Primary Rivnini. Rivnini - tse scho take? Viznachennya, describe that vidminu rivnin vid gir. Log tse visochina abo nizovina

Main article: Rivnina

flat pavnini

If a dilyanka sushi ma rіv-vu surface, it seems like a flat rіvnina (Fig. 64). With the butt of a flat valley, you can serve as an edge to the Western Siberian lower reaches. There are few flat rіvnіy on the earth.


lower reaches



Є the level, the surface of which is located at a height of more than 500 m from the level of the ocean. These are called flat mountains. So, there is a great ryvnina between rychki Єniseєm and Lena to be called the Middle Siberian flatlands. Bagato flat-skogoriy in pivdnі Asia, in Africa and Australia. Material from the site

Rivnini for call processes

Pictures (photos, babies)

  • Log tse visochina abo nizovina

  • The surface is like a rivnin of the Russian big flat

  • Rivnina humpback and flat in Russia

  • Yak Rivnini chase the call of the viglyad

  • Lower Rivnini 200 m above the Rivne of the Sea

Nutrition to the full statty:

surplus Ser012005

1. RIVNINI - the most widespread type of relief of the earth's surface. On land, the valleys occupy about 20% of the area, most of them are confined to platforms and slabs. -All ravnini are characterized by small kolivannyi visot and insignificant potholes (grabbed to reach 5 °). For the absolute height of the advancement of the ravine:
- lower reaches - absolute height from 0 to 200 m (Amazon);
- vizochini - from 200 to 500 m above the ditch ocean (Central Russian);
- nagіrnі, or flat - ponad 500 m above the ditch ocean (Serednyo-Sibirske flat);
- Rivnini, which lie at the bottom of the ocean, are called depressions (Prikaspiyska).

2. Behind the backward character of the surface of the pivot, there are horizontal, drooping, shrinking, flat, humpbacks.

і п 3. For the campaigns of the ravens, the following tips should be developed:

Marine accumulative (div.

Accumulation). Such, for example, Zakhidno-Sibirska lowland with її we will besiege a chokhom from young naval nasharuvans;

Continental accumulative. The stench was adopted in such a way: at the pidnizhzhya gir it comes to wine from them with streams of water and the products of ruinous girskikh breeds.

Such ryvnini may be a little nahil to the level of the sea. Before them, most often the edges of the lower reaches;

Ріchkovі accumulative. The stench is accepted as a result of the accumulation and accumulation of fluffy breeds, brought by richkoy (Amazon);

Abrasion Rivnini (div. Abrasion). The stench was discerned as a result of the ruining of the shores of the coastal waters of the sea.

Most popular restaurants in Russia: name, map, cordon, climate and photo

Tsіvniniy winnіyuyut thіm shvіdshіt, tо weaker hіrskі breeds and more often hvilyuvannya, strongerіvіtry;

Structural level. The stench may be even more foldable. In the distant past, the stench of girskiy krainami boomed. With a stretch of millions of rocky mountains, they were destroyed by invading forces, even up to the stage of low levels of rock (peneplains), then, as a result of tectonic collapses in the earth's crust, there was a crumbling, breaking, behind the yokes, the maggots; Vaughn, like armor, covered a lot of irregularities to the relєfu, and the surface was protected by an equal or stupid step as a result of the traps.

Tse і є Structural Plants.
(Taken from the Internet)

Rivnini, їkh classification. Pidrozdil Rivnin by absolute height. Form the relfu, tied with the mainland ice.

Rivnina- the price of land for the bottom of the sea, but there is a small amount of height (up to 200 m) and an insignificant height (up to 5º).

The stench is seen at the lower altitudes, including at the bottom of the oceans. Vіdmіtna of rice іvnin - read, visible line to the horizon, straight or wiggly, in fallowness towards the surface.

Another special feature is the villages themselves, the main territories inhabited by people.

Oskilki of the village occupy a large territory, on them practically all natural zones can be seen. For example, tundra, taiga, green and broad-leaved foils, steppes and napivustels are represented on the European Rivne. A large part of the Amazon lower reaches is occupied by selva, and on the plains of Australia, they are replaced by sprays and savannas.

Vidi Rivnin

The geography of the rivnini podilayut for a number of signs.

For the absolute freedom of development:

nice. The height above the sea level does not change the marks at 200 m. Yaskraviy butt - Zakhidno-Sibirskaya Rivnina.

p_dnesen_- with a vertical drop from 200 to 500 m above the sea level. For example, Central Russian Rivnina.

Highlands rіvnini, whose rіven vimіryuєtsya upward of 500 m. For example, Іranske nagіr'ya.

sinkholes- find a point to grow in the lower rivnya of the sea.

Butt - Prikaspiyska lower part.

okremo vid_lyayut pіdvodnі іvnini, Before which bottom of valleys, shelf and deep water areas.

For the races of the valley :

Accumulative (sea, river and continental) - settled in the result in the flow of the rychok, in the flow and in the flow. The surface is covered with drifts, and in the sea - with sea, river and ice drifts. Three of the sea can be brought into the butt of the Western-Siberian lowland, and the third can be brought into the Amazon. From the mainland to the accumulative valleys, there are the edges of the lower reaches, which may be a small ditch to the sea.

abrasion- to get up to speed as a result of surfacing on land.

In areas where there is a strong winter, some parts of the sea, and the line of the coast is established from weak sea breeds, this type of rivnin is often established.

structural- best for hikes.

In the middle of such ravens, the colys hung up. As a result of volcanic activity and earthlings, they burned. Viplava from the troughs and breaks, magma bound the surface of the land, the armor of the monsters, prikhoyuchi all the irregularities of the relay.

lakes- to get established on the scene of lakes.

Such ravines are small behind the area and are often lined with coastal ramparts and ledges. Butt of the lacustrine valley - Jalanash and Kegen on the territory of Kazakhstan.

