Recommendations for the preparation of plasterboard before gluing the tapestries

Apartments for rent. It is not often for the sake of getting rid of gypsum cardboard, since there is a number of perevag on the basis of the material. It is easy to work with it, the surface is perfectly balanced, trellises can be beautifully kicked on it, as well as decorative freshening. Preparation of gypsum cardboard before gluing tapestries of the tse okremiy etap in the cycle of repair robots. Let's take a look at this report.

The tapestry kicks a little more beautifully, but not more ideally on the surface. It is necessary to put the plasterboard backing on beforehand. For such robots є instructions:

  1. primer;
  2. Processing of sticky materials;
  3. putty;
  4. Grout;
  5. Final primer.

Now the wall is bezel-less, ready for gluing tapestries. An important nuance, gluing the plasterboard material on the surface of the gypsum board, look at how the mice of sticking the boards to the gypsum board did not go away with the masses of sticking the tapestry canvases. For more details about those how to prepare gypsum cardboard before gluing the tapestries, read the following.

Mortgaging sticks in plasterboard

First, start before you start working, you need to take all the necessary tools. tse:

  • Three spatulas, one high, small, two great;
  • Nіzh budіvelniy;
  • A roller or brushes, you will not be able to get away with it;
  • Give yourself a hand, body parts (respirator, mittens);
  • Drabin;
  • Umnist, in which it is possible to replace the putty;
  • primer;
  • Stitch-serpyanka.

Before the front, it is necessary to look around the walls to see if the sticks of the plates are required in the front, where the droplets of the self-tapping screws are sufficiently stuck into the surface. If it is not considered, it is necessary to add additional support.

Yak correctly zntuvati the surface?

Preparation of gypsum cardboard for gluing tapestries is repaired with a primer. Tsey step є who are the best for all the cycle of robots. The preservation of the primer is not only due to the fact that the surface is visible, it is more important to pass the anti-fungal treatment for help, the color did not develop in the background. The primer is sprayed with a greater overheating of the putty from the surface. Most popular solutions will be able to fix the GKL-1 primer, or the only version of the acrylic primer.

Vikoristovuvati is required strictly according to the instructions, distributed by the virobnik on the product. Above all, shops can sell the warehouse in a package volume from 5 to 10 years. From the economic point of view, the concentrate will be larger in the future.

To cope with garnishing quality, it is necessary to apply the rosters with a maximally equal ball, and manually cure them with a brush. In the process of robotics, a special respect is given to those who are guilty of overlapping leaves, cuts, sticks to material.

After the completion of this stage, it will take 10-12 years for it to dry out.

Will the yak hit the sticks correctly?

For the whole zavdannya it is most common to pick up a serpyanka. There is a special line, as it is prepared from the flap for lavsan, the width of the її bushy, with a wigglyadom is similar to a medical bandage. The main feature of the polygonal stripe is that it will mask the sticking of sheets to gypsum cardboard, as well as other defects, which may be on the other side - rubbing, deformation, and waste. The best option is є the line from the sklovoloka.

Stick the line on the gypsum board simply, as the fibers of the lines are leaked from the warehouse. For greater reliability, PVA glue can be additionally fixed. Sticks between sheets of gypsum board need to be finished with a filler, retired, go over the seams with an emery paper in order to see all excess material. Vykonuyuchi zapovnennya seams with a spatula, the most manual trim and a spatula perpendicular, so it is easier to memorize all the basic stitching.

Turn the seam with a putty paint 2-3 times more, apply a new ball only if it dries out beforehand. Give respect to the girders in the gypsum cardboard, which have deprived the self. The famous cut can be modified with a perforated aluminum cut.

plastering plasterboard

Yak correctly putty the surface?

Vinikak is a reasonable food, for whom is the vitrahati hour and material, as well as gypsum plasterboard already rivny? But there are still reasons for the whole stage є, the stink is not tied up only with that, but the stinks are wrong.

The average period of cosmetic repairs in apartments is once every 3-5 years. As a rule, it’s decoratively bridging, and it’s about freshening up the view of the room. To take the obrobka from the wall to the edge only at once from the ball to the gypsum, means from the packing of the gypsum boards. Obviously, this option is absolutely not suitable. If you can get new tapes on top of the old people, but not the most beautiful option, especially if you want, the room has become more light colored, not even earlier, so the preparation of the gypsum board before gluing the trellis is necessary.

And one more nuance - if you want to cover the room with light tapestries without the front edge of the wall, then you can see the sticks across the edge of the piece, so that the room will be inaccurate.

That is why the people, who directed in the spheres of repair and improvement of the great dosvid, poured everything, to please vitality for an hour, they pressed on those who were too late. Tse will pay off in the future.

There are two types of putties for everybody. The significance of one field is in the fact that the main area of ​​the wall is mapped. I will call it the starting one. For additional repairs of other defects, it is a bit of a sum, I’ll call it financial.

The sum for the spaklyuvannya can be prepared independently, or I am ready to add it by vibrating from the assortment of wake-up shops. If you want the robot to be smashed, prepare one small spatula and two great ones, as well as a hand.

Putty and small spatula

With a small spatula, manually pick up the necessary amount of material from the body and transfer it to the great one. Razpodіlyati sumіsh on the wall manually with small strokes, can be in its own ordered instrument from 45 degrees right up to the wall. It is necessary to check the material so that the ball becomes close to 1-2 mm.

Use a small spatula to wipe and clean the great warehouse. Winning in the process of robots smogs on the walls from the material are not guilty of failing for the time being, the stench will be supplemented on the offensive stage for the additional shipment of the emery paper.

Putty putty putty in two balls. For the first ball on the ball of the starting putty, for the other ball on the sum of the finishing putty. The stage of the robot has been completed, now it is necessary to dry the surface, at the end there will be a need for one extra.

Axis deyakі korisnі please, as to help the viconati independently to the robot more yakіnо and uniqueness pardons:

Yak to rub the surface correctly?

For this, the putty dried out a bit, it is necessary to leave the surface. For a whole lot of vikorystyutsya emery papyr, coarse-grained for the main stage and fine-grained for additional details. The result is to blame for the surface with perfect smoothness.

In the process, you don’t get caught up and use a ball of filler with an emery paper down to the plasterboard, and you will have to fix all the steps of the robot.

Will the yak be the right visonati to re-coat?

Otrimanu on the previous stages, ideally equal to the surface, needs to be primed with additional primer. Methods for the fact that the glue for the tapestries got into the wall not so quickly and without getting it over the surface. It is especially respectful to the tsiogo stage, it is necessary to put, if you plan to cover the room with tapestries on the farbuvannya. A universal primer for the whole business.

Two are recommended. You can use a brush or a roller to use your own hands to corrode the primer. Viconannya primer with a brush for an hour, so as the difference between it does not stick in such numbers, like a roller. Whenever you see it, you can see it with a roller, and you can clean it up in front of it. Now all preparatory activities are completed and the wall is ready to be pasted on it decoratively.

Wrap tapes over the prepared walls simply and quickly. The entire process is complete. The glue is recommended to be suitable for the type of processing, which is suitable for the plan of sticking. Before Tim, how to start, it is necessary to see the whole thing drank, as it was overloaded from the previous stages. Іnkshe won the settlement on the wall and the brood.

If you plan to decorate the room with small tapestries, the date of preparation of the walls is also for paperwork. The gain is deprived of the fact that you should not cover the wall with thin tapestries, it is necessary to apply an emulsion farba with PVA glue added to it on the surface. The price is to reduce the hygroscopicity of the surface, to turn on the efficiency of testing the beaches on the wall.