Goodbrand is about to know, win vozvirin. I'm ahead of you, Ulf. Goodbye. I am encouraged to play along in Ulfholm.
Gunnulf made a quick beast at the bik. Ulf speeding up the croc, on the move figure out how to now robiti.
Gunnulf's words Ale ...
Zarady Goodbrand won’t twist a finger. However, as Torgeir is not aware of those who were trapilous, they should be lost at Hröland. And in Nordmark, the hour will be Lord Gudbrand.
Who knows how to catch the capital of the elder blue Olaf, if you turn around?
Maybe, Gudbrand yakraz on the tse і rozrahovuє, thinking the raptom Ulf. As a single messenger, as if he went with a sound to his older brother, fearfully googling along. Until then, there’s an inversion - so it’s possible to be naked about the health of the worms. Calling them not only those who Torgeir did not immediately recognize about the knowledge of the dad, but the devil is ...
And leave the senior king of the king will sail the banks of the Hroeland, Gudbrand rozzhene in Nordmark all the jarls, like the older brothers. І remind the fortress with your people.
It’s impossible to eat a meal in Erheim when it’s full of food.
Get to float to Hrölandu, thinking Ulf unwillingly. І take Sveitlan with you. Now, if Gunnulf chose to travel from Nordmark, he would not want to go to Kim.
Aleksey told Thorgeir about everything, in a trip to Ulfholm. Let the senior king of the king seize a part of his ships to protect Hröland, and he himself quickly goes to Nordmark.
Tsikavo, as there at once a dvchin, missed out on a new one. Singingly, to sit in your cabin і llє slyozi - mourning yak svіt svіt, so those who have lost their lives without dad, relatives ...