3. By the type of the profile, the razryznyayut of the valley:

flat or horizontal- Great Chinatown and Zakhidno-Sibirskaya Rivnini.

boasting- to be formed before a series of water and water-ice streams.

Napryklad, Central Russian Visochina

hump- in the relfі there are surroundings of pagorbi, hills, yari. Butt - Skhidno-European Rivnina.

steps- to be molded before the inner forces of the Earth.

Butt - Middle Siberian flat

excluded- to them to carry the plains of the middle depressions. For example, Tsaidamskaya ulogovina.

see also ridges and ridges... Ale in nature is the most frequent to develop change type... For example, Pribelskaya uvalysto-hvilyasta ravnina in Bashkortostan.

The surface of the land was repeatedly given to the continental glaciation.
In the era of maximum glaciation, the icemen covered more than 30% of the land area.

The head centers of ice in Eurasia were transferred to the Scandinavian Peninsula, to Novy Zemly, to the Urals and Taimir. Near the Pivnichniy American centers of icing boule Kordilyuri, Labrador and territory on the west of the Hudson inflow (Kiev center).
At the relafі іvnіn най the most clear bends next to the rest of the icy (scho ending with 10 thousand. Rockіv that): Valdaysky- to the Ruska Rivnin, wyrm- in the Alps, Wisconsin- at Pivnichniy America.

Rukhavsya lodovik zminyuvav the relief of the pidstyle surface. The step of the flood of the yogi bully was laid down for a while, as the surface was laid, as a result of the pressure of the iceman.

The surface, folded with soft rocks, has a lidovik zgladzhuvav, znizuyuchi rizki vistupi. Trischinuvaty breed of winnuvav, vіdlamuyuchi і wretched shmatki. Having frozen into the ruhomiy ice bottom below, the tsm shmatki snatched the ruined surface.

It was on the way to the top of the road, folded with hard rocks, the ice-cold shlifuvav (one to the mirror blisk) grabbed, the atrocities were nazustriyh ruhu.

In the frozen place, the shmats of hard rocks were strewn with scars, undergrowth, they opened a folding ice-cream shade. Right at the bottom of the ice, one can judge about the bottom of the ice. On the protylezhny shilі, the lodovik vilamovav the shmats of the breed, the ruinuchi seized them. As a result, the visochin gave a characteristic everyday shape "Lamb lobs"... Dovzhina їх change from decilkoh meters to decіlkoh hundreds meters, the height reaches 50 m. Scotland.
At the edge of the roasted ice dweller, there was moraine.

Yakshcho kinets of lodovik, as a result of tanennya, having been trimmed at the cordon deyak, and lodovik prodovzhuv after supplying wedges, they have seen the ridges and the number of pagorbi Kintsev moraines. The moraines on the ryvnyi were not very often set up close to the start of the pedigree root relief.

Ranges of Kintsev moraines reach up to hundreds of kilometers at a height of up to 70 m. moraine pressure- wide asymmetric ridges (krutiy grabbed the animals up to the icefish).

Bagato vchenykh vvazhayut, so the majority of the Kintsevo-moraine ridges was blown up by the pressure of the iceman.
When tanenny the body of the lodovica is laid in a new moraine, it is designed to be built on the floor surface, greatly reducing the inconsistencies and flaring relief main moraine. Tsei relєf, which is a flat or humpbacked plain with swamps and lakes, the power of the regions of the ancient continental ice.
Bachiti is possible in the main moraine area drumlini- dovgasti pagorbi, knitted along the right side of the ice man.

Shil, the beasts nazustrich collapsed lodovik, twists. Dovzhina Drumlin rises in the border from 400 to 1000 m, width - from 150 to 200 m, height - from 10 to 40 m. Stinks are created, also in Ireland, in Pivnichniy America.
The streams of water, which flow through the process of the ice-drift, take away and take away minerals, which are introduced there, and the flow of the flow is brought about.

When the accumulated water is accumulated, products of fluffy deposits, Which are taken from stains of sorts of materials.

Form a relfu, flowing with streams of talikh waters yak as a result rose So, as a result of accumulation of sediments, it is even more profitable.
Old valleys to runoff Talikh of ice waters - wide (from 3 to 25 km) lane, which stretches across the edge of the ice dweller and overflows the dolly valley of the river and the waters of the river.

The introduction of the ice-covered waters was kept in keeping with the cities. The occasional small rivulets vikoristovuyut іх and not very often pass in disproportionately wide valleys.
Kami- rounded, or dovgasti pagorbi with flat tops and gentle grabs, so that the moraine pagorbi is called. Visota їх - 6-12 m (up to 30 m). Decrease Mіzh humps occupied by swamps and lakes.

To be found kami bіlya to the cordon of lodovik, from the inner side and invoke the groupies, flashing the characteristic Kamov relf.
Kami, on the vidminu of moraine pagorbiv, stored roughly sorted material. A versatile warehouse and especially thin clay in the middle of them allow for allowance, but the stench accumulated in small lakes, which was found on the surface of ice.

ozi- the ridges, scho nagaduyut zal_znichny nasipi. Dovzhina ozov varies by tens of kilometers (30-40 km), the width is tens (more hundreds) meters, the height is even smaller: from 5 to 60 m.
Ozi can be found right away from the current relief of the world, the valleys of rivers, lakes, water waters are not easily overflowing.

In some cases, the stench rises, the system of ridges is set up, which can be dismembered on the outskirts of pagorbi. Ozi folds diagonally-sharuvate and wider horizontally-sharuvic folds: pebbles, gravels, pebbles.
The trekking of the lakes can be explained by the accumulated deposits, as they are carried by streams of talikh waters in their channels, as well as in the troughs in the middle of the ice. If lodovik tanuv, put the project on the surface.

zandri- open space, scho adjoin to the kintsev moraines, cover the waters of the talikh (overflowed by moraines). At the end of the valley lodoviks the zandri is insignificant behind the area, folded with small gravel and rotten with pebbles.

At the outskirts of the kryzhany mantle on the rivnin stink, I occupy a great expanse, setting up a wide swamp of zandrov rivnin. Zandrovі іvnini are stored from the great flat cones of wine of pіdlіdovikovyh streams, as they get angry and often overtake one one.

On the surface of the outwash of the valley, the shape of the relief is often found, the leaves are in the wind.
With the butt of a zandrov rivnin, you can also find a smuga "Polisya" on Rus'kiy Rivnin (Pripyatskaya, Meshcherskaya).
In areas where ice is known, regularity in the status of the relationship, its zonality Near the central part of the region of icy (Baltic shield, Canadian shield), de lodovik vinikov earlier, more and more, because of the most strain and speed of ice, an erosive ice relief was formed.

Lodovik znіs dollyovikovy poohkі laid down and pressed on the root (crystalline) breed of ruinous inflow, the step of which lay in the nature of the breed and dollyovikovy relєfu.

The cover of low-drain moraine, which lay on the surface when the ice dweller stepped in, did not veil the peculiarities of the relief, but only pom'yakshiv. The accumulation of moraine in deep depressions reaches 150-200 m, at that hour it is on the side of the road with the appearance of the root rocks the moraine is on the day.
In the peripheral part of the region, the ice-covered ice-floes have slipped for a trivial hour, I have less tediousness and hope. It will remain to explain the changes in the pressure from the distance to the center of the ice-picking and re-entanglement with the help of the material.

In this part of the ice-dweller, the leading rank of rozvantazhuvavsya ulamovy material and expanding the accumulative form of the relєfu. Outside the border of the cordon, the widening of the ice dweller, without the middle adjoining to it, the zone has been rocked, especially the relief of what is connected with the erosive and accumulative thalikh of the ice waters.

Plains of our planet

On the formulated relєfu of the zone, there was also a cooling-juvenile inflow of ice-cream.
As a result of the non-recurring icing and the widening of the ice cover in the period of the ice age, as well as as a result of the change of the edge of the ice cover, the growth of the ice cover pattern was changed by superimposing one on one and strongly changing.

The ice-covered surface of the surface, which was seen from the ice-cream, was infused with the second exogenous factors. Chim earlier it was icy, tim, naturally, more strongly changed the relief of the processes of erosion and denudation. The maximum icy morphological morphological rice of the icy relief from the daytime, or even less, was protected from the maximum icy morphological figure of the cordon.

To the evidence of icing є the boulders brought by the iceman, and the surplus of the greatly changed icecaps were saved by the ice.

Relief of tsikh regions is typically eroziyny. Richkova heirloom is well formed, rychki flow in wide valleys and may wobble later profile.

At the beginning of the ice in the cordon of the remaining ice, the ice-covered relief of its own specialness and is a desperate purchase of hills, ridges, closed valleys, often occupied by shallow lakes. The moraine lakes are often quickly covered with sediments, and the rivers do not go down very quickly. Formation of the river system for the rakhunok "strung" by the river of lakes is typical for areas with ice relief.

There, the de lodovik gained the best, the lodovik's relief of changes is rather small. For the cich regions, the characteristic rychkovy framing is not sufficiently formed, the rychok profile is not violated, the lake is not "lowered" by the streaks.


Main article: Rivnina

Rivnini by structure

For the structure of the flat, it is classified on the flat and humped.

flat pavnini

If a dilyanka sushi ma riv-vu surface, then it seems like a flat ravnina (Fig. 64). With the butt of a flat valley, you can serve as an edge to the Western Siberian lower reaches.

There are few flat rіvnіy on the earth.


Humpbacks of the valley (Fig. 65) are more often flat.

Yaki Rivnini in Russia

From the land of Eastern Europe to the Urals, one of the largest humpbacked ravines of the earth reached the Urals - Skidno-European, or Ruska. On the high street you can create and play pagorbi, yari, and flat doors.

Rivnini over the rise above the rіvnini of the sea

For the absolute height, they see the lower reaches, the top and the flat.

In order to make sure that the absolute height of the earth's surface is significant, a scale of heights is placed on the physical maps.

Rozfarbuvannya on the physical map, show, at the height of the ocean, there are small delays of the earth's surface.

lower reaches

If the rіvnina is not located 200 m across the ocean, then її slіd is called the lower course (Fig. 66). The top of the lower reaches is located at the bottom of the ocean. So, for example, the Caspian lower reaches are rostashovana 26-28 m below the ocean level, and the Amazon lower valley is not just 200 m above the ocean level.

For displaying the height of the ravines on the physical map, it will be stagnant to the bottom of the barn: the lower riches are followed by the greenery of the color.

At a time, which is less than the absolute height of the territory, it is darker than the greener. And dark green zabarvlennyam poznachayut lower reaches lower rіvnya ocean.


These valleys, which are located at a height of more than 200 m across the ocean, or even more than 500 m, are taken to be elevated.

So, the Central Russian temporal region is more deep in the Baltic Sea by 200 m.

Pagorbi on geographic maps poznachayut zhovtuvatny tones.


Є the level, the surface of which is located at a height of more than 500 m from the level of the ocean.

These are called flat mountains. So, there is a great ryvnina between rychki niseєm and Lena to be called the Middle Siberian flatlands. Bagato flat-skogorіy in pіvdnі Asia, in Africa and Australia.

Material from the site

Ploskogir'ya poznachayut on maps with different types of brown-colored Tenkov. Chim vishche flatogir'ya, tim tim-ney zabarvlennya.

Rivnini for call processes

Accumulation and denudation processes are being developed for the new processes. Accumulative races are set up for the accumulation and accumulation of large breeds. Denudatsіynі pivnini - navpaki, for the ruining of the other forms of relєfu, for example - gir.

Pictures (photos, babies)

On ts_y side material for topics:

  • Flat and humpbacks

  • Well, just do it and put it on

  • The name of the great plains of Russia is flat and humpbacked

  • Name Yaki є Rivnini

  • Name flat plots

Nutrition to the full statty:

  • How can the ravine rise above the ravine of the ocean?

Material from the site

Main article: Rivnina

Rivnini by structure

For the structure of the flat, it is classified on the flat and humped.

flat pavnini

If a dilyanka sushi maє riv-vu surface, then it seems like a flat ravnina (Fig.

64). With the butt of a flat plate, you can serve as an okremikh-ni of the Western-Siberian lowland. There are few flat rіvnіy on the earth.


Humpbacks of the valley (Fig. 65) are more often flat. From the land of Eastern Europe to the Urals, one of the largest humpbacked ravines of the earth reached the Urals - Skidno-European, or Ruska. On the high street you can create and play pagorbi, yari, and flat doors.

Rivnini over the rise above the rіvnini of the sea

For the absolute height, they see the lower reaches, the top and the flat.

In order to make sure that the absolute height of the earth's surface is significant, a scale of heights is placed on the physical maps.

Rozfarbuvannya on the physical map, show, at the height of the ocean, there are small delays of the earth's surface.

lower reaches

If the rіvnina is not located 200 m across the ocean, then її slіd is called the lower course (Fig.

66). The top of the lower reaches is located at the bottom of the ocean. So, for example, the Caspian lower reaches are rostashovana 26-28 m below the ocean level, and the Amazon lower valley is not just 200 m above the ocean level.

For displaying the height of the ravines on the physical map, it will be stagnant to the bottom of the barn: the lower riches are followed by the greenery of the color. At a time, which is less than the absolute height of the territory, it is darker than the greener. And dark green zabarvlennyam poznachayut lower reaches lower rіvnya ocean.


These valleys, which are located at a height of more than 200 m across the ocean, or even more than 500 m, are taken to be elevated.

Rivnini: characteristics and vidi

So, the Central Russian temporal region is more deep in the Baltic Sea by 200 m.

Pagorbi on geographic maps poznachayut zhovtuvatny tones.


Є the level, the surface of which is located at a height of more than 500 m from the level of the ocean. These are called flat mountains. So, there is a great ryvnina between rychki niseєm and Lena to be called the Middle Siberian flatlands.

Bagato flat-skogorіy in pіvdnі Asia, in Africa and Australia. Material from the site

Ploskogir'ya poznachayut on maps with different types of brown-colored Tenkov. Chim vishche flatogir'ya, tim tim-ney zabarvlennya.

Rivnini for call processes

Accumulation and denudation processes are being developed for the new processes.

Accumulative races are set up for accumulation and accumulation of girskiy breeds. Denudatsіynі pivnini - navpaki, for the ruining of the other forms of relєfu, for example - gir.

Pictures (photos, babies)

On ts_y side material for topics:

  • Name the river up to more than 500 m

  • Tipi Rivnin for hanging

  • Bottom and visibility sizes

  • By height and classify ... ..

  • Yaka is flat itself in Russia

Nutrition to the full statty:

  • How can the ravine rise above the ravine of the ocean?

Material from the site

Put the implantation of the word plateau in literature.

On the outskirts of the wilderness of Alashan, at the Viginu Huanghe yakraz and roztashovuvsya Ordos, Lisova rodyuche plateau, And the order іsnuvali, zmyuyuchi one one, the capital of the middle of China - Chang'an, Luoyang, Sian і dalі to China - Kaifin.

Richka Apurimak plateau in the Andes of the western Uzbeks of the Pivdennaya America;

Vіn step-by-step visokh, like the windswept and the Caspian Sea, the founders of the great concentration of sleepy promenades on the majestic expanses, how to stretch from the Aral Sea to the Pamir Sea plateau.

If Midniy Babuin has changed plateau Yogo hitting the door and blowing the wind.

At the bottom of the road, I got out of my head, and the valley passed into a wide kam'yanist plateau- dry, ominous, for what here and there they washed the leafless Gazan's tree of an ancient form, mali zvychaynu, chimerically beaten shape.

Rivnini - dilyanki of the surface of the land, the bottom of the oceans and seas, which are characterized by insignificant ramps of the height (up to 200 m, they were less than 5 °). For the structural principle, see the platforms of the platform orogenic (girsky) regions (the head rank in the boundaries of the middle and front progeny); by the revaluation of the quiet of the most important processes - denudation, which were established as a result of the ruining of the everyday forms of relєfu, and accumulative, which were won by the way of the accumulated products of the fluffy liners. Near the region, it occupies a large part of the Earth's surface, 15-20% of the land. Naybilsha Rivnina Svitu - Amazon (over 5 million sq. Km).

The numerical types of the plains see the nature and the height of the surface, the geological budova, the hiking and the history of development. Falsely in view of the magnitude of irregularities in the development: flat, sagging, ridges, steps of the ryvnini. Behind the shape of the surface, there are horizontal rivnini (Great Chinese Rivnina), the abduction of the rivnini (the head rank in front of the city), the exclusion of the rivnini (in the middle depressions - Tsaidamskaya ulogovina).

The classification of rivnas is widely expanded beyond the height of the sea rivn. Negative flats are rostered at the bottom of the sea, sometimes in the hollows, for example, the depression of Kattara or the lowest place on land - the depression of Gkhor (up to 395 m below the level of the sea). Up to the lowlands, or to the lowlands (from 0 to 200 m above the sea level), there are the most famous rivers: Amazonian lowlands, Skhidno-European lowlands and Western Siberia. The surface of the middens, or the visochin, grows in the interval of 200-500 m (Serednorosiska visochina, Valdai visochina). There are 500 m of food on the plateau, for example, one of the most popular in Central Asia - Gobi. Yak up to the bottom, so up to the highland plains with a flat or wiggly surface, with cliffs or ledges in larger low suspended areas, the term of the plateau slowly stagnates.

The status of the village is abundant in many of the most recent processes. Behind the sum, the flowing processes of the wine grows to accumulative and denudation. Accumulative dishes, which were established with the accumulation of puffy packs (accumulation), - chains (aluvial), lake, sea, ash, ice, water-ice. For example, there are fallen trees, including river and sea ones, on the Flanders lowland (the Uzbek coast of the Pivnichny Sea), a reach of 600 m, and the pressure of sawn timber (forests) on forest plateaus is 250-300 m. puffy products viverzhen volcanoes (Dariganga plateau in Mongolia, Columbian plateau in Pivnichniy America).

The denudation of the winery is the result of the ruin of the ancient pagorites, or the water and the water, the denudation of the material. Fallow od perevazhayuchogo Process, zavdyaki Money Does steel ruynuvannya Starodavniy relєfu i virіvnyuvannya poverhnі, vidіlyayut erozіynі (at perevazhannі dіyalnostі threading water) abrazіynі (stvorenі hvilovimi Process for morskih uzberezhzhyah) deflyatsіynі (virіvnyanі vіtrom) that INSHI denudatsіynі rіvnini. Bagato rіvnini can be folded in a way that is how the processes were shaped. Falsely, according to the mechanism of the establishment of the middle of the Denuda-Rivnines, they see: peneplains - in the general view of the vision of the material that is brought about by the big-mensh-mensh-mensh-mensh-mensh-rivnomrno from the synergy surface of the ancient, Kazakh, ancient pediplain, which is found at the ruined earlier of the given relief, as it is repaired at the outskirts (a lot of rivnini bilya pidnizhzhya gir, the head rank of the wilderness and savannah of Africa).

The share of tectonic processes in the formulated ravines can be both passive and active. In case of passive participation, the main role in the established structural ravines of the city is to reach the level - horizontally or abduction (monoclinal) - lagging of the spheres of the girskih porid (Turgayskoe plateau). Bagato structural valleys є one-hour accumulative, for example, Prikaspiyska lowland, Pivnichno-Nimetska lowland. When the denudation is re-formed in the form of structural ravines, the strata of the ravine are seen (Shvabsko-Frankonska Yura). From them, there are basements of the trough, vyrobleny in dislocated gir rocks (Lake Plateau in Finland). In the course of the most frequent tectonic growths, there is a period of calm, sufficient for ruining and virivnuvannya relєfu, establishing tiered ravines, for example, the Great Rivnini.

Platforms are formed in areas of occasionally low tectonic and magmatic activity. Most of them are referred to, including the most. Plains of orogenic regions (div. Orogen) are growing by the intensive activity of the earthly supernaturals. The chain of the mіzhgіrsky ulogovins (Fergana Valley) and the front proginіv (Podil'ska visochina). Some of the villages vvazayut parts of the so-called rural lands - great expanses, where there are small dilenks with a strongly dismembered relief (for example, Zhiguli on the Russian territory is a rural land).

pivnini- great dilyanki of the earth's surface with malims (up to 200 m) with bowls and insignificant pits.

Rivnini occupy 64% of the land area. In the tectonic weather stench, there are more and more stable platforms, but it didn’t affect the activity in the new hour, but just from the old age - the old stench of young people. Most of the ravines on land were roasted on ancient platforms (42%).

For the absolute height of the surface of the area negative- lie below the level of the Svitovoy ocean (Prikaspiyska), nice- from 0 to 200 m of height (Amazonska, Prychornomorska, Gangska lowlands and ін.), p_dnesen_- from 200 to 500 m (Central Russian, Valdai, Volga region, etc.). To the provinces, carry the same plateau(Viscous valleys), which, as a rule, grow to a height of 500 m and are separated from the adjacent valleys by ledges (for example, Great Plains in the USA, etc.). From the height of the ravines and the plateau, there is a layer of clay and the steps of dissection by rych valleys, gullies and yars: some of the ravines, which are intensively smelled.

Behind the zvnіshnіm viglyadom іvnini can be flat, wobbly, humpbacked, feet, and along the zagalny ear of the surface - horizontal, abducted, swollen, dodged.

Rіzniy zvnіshnіy viglyad rіvnіn lie in from іх hike and internal budovi, as there is a lot in what to lie in because of the straightness of neotectonic rucks. For a good acquaintance of all the villages, it is possible to divide into two types - denudation and accumulative (div. Scheme 1). At the boundaries of the first, they pass through the processes of denudation of fluffy material, in the boundaries of each other, they accumulate.

It is generally obvious that the denudation of the surface, a great part of its history was seen by the ancient tectonic ruks. Itself the zavdyaki їm here overwhelmed the processes of ruin і zensennya - denudation. However, the triviality of denudation can be different, and it can be seen in the morphology of such surfaces.

With an uninterrupted or uninterrupted increase in an uninterrupted tectonic increase, which lasts an hour or so, there were no minds on them for the accumulation of waste. Having walked like only denudation of the surface as agnostic exogenous agents, and if they had accumulated for a short time with little work of continental or sea fallen, then at the onset of the rise, the stench was worn out beyond the territory. That is why, in the future of such ravines, an ancient basement is placed on the surface - the denudation folds, deprived of the slightly worn-out coke of the quarters. Sound like this basement; it is not important to mention, but the basements of the level in the tectonic plan represent the shields of ancient platforms and the appearance of the folding foundation of young platforms. The basement of the pavnini on ancient platforms may have a humpbacked relief, most often the stench of the day. Such, for example, are the provinces of Fennoscandia - Kolsky Pyostrov and Karelia. Analogous іvnі roztashanі і at the party of Canada. The basement of the temple is widely expanded in Africa. As a rule, the trivial denudation has seen all the structural irregularities of the base, which is also structural.

Rivnini on the "shields" of young platforms may be more "restless" humpbacked relief, with surplus fires to the type of hills; Crazy, all the stinks are structurally zooming. So viglyadayut, for example, Kazakh dibnosopkovik, chastkovo rivnini Gobi.

Plates of ancient and young platforms, which see the style of growing up in neotectonic stages of development, folded by layers of sedimentary forms of great exertion (hundreds of meters and first kilometri) - vapnyakiv, dolomite For a million rocky fell hardened, became rocky and dribbled stiffness up to a lift. Tsi breed zalyagayut bolsh-mensh horizontally, as if they were falling. The growth of territories in neotectonic stages of development was stimulated by denudation on them, but it did not allow young fluffy breeds to grow there. Plains on slabs of ancient and young platforms are called plastic. From the surface of the stench, it is not easy to cover with fluffy quarter-continental inclinations of slight exertion, which practically do not pour into their height and orographic features, but rather start from the most recent view of the Siberian morphology

Oscillations of strata of the reservoir are confined to the plates of the platforms, the stench є well-rotated structural - іх macro- and mesoforms of the structure of the geological structures of the chohl: the nature of the formation of the cause of the growth hardness, іх nahil D.

When the pliocene-quarterly lowered territory, do not know the obvious, they began to accumulate fallen off, zenesheni from navkolishnіh mіsts. The stench has retained all the amount of irregularities on the surface. so formulated accumulative tables, folded with fluffy, pliocene-quarter inserts. Call the price of the river, as it is the only way to lie on the bottom of the sea. Due to the conditions of sediment accumulation, the stench spreads on sea and continental - aluvial, eolov and in. With the butt of accumulative ravines є storage by sea attachments of Prikaspiyska, Prychornomorska, Kolimska, Yano-Indigirskaya lower lines, as well as Pripyatskaya, Leno-Vilyuiskaya, La-Platskaya and іn. Rechargeable batteries, as a rule, are timed to syneclises.

At the great valleys of the middle of the world and at the beginning of the accumulative ravines, they can be found on the surface of the mountain, where the valleys of the Bagatokh flow through the mountains and grow into cones of the wines. The stench is folded with fluffy continental litter: alluvium, proluvia, deluvium, lacustrine inserts. For example, the Tarim Rivnina is made up of letters and lessam, the Dzungarian Rivnina - by the strained food accumulated, brought from the graves. Ancient alluvial kestrel of the Karakumi, folded by the squeaks brought by rychki from the ancient mountains to the pluvial era of the Pleistocene.

To the morphostructures of the ravens, they admit ridges. Totally lined with rounded outlines of peaks, with a height of not more than 500 m. The stench is folded by dislocated rocks of the growing vik. The unmistakable sign of the ridge is the manifestation of the linear organization, the structure of this folding region, on the other hand, there are vinik ridge, for example, Timansky, Donetsk, Yenisei.

Slid respect, that all types of ravines (basement, strata, accumulative), as well as flat, plateau and ridges, on a dummy І. P. Gerasimova and Yu. A. Meshcheryakova, an educator not morphographic, but morphostructural, who represent the relationship between the relfu and the geological structure.

Plains on land there are two latitudinal rows, from the platforms of Laurasia and Gondwanie. Pivnichny Row of Rivnin having settled in the boundaries of the ancient European-American and European platforms and the young

The middle Siberian flat, and in the morphostructural pink of the high valley - the plateau, established in the ancient Siberian platforms, the viclikan in the new hour for the shock of the resonant rucks of the side of the geos Before the warehouse of the so-called Central Siberian Plane, enter volcanic plateau(Putorana i Siverma), tuffaceous plateau(Central Tunguske), ladder plateau(Tunguske, Vilyuiskoe), strata plateaus(Prіngarskogo, Prіlenskіy) і ін.

Svorіdna Orographic and structural peculiarity of the pivnin series: behind the Pivnichny Polar stake there are low seaside accumulative rivnias; pivdennish, udovzh so called active 62 ° parallel, - the smog of the basement vistas and navi flat on the shields of ancient platforms - Lavrentyyske, Baltiysky, Anabarsky; at mid-latitudes up to 50 ° N. NS. - I know the smuga of stratal and accumulative lower valleys - Pivnichno-Nimetska, Polska, Polissya, Meschera, Sredneobsky, Vilyuiskaya.

On the Skhidno-European Rivnini Yu.A. Meshcheryakova revealed the following regularity: cherguvannya of the lower and upper regions. Oskilki rukh on the European-European platform were of a similar nature, and in the neotectonic stages of the boulevard of the Alpine belt, there was a grain of smog, which was set in the midst of the low meridional direct Carpathian smuga pagorbiv (Volinska, Podilska, Pridniprovska) change Pripyatsko-Dniprovskoy smuga of the lower regions (Pripyatskaya, Pridniprovska), more slid Central Russian smuga The rest changes after the Upper Volga-Don smog of the lower reaches (Meshcherskaya lower, Oksko-Donska Rivnina), behind the Privolzka temporal, Trans-Volga lower regions and, nareshty, swamp of the Pre-Ural temporal areas.

In the whole ryvnini of the pivnichniy row, we have nahilen for pivnich, from which it is used to stretch out a rychok.

Pivdenny Row of Rivnin the emergence of the Gondwana platforms, which survived the activation at the new hour. To that, in the middle of the border there are soils: layers (in the Sahara) and basements (in the middle of Africa), as well as plateaus (Arabia, India). Only in the intervals of sedated progeny and syneclysis, strata and accumulative rivnines have been formed (Amazon and La Plata lower reaches, depression of the Congo, Central lower reaches of Australia).

In general, the most areas of the middle of the rivers on the continents lie we will plasticize the worms, in the boundaries of which the primary equal surfaces are set horizontally with layers of sedimentary rocks, and the basement and accumulative levels may be less significant.

At the end, it is still acceptable to burn and the level as the main form of the relief on land by internal processes: burn down to rupture folding belts

Zemli, and ravnini - up to platforms (Table 14). Somewhat differently, but still underdeveloped relfu, caused by exogenous processes, superimpose on the great and give this kind of new vision. It will be said about them below.

Relief of rivnin is not overpowering. It will explain the uniqueness of geological budov and platform dalyans of continental measles and little rupture. Significant is the carrying capacity of certain platform ravines (for example, in the Eastern Siberia and the Great America), as it accumulates a great amount of erosive dismemberment, - the result of neotectonic ruins.

Platforms take up more than half of the entire land area. More than 80% of all vitamins are primary and accumulative. Accumulative tanks of low and in the back area are signifi cantly compromised by plastic tanks - Denudation - evoke pidnesenia, from an uneven surface, in the rela of which one perceives an unequal stiffness from before ruinuvannya.

The surface of the ravines in the backward can be horizontally, abducted, opukloi, escaped; zagalny character її relєfu rіsnomanіtny: flat, humpbacked, bobbing, scheming, etc.

tipi rivnin

Plains call the space, which is large in terms of area, on which the walls are even smaller. In the geological service, platforms are shown. Plains, which lie on a low rise above the sea level (up to 200 m in absolute altitude), are taken on the lowlands, high rise - flat vertices or plateaus. The butts of the plateau can serve Ustyurt, the Colorado plateau in Pivnichniy America and in.

Rivnini is the essence of morphographic understanding, and from the genetic point of view, the stench can be even more versatile. Otzhe, see the onset of genetic types of ravens:

first place Above all, the level of marine accumulation is the greatest for the area, it is formed as a result of marine accumulation during the hourly flooding of platform areas by transgressions of small epicontinental sea signs with more positive changes in land. The stench is to imagine the bare sea bottom, cover it with siege naval wipes, stretch yourself with a cloak of deluxe, for any kind of continental creations - ice, fluvial, high-quality, sober With the help of the ravines of the marine accumulation, you can serve the ravines of the European part of the colish SRSR, Zakhidno-Sibirka Rivnina, Prikaspiyska lower valley.

aluvialny pivnini to establish itself as a result of accumulative action of the rychka and storage from the surface with sharuvic rychkovy sediments. Comrades, the rest, in some cases, can reach the great burdens - in dozens and hundreds of meters (down the river Ganga, the valley of the Po river, Ugorska lower valley), in some of them - I make it easier to lay thin layers on top of the porridge. It persists in the river deltas and in the areas of tectonic subsidence, the luscious part of the rychkovy basins, and others in the normal floodplains of the mature rychkovy valleys. The Kuro-Araksinskaya, Verkhnyo-Reinska and іn are located to the aluvial plains. Rivnini.

fluvioglyatsialnye іvnini... Transferring, sorting and transferring solid ulamic material on a large scale can also vibrate with water and ice, which can be used for siphoning of good quality materials. It’s important not to be close to the nature of regular run-off watercourses; The stench is re-entangled with moraines, altered by the ulamkovo material, wobbling of moraine by size, postponed and postponed, widely spreading with its blues in front of the ice-dweller's front. Yak butt can be brought to the Munich and іnshі іnshі іnіnіy near the pіvnіchnіy pіdoshvy Alps, Prіkubanskuy, Kabardіnskuy, Chechen pіvnіy pіdoshvy of the Great Caucasus.

lakes to imagine the flat bottoms of colish lakes, drain them either after the descent with flowing rivulets from them, or in case of rowing, or if the baths are filled with sediments. Behind its outskirts, such lacustrine valleys are often delineated by ancient coastal lines, bends near low abrasion ledges, coastal ramparts, coastal dune ridges or lacustrine terraces, which indicate the standing of a colish lake. In a large number of vypadki in the valley of the lake promenade, they are of insignificant size and greatly compromise for the sizes of the first three types. With the help of one of the most great lakes, one can serve the rivn of the quarter ice lake Agassiz in Pivnichniy America. Turaigir-kobo, Jalanash and Kegen in Kazakhstani are also known to the lakes.

Zalishkov or border regions... By the names of the names, they toil in the vastness, there was a lot of great absolute height and sharp turns of the relief, but they could imagine, if they wanted to go to the land of the country, as they added a modern character to deprivation as a result of the trivial knowledge of the destructive factors. The rivnini is located, then, in the final stage of the declining development of the girskaya land, with the admitted trivial tectonic calm, it seems to be going well. Like the butt of the border ryvnini, even as a result of the changing offensive processes, one can lead to prostrate the bridle of the ancient Appalachians of Pivnichnaya America, to the abduction of the rivnin, gently sinking into the skid.

Volcanoes of the plateau... Vinnikayut in quiet vipadki, if through the trenches of earthly measles waggle on the surface of the majestic mass and the main avalanche. Raztіkayuchis zabdyaky of their great decay on a great expanse, lava will remember and hope for itself all the irregularities of the primary relєfu and established majesty behind the lava plateau area. The butts can serve the Columbian basalt plateau of Pivnichnaya America, the plateau of the ladder of the Pivnichno-Western Dean, and a part of the Transcaucasian plateau.

Rivnas per hanging

In common with the girskiy territories of the village, roztasovani, as a rule, on the platform racks of earth measles, are marvelously stable. Ale їkh іх history of the ancient and hourly folding, lower in the mountainous regions. Rivnini razryznyayutsya at its height above the rivn of the sea.

lower reaches
The lower reaches, albeit low valleys, do not reach the height of 200 m, and sometimes lie below the level of the sea near the inner regions of the continents, such as, for example, the Prikaspiyska lower valley (-28 m). A long street of the river runs along the Uzbek coast of the Mexican channel and the Atlantic Ocean in the United States, along the Uzbek coast of the Baltic and the Black Sea in Europe. Often, a phenomenon in such m_stsyah is swampy territory, flooding.

The coastal valleys sometimes grow in places, the earth's crust sag, see the bottom, for example, the Padan lowland, which lies in the valley of the Po rivulet. In the whole area of ​​the city of Venetsia, it is famous for the city of streets-canals, which are usually awesome at every turn. Doubled by the sea of ​​the lowland lands of the Netherlands - poldery. Life zmusilo mіstseve population pristosuvatis to the permanent threat of flooding.

The lower reaches of the valley occupy the і delta rychok. One of the largest such lower valleys is the Amazon in the Pivdenniy America (the valley of the Amazon river and its tributary) and the Zakhidno-Sibirsky in Asia (between the valleys of the river Ob and Onisei).

The land of the lower reaches of Mesopotamia (the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates in Western Asia) is the birthplace of one of the found civilizations.

Pagorbi occupy a height close to 200-500 m above the sea level. The Great American Plains, the Middle Siberian Plane, the Brazilian Plane, the Husbandry of Australia. Pagorbi is a single large і humpbacked dalyanok. In some cases, "islands" appear on them - low, single mountains, surpluses of large mountain ridges.

Flat may be all the signs of rivnines, albeit at the top, some of them at the top. As a rule, very steep-walled canyons extend flat on the outskirts of the dilyanka. A lot of the stench of boules is virivnyani to denudation, while taken by neotectonic rukhs, such as, for example, Altiplano in the Andes, Ustyurt plateau in Kazakhstan, Colorado plateau in Pivnichniy America.

Often on the valleys in the dry tropical belts there are rosters: the Sahara in Africa, the heaths of Middle Asia, the high heaths of the Gobi, the great hedges of Australia.

As soon as you wonder at the physical map of the world, you can take note of the fact that the mountains and the ravines are the same type of earthly relief, and the ravines in the area turn the girski massivi. A large part of the population of our planet lives on the plains, which are made up of combustible soils and climates, friendly for the conduct of the Silskoy domination.

Tsikavo, not all continents are in the same world. Most of the regions are roasted in Africa (close to 84%), in Asia navpaki - 57% of the continent is occupied by the most large systems of the world: Tibet, Altai, Gimalai, Pamir and IN.

As well as іvnini і yak stench appeared

First of all, find out the history of rivnin and classifikuvati їkh for different types, according to the term itself. In principle, even in the very words of the pledges, refer to the food about those who are also ryvnini. A lot of flat doors on the bottom of the oceans, or on the surface of the Earth, often occupy great areas. The most common place on our planet is the Amazonian lowland in the Pivdenniy America.

One from one valley is considered to be geological budova, the nature of the relief and height. Briefly, geologists will explain how I will appear on land: if in prehistoric hours on that place, there were times when there were ravines, if they were burning, then during the trivial period of time, they would have collapsed as a result of earthquakes, as long as they did not rise.

At the first glance, you can build, but the flat is practically flat. As a matter of fact, the relay is foldable and versatile. So, in some areas of the Earth, the plains are moving more flat, for example, in the naphtha on the peninsula from the Caspian Sea, in the midst of the surface the ridges melt over the surface, the burrows and the uvali are the slopes with gently sloping grabs. Such humpback, for example, Skhidno-Evropeyska.

Classification of ravines by absolute height

It is awkward to date the description of the village, even, as it was already z'yasuvali, because of the term to rely on the vast expanse of land with a flat or humpbacked relief. All the fields in fallowness from the height, on the stench of the growth of the sea, to be divided into several types.

  • The first one is the bottom line. The stench may rostashovuvatisya either lower than the sea level, like Prikaspiyska, or its height, I don’t change 200 meters above the sea level, like, for example, near Zakhidno-Sibirskaya. There, de earth's crust, sag, there is a coastal valley. One of such places is the Padanskaya lower valley, on the yaky roztashovani the place of Venetsia.
  • Pagorbi is an offensive type of ravens. The height above the sea level rises from 200 to 500 meters. Pagorbi is a sum of hunchy and flat spaces, for example, the Central Plains of Pivnichnaya America.
  • Nayvischi ravnini on the Earth - the whole of the plane with an equal or humpbacked relief, roztashovani at a height of 500 m to 1 km and more. With the butt of the plane, you can serve Anatoly in Turechchina or Altiplano in Pivdenniy America.

Skhidno-Evropeyska Rivnina

A friend behind the area of ​​the plain in the world is Skhidno-Evropeyska, which is also called Ruska. You can walk from the Uzbek coast of the White Sea at winter to the Uzbek coast of the Caspian at winter. The Russian valley is considered to be of the type of visochin, the average height above the sea level is 170 m.

On a large part of the climate, the climate is continental, but subarctic for extreme winter. Unimportant for urbanization, half of the territory of the European Rivne is covered with foils, and in the outskirts of the districts the branches of the reserves are Askania Nova, Bilovezka Pushcha, Vodlozersky National Park.

Zakhidno-Sibirskaya Rivnina

Zakhidno-Siberian Rivnina is located next to the Middle Siberian plateaus and the Ural mountains - the third behind the area of ​​the Amazon and Russia. The main specialty is even more common. The climate in the whole territory is continental with a sharp temperature drop and unstable weather.

Siberian Rivnina Bagata on Korisny Kopalini. For gas and naphtha, here you can see ore, peat, and bore ore. On the territory of the valley, the Roztashovan is close to a million of lakes of growing size and a few of the growing zones: tundra, lisotundra, lisostep, forest swamp and step.

There is a strong swampiness of the great areas - one more reason for the rice of the Siberian Plain. The price can be explained by several reasons: frosty permafrost, low temperatures, flat relief, excessive permafrost.

At the end, it is significant that the religion is the most important for the state's activity and life, and that this territory is in the meaning of the world of change by people.